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Ronnie back in rehab
Posted by: mandu ()
Date: June 14, 2006 06:54

just read in an email that ronnie is back in rehab,he checked himself in on the 13th of june
this info comes from
a spokesman did say that he should be fit an ready for the 1st night.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2006-06-14 10:39 by bv.

Re: just read that...
Posted by: ryanpow ()
Date: June 14, 2006 06:57

Ive heard in interviews that he goes to re hab between shows while hes on tour, so that may not be anything signifigant, that is to say, it doesn't necessarily mean hes fallen off the wagon.

Re: just read that...
Posted by: nick ()
Date: June 14, 2006 07:45

ryanpow Wrote:
> Ive heard in interviews that he goes to re hab
> between shows while hes on tour, so that may not
> be anything signifigant, that is to say, it
> doesn't necessarily mean hes fallen off the wagon.

That might not be a bad alternative. Have your fun, put yourself in check, Have fun, clean up, etc...

Re: just read that...
Posted by: turd ()
Date: June 14, 2006 09:57

"a spokesman did say that he should be fit an ready for the 1st night."
What a dumb comment - he's not a boiled egg, this clearly is a desporate situation that wont go away. He was never properly 'on the wagon' anyway. Here's Jo Woods take on the situation -

"RONNIE WOOD's wife JO is devastated by the ROLLING STONES star's drinking problem, and has had to attend counselling sessions to ease the strain.
The 51-year-old ex-model now refuses to get involved when the guitar hero hits the bottle, as she has realised there is nothing she can do about it.
But she doubts the START ME UP rocker will ever overcome his alcoholism.
She says, "Ronnie knows he's got a problem. He feels really bad about it.
"When he goes on one of his vodka benders, I just take a back seat. I think he'd rather I didn't go on at him about it.
"I used to get at him but now he is happier that I don't. That doesn't make him drink less but I can't spend my life feeling responsible.
"The children have witnessed it. His behaviour changes and he becomes irrational and that's hard for everyone.
"I used to get very upset, but I've been to counselling and I now understand that there's nothing I can do about it."

(source - [] )

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2006-06-14 10:03 by turd.

Re: just read that...
Posted by: Adrian-L ()
Date: June 14, 2006 10:11

reported in this mornings "Sun" newspaper (14 June):-

Stones Tour In New Crisis:-

The Rolling Stones tour has been thrown into crisis again after Ronnie Wood had to check into an alcohol rehab clinic last night.

The band had already delayed the start of the European leg of their Bigger Bang world tour to allow Keith Richards to recover from brain surgery.
The guitarist checked himself into The Priory in Roehampton, South London, yesterday- and not for the first time.
His last visit was in April 2005 when he spent time in the clinic before the Stones kicked off the current tour in America.

He managed to stay off the fags and booze for most of the US dates.But he fell off the wagon and was seen drinking at his 59TH birthday party this month.
The mulleted rocker downed loads of booze at London's trendy Sketch with wife Jo and snooker pal Ronnie O'Sullivan.

A pal revealed:-
"Ronnie has fought a long battle with drink. He managed to keep his boozing down to a minimum while the Stones were playing their US dates. The opening gig in Boston was the first time he had played sober and without a cigarette for years.But he has started drinking again over the last few weeks and it has got out of control.The stress of worrying about his mate Keith, has not helped".

Last night a spokesman for Ronnie said " he needs some rest but he will definetely be fit for the first night of the European tour"

Re: just read that...
Posted by: Baboon Bro ()
Date: June 14, 2006 10:31

Anyone believes he can stay sober along tours??
An alcoholist is always an alöcoholist, he or she cant just drink
a glass or two. Of course he's on rehab between tours.

Re: Ronnie back in rehab
Posted by: Adrian-L ()
Date: June 14, 2006 10:53

let's hope he can get himself fit and in shape.

Re: Ronnie back in rehab
Posted by: BornOnTheBayou ()
Date: June 14, 2006 11:10

If he's on a one or two week bender then hops back into rehab, that's actually a pretty good sign, IMO...

He wasn't on the bender long enough to really do damage, and he's back drying out in plenty of time for the opening night... whatever month that's scheduled for now.

but the press will have a field day with the whole thing...

My overall suggestion is just for these guys to ratchet it down a bit and conserve their health and energy. You can't be going on alcoholic benders and having brain surgery and recover as quickly in your 60's as you would in your 20's or 30's...

This kind of bad luck would stop alot of bands in their 20's for that matter.

Just slow down and connect with your true energy levels and things will be fine.

"It's just that demon life has got me in it's sway..."

Re: Ronnie back in rehab
Posted by: Baboon Bro ()
Date: June 14, 2006 11:12

I think its a bender from tour day one till its last day.
But he has been fighting this quite some time, sure he makes it.

Re: Ronnie back in rehab
Posted by: BornOnTheBayou ()
Date: June 14, 2006 11:15

Baboon Bro Wrote:
> I think its a bender from tour day one till its
> last day.
> But he has been fighting this quite some time,
> sure he makes it.

But in many interviews Ronnie looked pretty well together...

Remember that famous interview early in the tour... think it was filmed in Texas at 3AM for an early morning broadcast in Europe...

And Keith was just piss-faced drunk with a glass of pink bug-juice in his hand... Ronnie was remarkably sober.

"It's just that demon life has got me in it's sway..."

Re: Ronnie back in rehab
Posted by: retired_dog ()
Date: June 14, 2006 11:42

As much as I criticized his playing during the early stages of the tour, the more delighted I was that, as the tour progressed, he obviously was on his way to regain his former strength. By all acounts, he should be a happy man...he is a great musician, has a nice band, a nice wife, nice children...but alcoholism is no habit, it is a desease which often defies any logical or rational explanations. My greatest respect to Jo for the way she is dealing with this. All the best, Ronnie, I keep my fingers crossed for you.

Re: Ronnie back in rehab
Posted by: andy js ()
Date: June 14, 2006 11:46

i was told that Ron & Keef were completely 'out of it' for a week in Fiji before the so called tree accident

so i'm not surprised at all

Re: Ronnie back in rehab
Posted by: twanghound ()
Date: June 14, 2006 11:59

it is sad that he lost control again, but i know how easily one
can fall back in addictions.
i think it is a good signal that he checked into rehab relatively early.
best wishes, ron!
it must be incredibly hard for an alcoholic and former coke, crack and
whatever addict to be on tour with a band - with all that substances going around.
and to be a good friend of keith does not make things easier.
i could not stand it to be around that guy and try to stay clean. no way.
is keith still playing tennis and on his only-two-beer-a-day-diet?

Re: Ronnie back in rehab
Posted by: farawayeyes2 ()
Date: June 14, 2006 12:16

feel really sorry for him. Get well man!

Re: Ronnie back in rehab
Posted by: turd ()
Date: June 14, 2006 14:16

He's gone a long way down the alcoholic road, this is a very real, cruel desease. The rock and roll, on the road lifestyle must make it even harder for him to abstain from booze, as the two things go hand in hand.
He needs all the support he can get from the band - I wish him lots of luck, he will need it.

Re: Ronnie back in rehab
Posted by: Spud ()
Date: June 14, 2006 15:29

The impression I get is that Ronnie's sort of had it under control for a number of years now. He falls off the wagon for varying periods...but is essentially aware of the problem. It's like he's attached to wagon with long bungee chord. He can fall off... but not too far ;^)

Re: Ronnie back in rehab
Posted by: ohnonotyouagain ()
Date: June 14, 2006 16:31

I doubt he'll ever be able to stop drinking at this point, so I hope he can just keep it to a minimum and clean up whenever he gets too out of control.

Re: Ronnie back in rehab
Posted by: ChelseaDrugstore ()
Date: June 14, 2006 16:38

By no means does the "Have fun - get cleand up" ritual work in the long run. becasue the disease does NOT remain still. It's progressive. Every time it is time to go for the "Clean up" part again, it becomes harder, more serious and you have done more damage. I have heard Ron talk, very haltingly, about his alcoholism and about his detoxs. he IMHO doesn't sound at all convinced about cleaning up.
It has to be so much more of a challenge than we imagine. People like Ron Wood have meade their name and image by the bottle and the Marlboro. Ronnie Wood IS the guy with the cig dangling fro his lips and the everpresent glass. every photo opp and every party opp Ron is supposed to have the quip and one liners about how life is a gas, it is all one long party.
I know I sound too serious here, but in the end must be f*cking with his identity. he has his art, his guitar; but I wonder if he has let the juice take too much credit for what he has given.

" longer shall you trudge 'cross my peaceful mind."

Re: Ronnie back in rehab
Posted by: Elmo Lewis ()
Date: June 14, 2006 16:38

Hope they've cut down all the trees at the rehab. Get well, Woody (and Keef).

Re: Ronnie back in rehab
Posted by: stickydion ()
Date: June 14, 2006 16:58

Yeah, get well boys. We still need you!!!

Re: Ronnie back in rehab
Posted by: turd ()
Date: June 14, 2006 17:12

ChelseaDrugstore - you made some very good and valid points.
There is no 'cure' for alcoholism - I imagine it to be a living hell.
For sure Ron Wood is a victim of his own public image, but maybe also a tortured artist - never quite getting the recognition he deserves for his work.

Re: Ronnie back in rehab
Posted by: stoned_in_dc ()
Date: June 14, 2006 18:28

well we had the picture of him and keith leaning over their hotel room railing with keith having his arm around ron who looks wasted..

its like the article says.. ron wood was doing well while in the US but after that he started drinking again... and it just got heavier..

now its rehab time

Re: Ronnie back in rehab
Posted by: shidoobee ()
Date: June 14, 2006 19:33

This is really sad. People who feel all right don't become alcoholics. There are almost without exception emotional problems too. Som in order to stop drinking, maybe he should seek help for the real problem? Just want the best for him, because he's such a nice guy and we owe him a lot, for keeping the band together when MJ and KR were psssed off at eachother...

Re: Ronnie back in rehab
Posted by: Spud ()
Date: June 14, 2006 20:41

I don't think any body's trying to trivialise the problems. It's just that Ronnie Wood cleaning up in "rehab" for a couple of weeks is a fairly frequent occurrence these last ten years or so.

On at least one occasion it's been "...clean up or you're out of the band ! "

The worry is what will motivate him when the Stones do call it a day or become less active. They've been surprisingly prolific over recent years...with few extended breaks between either touring or recording. When the Stones are inactive...Ronnie hits the bottle.

Ronnie has used his art as a distraction too on occasion...but the only thing that really seems to motivate him to clean up is threats from Mick. [I'm assuming it's primarily Mick because Keith doesn't have so much room to citicise...he just manages to remain a bit more functional, regardless of what he does ! ]

It's a shame, for Ronnie and his family. Alcoholism is a struggle...but at least he recognises the issue and tries to tackle it.

Let's just wish him the strength to win.

Re: Ronnie back in rehab
Posted by: MCDDTLC ()
Date: June 14, 2006 21:26

I think Chelsea hit the nail on the head!!

Ronnie ain't getting any younger and I remember reading a few years ago some
Doctor told him his Liver is on it's last legs and he better cool it when it
comes to drinking... I don't like the sound of this and I wonder what he's
gonna sound like when they start back up in Europe???

Damn it Ronnie - smoke some WEED and stay away from the SAUCE!!!


Re: Ronnie back in rehab
Posted by: chriseganstar ()
Date: June 14, 2006 22:32

Maybe he's just being professional enough to realise that he can no longer get away with performing when he's been on the bottle too much. This rehab stint cannot do him any harm and could do him, and the band, one whole lot of good.

I've met him a couple of times and he really is the nicest, most courteous guy you could wish to meet. Tremendously talented as both a musician and artist, but like so many of them has his own demons to contend with. He'll have to live with it one way or another for the rest of his days and deserves all the support we can give him.


Re: Ronnie back in rehab
Posted by: SeNdEr ()
Date: June 15, 2006 00:04

one more, whos next? Charlie?....this is a shame.

Re: Ronnie back in rehab
Posted by: mttlacroix ()
Date: June 15, 2006 01:33

Spud Wrote:
> On at least one occasion it's been "...clean up or
> you're out of the band ! "

when was that?

Re: Ronnie back in rehab
Posted by: Jed Clever ()
Date: June 15, 2006 02:12


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2006-07-15 03:15 by Jed Clever.

Re: just read that...
Posted by: ryanpow ()
Date: June 15, 2006 03:33

nick Wrote:
> ryanpow Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Ive heard in interviews that he goes to re hab
> > between shows while hes on tour, so that may
> not
> > be anything signifigant, that is to say, it
> > doesn't necessarily mean hes fallen off the
> wagon.
> That might not be a bad alternative. Have your
> fun, put yourself in check, Have fun, clean up,
> etc...

What I meant was that he goes there for support. Like INSTEAD of drinking. who knows though, maybe he is drinking, but Im not familiar with this "Sun" news paper, and wouldn't just automatically assume theyre telling the truth.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2006-06-15 03:36 by ryanpow.

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