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Bye bye Spain
Posted by: SeNdEr ()
Date: June 28, 2006 00:16

Congratulations france!!!, great job, great football, we saw a great match today, better luck next time Spain you are great!

Re: Bye bye Spain
Posted by: stonefan ()
Date: June 28, 2006 00:27

yes I like it when there is a big tension !
the referee was good and the spirit was good too !

Re: Bye bye Spain
Posted by: StonesTod ()
Date: June 28, 2006 00:32

we really need to qualify these threads as OT or World Cup or something...I assume Spain was the latest casualty on the tour cancellation list.....

Re: Bye bye Spain
Posted by: valerie masters ()
Date: June 28, 2006 01:37

way to go France, unlucky to Spain, I would of rather seen them face Brazil,
they may of had a chance against Brazil, but this does not matter because
Argentina will thrash Brazil in the final, just like the Stones they can
thrash anybody in rock and roll!

bust another bottle!

Re: Bye bye Spain
Posted by: buffalo 81 ()
Date: June 28, 2006 01:46

so you said

sad, sad , sad day in españa now!!
Posted by: carlitosbaez ()
Date: June 28, 2006 02:01

very sad night here in spain now, all over the country is sad because we have been doing a great football during world cup, just read press all over the world, spain, germany and argentina till today the best teams, we had shot ahead in this championship, and history said france is our black beast, we lost 12 years the euro final, 2000 lost semifinal,lost first game champs elises, and lost some important games i dont remember now. the good thing, spain has the youngest players in germany and the future is great for us, its a petty dont see them against brazil, but be careful with zidane, makelele, henry team!!!they have shown today age is not important, like the stones!!!
muchas felicidades france from ESPAÑA!!!
tenerife,canary islands, SPAIN

Re: Bye bye Spain
Posted by: georgelicks ()
Date: June 28, 2006 02:04

Not a real surprise if we see the spanish history.

Re: Bye bye Spain
Posted by: stoned_in_dc ()
Date: June 28, 2006 03:03

i was surprised on a number of levels..

first of all it looked like men (france) against boys (spain)...the spanish were all small and looked like kids....

then i was surprised by thierry henry who pretended to get viciously elbowed by puyol and fell to the ground in an acting performance worthy of an oscar..i lost all respect for henry.... as i heard or read someone say "he's too great a player to need to resort to crap like that"..

france played far better i thought and imposed their tempo and class..their style..elegance is the word.... spain looked boring trying to attack..lacking ideas... but on the other hand it was 1-1 until the ref unfortunately bought henry's acting....

i think france would have won anyways..but as a soccer maniac its so disheartening to see ref after ref make mistake after mistake...

i've had it and this cup has me thinking we need a new solution...i don't know if its two refs on the replays or what... but something has to be done...

still credit zidane..he played great!

Re: Bye bye Spain
Posted by: otonneau ()
Date: June 28, 2006 03:20

Stones-in-DC, unfortunately I think you are completely right about Henry, I was very disappointed myself. What a cheap thing to do.
But, I also agree with all the rest: France played great!
Sorry, but........
....we've been following these blokes for years and years and love'em lots, so...


Brazil watch out, Zidane the Jedi is BACK and the Empire will fall, completing the 1998-2002-2006 trilogy!!!


Oui, bon... would have been nicer to win without this awful cheat...

Re: Bye bye Spain
Posted by: micwer ()
Date: June 28, 2006 03:29

That'll teach Aragones to make racist remarks on Henry.
Les Bleus are like old wine, they're getting better and better.

Re: Bye bye Spain
Posted by: stoned_in_dc ()
Date: June 28, 2006 03:37

you're right aragones should not have made THOSE remarks about henry and instead call him what everyone now knows he is: a low down lying cheat!!!!!!

henry showed today he is a piece of shit.... a dive or an exagerated fall is one thing but to pretend you have been elbowed by someone YOU have fouled is just too much for me to handle...

sadly for him i think he will find it was not worth it.. he will never live it down..

and i will add: he looked rather poor on the pitch many times did he run offside?? 10???

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2006-06-28 03:39 by stoned_in_dc.

Re: Bye bye Spain
Posted by: carlitosbaez ()
Date: June 28, 2006 03:43

be real and dont be a liar, Aragones is not racist, where did you read that, and where are you from by the way? I understand if you are french because you are always to be better than us in everything, but the real thing is french people like players as zidane, fernandez, etc, always, always, stay in spain for residency, why? happiness in spain, you dont have that in france, just boring country.
try to read more about what happened with Aragones and Reyes training, por favor tell the truth.
again congratulations to france for their great game, they knew how to stop the creativity of the spanish players,

Re: Bye bye Spain
Posted by: micwer ()
Date: June 28, 2006 10:37

carlitosbaez Wrote:
> micwer,
> be real and dont be a liar, Aragones is not
> racist, where did you read that, and where are you
> from by the way? I understand if you are french
> because you are always to be better than us in
> everything, but the real thing is french people
> like players as zidane, fernandez, etc, always,
> always, stay in spain for residency, why?
> happiness in spain, you dont have that in france,
> just boring country.
> try to read more about what happened with Aragones
> and Reyes training, por favor tell the truth.
> again congratulations to france for their great
> game, they knew how to stop the creativity of the
> spanish players,
> carlos

Don't be a liar??? Aragones' racist remark from last year was on all the media, how come you missed it? He called him a "shi*y black"!
Why a few French players stay for residency? I don't know, maybe fewer taxes (since teams are allowed to have crazy deficits), better teams or better quality of life - Spain is a beautiful country, no doubt about it.
"We" don't have to be better, why the generalization? France won, beautiful game. I'm sure Spain will have their turn one day.

Re: Bye bye Spain
Posted by: sluissie ()
Date: June 28, 2006 10:55

carlitosbaez Wrote:
> micwer,
> be real and dont be a liar, Aragones is not
> racist, where did you read that, and where are you
> from by the way? I understand if you are french
> because you are always to be better than us in
> everything, but the real thing is french people
> like players as zidane, fernandez, etc, always,
> always, stay in spain for residency, why?
> happiness in spain, you dont have that in france,
> just boring country.
> try to read more about what happened with Aragones
> and Reyes training, por favor tell the truth.
> again congratulations to france for their great
> game, they knew how to stop the creativity of the
> spanish players,
> carlos

I understand your anger, but it is true that Aragones has made racist remarks against Henry: "During a training session, a Spanish TV crew filmed Aragonés making offensive and racist references to Henry when trying to motivate Henry's teammate José Antonio Reyes." (Wikipedia) He said something like: tell that nigger you are better than he is. He only got fined 3000 euro's by the spanish association.

So, in my opinion, it is a racist remark. He's been an Ars*****

But that has nothing to do with yesterday. France deserved to win only based on the second half, Spain has played wonderful during the tournament. They really are way ahead on France on the road to Euro 2008. But that's no help for now.


Re: Bye bye Spain
Posted by: bruno ()
Date: June 28, 2006 11:31

THE SAME SHIT AS ALWAYS! (for us spaniards)

Some thoughts:

1.- Congratulations to France. They did their game and our boys didn't manage to impose ours.

2.- It's true that we played like boys while France played like men. In fact, Spain has one of the youngest teams in the World Cup, which leaves me with many mnay hopes for fututre tournaments. I'm sure any football fans here will agree that a team based on Cesc Fábregas (19 years old), Sergio Ramos (20), Alonso (22), Torres (22)and Xavi (24) has a promising future.

3.- Spain lost because we aren't Italy. I mean, Italy would never lose a game in which it goes ahead 1-0. If you have lose time and make some midfield fouls, bloody hell, make them!. Spain, as always, has lacked "Competitive Skils", that means, "Break the game if necesary (sp?).

4.- I don't agree the referee did a good job. Despite Henry's treat, which I reckon could have fooled any referee in the world, he didn't have big errors to move the score, but it was a very bad referee. I mean, how posible could the match yesterday end being the match with the higher number of fauls in the tournament (51!). Come on, there wasn't any bad or heavy tackle or fighting or anything!! He continuously broke the rhythm of the match. Not any big errors, but he didn't let the match run.

5.- Sluissie, Micwer: About Aragonés comments. If spanish is not your mother tongue, I'm not even going to lose more than one minute to explain that, at least in spanish, meanings can vary with the entonation you use. It's the same in english, where "Could you pass me the salt, please" means "could you pass me the salt, please" but "Could you pass me the salt, pleeeeeease" can mean "Move your f*cking arse and pass me the salt already, you f*cking arseh*le". Aragonés curriculum over the years has proven he's not a racist. It only happened that english tabloids like The Sun or The Daily Mirror did use that comment taken out of context to heat a Spain-England friendly.

[There'll be no wedding today...]

Re: Bye bye Spain
Posted by: OILY_DIPSTICK ()
Date: June 28, 2006 11:37

Oh StonesTod, c'mon..........


Re: Bye bye Spain
Posted by: liddas ()
Date: June 28, 2006 11:43

bruno Wrote:
> 3.- Spain lost because we aren't Italy. I mean,
> Italy would never lose a game in which it goes
> ahead 1-0.

Mmmm, Bruno, to be honest it happens quite often! Last time vs. France it hurt (finals of Euro 2000 - France 2 x 1 Italy, ahead 1 -0 lost after a golden goal ...)


Re: Bye bye Spain
Posted by: stonefan ()
Date: June 28, 2006 11:46


So why Aragonés has been fined 3000 euros ?

you seem to to be taking that with a real levity bruno. It's a bit sad.

What's more, I don't agree with you at all about the referee. I don't understand why you claim he was bad.

Ok Henri exxagerated the foul of a Spanish player.
And we could talk about the Spanish penalty. It was a bit generous in my opinion.

Re: Bye bye Spain
Posted by: JumpingKentFlash ()
Date: June 28, 2006 12:16

I was bored with the atch. I turned off the telly 10 minutes into the 2nd half. When it was done my dad said it was a great match, especially the 2nd half. And I missed it. Grrrrr.


Re: Bye bye Spain
Posted by: kaskatanas ()
Date: June 28, 2006 12:22

Bruno... good morning.... you see!?? We don´t have a team at all... and the problem is not than we aren´t Italy, the problem is than we don´t have good players how Italy... they don´t make a good football, right... but they know to WHAT play... and they do it well.... We never know to WHAT play and the worst, we don´t have good players....

Just of think than France could use to Diarra or Trezeguet, if the things go bad.... what´s we has?? Joaquin?? Reyes?? Laughs...

Is not problem of age too, we have old players too and we could choose old players too.... bah.. excuses, every 4 years, excuses...

Then, I should say than Aragones is not my cup of coffee at all, really I don´t have sympathy for him.... but all the problem with Henry, was absolotuly @#$%& by press.... Aragones don´t insult at Henry at all, in Spain we have this way of talk... I can be talking with friends or just in private chats, and say "shitty black" or "morom" or "you are a @#$%&" or "you are a bitchy", "you are a gay"...... lots of expressions than can seem insults but if they aren´t.... So, you need be in Spain, be spanish or at least understand very well the spanish culture and way of be, for judge this.... so, please.... NO JUDGE IT..... you can´t understand it!!!

regards from Spain.....

pd : What I don´t understand still is how Zizou can be so gentelman, if I was in his place, I dedicate the win to F. Torres....

Re: Bye bye Spain
Posted by: bruno ()
Date: June 28, 2006 12:40

Stonefan: I'm not pointing at Henry's fault, at first I myself would have pointed fault. I don't mean the referee affected the final result at all, France deserved to win because they played better, nonetheless. But IMHO he was bad for both the spaniards and for the french, looking at his overall work, not a certain faul.

What I'm trying to say that he was a bad referee in the terms that he did break the rhythm of the game by pointing way tooooo many fauls that were very "slight fauls". The game yesterday could have been way more fluid for both teams, which would have result in a better game to watch. If you had watched the game from a neutral point of view, it's hard to tell that the game yesterday, which was almost a gentlemen's game (without any hard or bad tackle or bad action) could end with more fauls than the Portugal-Holland game (where they almost began to break their legs and fight).

About the fine, well, perhaps the Spanish Association fined Aragonés to "keep the manners", after all the Spanish Association is ruled by a bunch of arseholes. Knowing Aragonés since a long time, and despite being a tasteless remark, I don't think he's racist. BUT I say this AFTER KNOWING HIM since a long time, so I understand that if you don't know him the comment should have taken him to retire. Rude and tasteless, but I don't think he's racist at all. OF COURSE I'm with you that the comment is unacceptable and he deserved the fine, which in fact should have been bigger. In any case, I'm not going to justify the comment.

The penalty was penalty.

Liddas: the difference it's you suffered that once, and we lose the same way each two years (EuroCup and World Cup)

[There'll be no wedding today...]

Re: Bye bye Spain
Posted by: bruno ()
Date: June 28, 2006 12:52

Kaskatanas, cabronazo!!! winking smiley

I don't agree. I've been following the spanish team since the 82 World Cup and this the FIRST time I know how the hell we are playing !! The times they are a-changing, LOL...

That's what I tried to say about how we talk here in Spain: we are a bunch of rude ars*hole b*stards!

[There'll be no wedding today...]

Re: Bye bye Spain
Posted by: stonefan ()
Date: June 28, 2006 12:56

Aragonés has the reputation of being rude, hasn't he ?

It's not me that says that, it's the press.

To me, it was a correct match played with a good spirit. It changes from other games we watched previously.

Now I know that there is a problem with referees in this WC.

I prefer to have a referee that stops the game when there is a foul instead of a one that lets things go worse.

Re: Bye bye Spain
Posted by: TooMuchAlcohol ()
Date: June 28, 2006 12:57

kaskatanas Wrote:
> Bruno... good morning.... you see!?? We don´t
> have a team at all... and the problem is not than
> we aren´t Italy, the problem is than we don´t have
> good players how Italy... they don´t make a good
> football, right... but they know to WHAT play...
> and they do it well.... We never know to WHAT
> play and the worst, we don´t have good
> players....
> Just of think than France could use to Diarra or
> Trezeguet, if the things go bad.... what´s we
> has?? Joaquin?? Reyes?? Laughs...
> Is not problem of age too, we have old players too
> and we could choose old players too.... bah..
> excuses, every 4 years, excuses...
> Then, I should say than Aragones is not my cup of
> coffee at all, really I don´t have sympathy for
> him.... but all the problem with Henry, was
> absolotuly @#$%& by press.... Aragones don´t
> insult at Henry at all, in Spain we have this way
> of talk... I can be talking with friends or just
> in private chats, and say "shitty black" or
> "morom" or "you are a @#$%&" or "you are a
> bitchy", "you are a gay"...... lots of
> expressions than can seem insults but if they
> aren´t.... So, you need be in Spain, be spanish
> or at least understand very well the spanish
> culture and way of be, for judge this.... so,
> please.... NO JUDGE IT..... you can´t understand
> it!!!
> regards from Spain.....
> pd : What I don´t understand still is how Zizou
> can be so gentelman, if I was in his place, I
> dedicate the win to F. Torres....

Are you seriously saying that Spain has no good player? Spain is full of excellent players ! Joaguin was absolutely great yesterday.

About match: I am soooo disappointed because Spain lost it, but I cannot say that wrong team won the match. France was little better, I think. They would win the match even without Henry's stupid acting anyway.

About Henry: what an ass###. He is one of the very few players I can honestly say that I don't respect at all. I can't wait the day when I don't have to see this arrogant bastard playing!

Re: Bye bye Spain
Posted by: stonefan ()
Date: June 28, 2006 12:59


insults are useless. It's not fair-play ! you behave like Aragonés.

Re: Bye bye Spain
Posted by: sluissie ()
Date: June 28, 2006 13:08

Hey Spaniards!!

If I am wrong about it, well, then I have to suppose Aragones did not say anything racist after all. Indeed I am not Spanish. But I am not convinced... Lets say it's 50-50%, with a slight intention to believe in the racist remark.

But I'm sure it is blown up in the press, as always. That's the way things work.


Re: Bye bye Spain
Posted by: stonefan ()
Date: June 28, 2006 13:14

I don't want to be unpleasant but Spanish supporters deserve to receive a yellow card for they booed the French anthem.

But I suppose it's probably nothing for you.

Re: Bye bye Spain
Posted by: TooMuchAlcohol ()
Date: June 28, 2006 13:21

stonefan Wrote:
> toomuchalkohol,
> insults are useless. It's not fair-play ! you
> behave like Aragonés.

Yes maybe I should use other words, but I was right about Henry. Am I? :-) :-)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2006-06-28 13:24 by TooMuchAlcohol.

Re: Bye bye Spain
Posted by: stonefan ()
Date: June 28, 2006 13:26

what do you reproach Henry ?

I admit sometimes he can look arrogant. But as you know, he plays in England which can explain that ! LOL !

Re: Bye Bye Spain
Posted by: bruno ()
Date: June 28, 2006 13:28

You are umpleasant, mate, indeed. (LOL! Just joking)

Yep, Stonefan. I have to agree with you. I watched the game in a friend's house and we commented that it was an embarrasing gesture from our supporters. A truly bad gesture from our side.

BTW, it makes me angry that, being a Real Madrid supporter, both Ronaldo and Zidane made their best games this year in the World Cup! Zizou even made his best game aginst Spain!!!. In any case, hats off to him, as he's the best football player in the last fifteen years at least.

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