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Where was SFTD from Love You Live recorded???
Posted by: bigfrankie ()
Date: July 10, 2006 02:35

Ok I just watched this from YouTube.

Street Fighting Man closes the show. Where was Sympathy for the Devil on LYL recorded?

Did they pull it from the US 75? It was not played in Paris in 76, right???

don't give me that ole one two, one two three four

Re: Where was SFTD from Love You Live recorded???
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: July 10, 2006 02:38

Los Angeles 9th July 1975

the sources for LYL are :

Around And Around
4th or 5th March 1977
El Mocambo, Toronto

Brown Sugar
6th June 1976
Les Abattoirs, Paris

Crackin' Up
4th or 5th March 1977
El Mocambo, Toronto

Fingerprint File
17th June 1975
Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto

5th June 1976
Les Abattoirs, Paris

Honky Tonk Women
5th June 1976
Les Abattoirs, Paris

Hot Stuff
6th June 1976
Les Abattoirs, Paris

If You Can't Rock Me/Get Off Of My Cloud
27th May 1976
Earls' Court, London

It's Only Rock 'n' Roll
17th June 1975
Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto

Jumpin' Jack Flash
6th June 1976
Les Abattoirs, Paris

Little Red Rooster
4th or 5th March 1977
El Mocambo, Toronto

Mannish Boy
4th or 5th March 1977
El Mocambo, Toronto

Star Star
6th June 1976
Les Abattoirs, Paris

Sympathy For The Devil
9th July 1975
Inglewood Forum, Los Angeles

Tumbling Dice
7th June 1976
Les Abattoirs, Paris

You Can't Always Get What You Want
7th June 1976
Les Abattoirs, Paris

You Gotta Move
5th June 1976
Les Abattoirs, Paris

The band intros are from the 5th March El Mocambo show (because Mick makes a reference to "the bottom pincher from last night" (ie the 4th March show), so I think most or all of the El Mocambo songs may be from the 2nd show

'Sympathy' was actually played on the '76 tour - but only at 4 of the 6 London shows. On the Tour of the Americas '75 it was only played at the 6 NYC and 5 LA shows

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2006-07-10 02:46 by Gazza.

Re: Where was SFTD from Love You Live recorded???
Posted by: nick ()
Date: July 10, 2006 04:42

Amazing how the question asked and the answer are 31 years apart to the day.

Re: Where was SFTD from Love You Live recorded???
Posted by: bigfrankie ()
Date: July 10, 2006 05:22

Thanks for the info Gazza. I wonder why The Stones didn't acknowledge London and LA on the album? It says recorded in Paris and Toronto.

Nobody would be any the wiser on If You Can't Rock Me/Get Off Of My Cloud. But SFTD wasn't played in Paris. The folks that attended those four PAris shows must haev been scratching their heads when the album came out.

I realize there are overdubs etc. but that's a big omission Paris vs LA.

I'm glad SFTD is on thier since I love that version- even better than YA YAs (I haev to admit!!!)

don't give me that ole one two, one two three four

Re: Where was SFTD from Love You Live recorded???
Date: July 10, 2006 05:27

Paris 1970 is the best version performance wise in my opinion.

Re: Where was SFTD from Love You Live recorded???
Posted by: loog droog ()
Date: July 10, 2006 08:01

If the Love You Live Sympathy for the Devil was recorded at the July 9th show you can add a guest star to the credits.

For the July 9-13 run at the Forum in '75 the Stones had no opening act.

The Forum was draped with banners that gave it sort of a Chinese New Year look. Some had the names of the band members plus the other musicians: Billy Preston, Ollie Brown, and even Ron Wood (listed in the program as a "guest" at that point.)

Also, there was one for "Ian Stuart" (sic)

Instead of an opening band, there was a group of what we would now call World Music percussionists. They did not play on stage (the one with the pedal shapes that opened up when the show started) They were on the floor, and they might have even paraded around. There was a real carnival/party vibe going on.

At any rate, at the end of the show, during the SFTD encore, the same bunch of players comes out on the stage in a sort of conga line--and there with them playing was KEITH MOON! He was laughing it up and having a great ol' time.

(I was sitting in the 3rd row center, and had a great view of the stage)

After the show, Moon was out on the floor, running around and clowing with some friends.

A year earlier I had seen him (and Harry Nilsson and Ringo) at the LA Premiere of "That'll Be the Day" at the Beverly Canon. I never got to see Lennon in person, and I've always been sorry about that.

Re: Where was SFTD from Love You Live recorded???
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: July 10, 2006 11:49

bigfrankie Wrote:
> Thanks for the info Gazza. I wonder why The Stones
> didn't acknowledge London and LA on the album? It
> says recorded in Paris and Toronto.
>yes, and as I recall, its listed as "1976/77", although there are 2 Toronto tracks from 1975

No idea why they gave the false info..but then again they did the same on YaYas and Got Live if you want it, as 'Love in vain' from Yayas comes from Baltimore and not MSG (as listed) and much of the GLIYWI live album comes from shows other than the Royal Albert Hall (a show which was aborted after a few numbers) and in 2 cases from studio recordings

But then maybe they thought that saying that the recordings came from Colston Hall, Bristol didnt sound quite as glamourous

Re: Where was SFTD from Love You Live recorded???
Posted by: Anderson ()
Date: July 10, 2006 18:06

Ya, and It's Only R'n'R is from Toronto in 1975(!) ie not from the 1977 club gig nor Paris in 1976. "...girl in Toronto".

Re: Where was SFTD from Love You Live recorded???
Posted by: vancouver ()
Date: July 10, 2006 19:19

by the way" GOT LIVE IF YOU WANT " lp i think it¨s running too fast ,,???

Re: Where was SFTD from Love You Live recorded???
Posted by: liddas ()
Date: July 10, 2006 19:31

loog droog Wrote:
> If the Love You Live Sympathy for the Devil was
> recorded at the July 9th show you can add a guest
> star to the credits.
> For the July 9-13 run at the Forum in '75 the
> Stones had no opening act.
> The Forum was draped with banners that gave it
> sort of a Chinese New Year look. Some had the
> names of the band members plus the other
> musicians: Billy Preston, Ollie Brown, and even
> Ron Wood (listed in the program as a "guest" at
> that point.)
> Also, there was one for "Ian Stuart" (sic)
> Instead of an opening band, there was a group of
> what we would now call World Music percussionists.
> They did not play on stage (the one with the
> pedal shapes that opened up when the show started)
> They were on the floor, and they might have even
> paraded around. There was a real carnival/party
> vibe going on.
> At any rate, at the end of the show, during the
> SFTD encore, the same bunch of players comes out
> on the stage in a sort of conga line--and there
> with them playing was KEITH MOON! He was laughing
> it up and having a great ol' time.
> (I was sitting in the 3rd row center, and had a
> great view of the stage)
> After the show, Moon was out on the floor, running
> around and clowing with some friends.
> A year earlier I had seen him (and Harry Nilsson
> and Ringo) at the LA Premiere of "That'll Be the
> Day" at the Beverly Canon. I never got to see
> Lennon in person, and I've always been sorry about
> that.



Re: Where was SFTD from Love You Live recorded???
Posted by: bigfrankie ()
Date: July 15, 2006 01:25

I submit that the 1975 tour should have been The Rolling Stones Rock & Roll Circus.................

The DVD "LA Blues" is from July 11, right. Is that the same bunch of conga line folks, minus Moonie?

don't give me that ole one two, one two three four

Re: Where was SFTD from Love You Live recorded???
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: July 15, 2006 01:44

Anderson Wrote:
> Ya, and It's Only R'n'R is from Toronto in 1975(!)
> ie not from the 1977 club gig nor Paris in 1976.
> "...girl in Toronto".

Fingerprint File is from Toronto 17.6.75 as well (with numerous chunks edited out). The song wasnt even played in 1976.

Re: Where was SFTD from Love You Live recorded???
Posted by: Mathijs ()
Date: July 15, 2006 01:48

From Nico Zentgraf:

Final cuts which made it on the Love You Live-album:
- Intro (Fanfare For The Common Man) -Paris 5.6.76, original
- Honky Tonk Women (MJ/KR) -Paris 5.6.76; reworked
- If You Can’t Rock Me-Get Off Of My Cloud (MJ/KR) -London 27.5.76; original
- Happy (MJ/KR) -Paris 5.6.76; reworked
- Hot Stuff (MJ/KR) -Paris 6.6.76; reworked
- Star Star (MJ/KR) -Paris 6.6.76; reworked
- Tumbling Dice (MJ/KR) -Paris 7.6.76; reworked
- Fingerprint File (MJ/KR) -Toronto 17.6.75; reworked
- You Gotta Move (Fred McDowell/Rev. Gary Davis) -Paris 5.6.76; original
- You Can’t Always Get What You Want (MJ/KR) -Paris 7.6.76; reworked
-Mannish Boy (McKinley Morganfield/Ellas McDaniel/Mel London) -Toronto
4. or 5.3.77; reworked
- Crackin’ Up (Ellas McDaniel) -Toronto 4. or 5.3.77; reworked
- Band introduction -Toronto 4.3.77; probably original
- Little Red Rooster (Willie Dixon) Toronto 4. or 5.3.77; reworked
- Around And Around (Chuck Berry) Toronto 4. or 5.3.77; reworked
- It’s Only Rock’n Roll (MJ/KR) Toronto 17.6.75; reworked
- Brown Sugar (MJ/KR) -Paris 6.6.76; reworked
- Jumping Jack Flash (MJ/KR) -Paris 6.6.76; reworked
- Sympathy For The Devil (MJ/KR) -Los Angeles 9.7.75; reworked

According to Keith Richards and engineers recording the El Mocambo shows, the first show was recorded but turned out horrible sounding. According to them, only material fr the second show could be used.

Note: the "tune your marimba's to that if you can" remark by Jagger is from The Hague, May 27, 1976.


Re: Where was SFTD from Love You Live recorded???
Posted by: bigfrankie ()
Date: July 15, 2006 02:16

Mathijs Wrote:
> >
> Note: the "tune your marimba's to that if you can"
> remark by Jagger is from The Hague, May 27, 1976.
> Mathijs

Thanks Mathis- I could never figure out what Mick was saying. To me it awlays sounded like "do your horrendous to that if you can" LOL

Now Tell me what Keef says on Four Flicks- I don't speaka that language......

don't give me that ole one two, one two three four

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