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Posted by: Little_Queenie ()
Date: June 1, 2006 21:44

Hi guys! To watch the video visit my website:

There's a link below the Menu chart (somewhere on the right, top).

If it doesn't work, try this (paste it in your browser): []

range">Little Queenie

If it's a slow song, we'll omit it
If it's a rocker, that'll get it
If it's good, she'll admit it
Come on queenie, lets get with it
Go go go, Little Queenie!

Posted by: Adams ()
Date: June 1, 2006 21:56

hmmm, a girl from Poland, cool. What city are You from, if it's not a too personal question?

Posted by: CindyC ()
Date: June 1, 2006 22:01

Uh-oh, now in addition to all the Jumping Jack Flash users, we have to start keeping track of the Little Queenies too.

Posted by: MicksBrain ()
Date: June 1, 2006 22:05

Whoa, LQ, that's some serious website !! Did you put that whole thing together? That is A LOT of work - very impressive...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2006-06-01 22:06 by MicksBrain.

Posted by: mickijaggeroo ()
Date: June 1, 2006 22:43

I get this when trying the above link:
Przykro nam, strona chwilowo nie dzia³a z powodu przekroczenia godzinnego limitu transferu.

BTW, how do you make your signature in different colors?

Nordic Stones Vikings

Posted by: Adams ()
Date: June 1, 2006 22:50

Przykro nam, strona chwilowo nie dzia³a z powodu przekroczenia godzinnego limitu transferu.

It means that an hour transfer limit has been used up.

Posted by: CindyC ()
Date: June 1, 2006 22:52

mickijaggeroo Wrote:
I get this when trying the above link: Przykro nam, strona chwilowo nie dzia³a z powodu przekroczenia godzinnego limitu transferu.

I think that was the name of my last cab driver.

Posted by: mickijaggeroo ()
Date: June 1, 2006 22:58

CindyC Wrote:
> mickijaggeroo Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> I get this when trying the above link: Przykro
> nam, strona chwilowo nie dzia³a z powodu
> przekroczenia godzinnego limitu transferu.
> I think that was the name of my last cab driver.

No it´s not his´s something else, but it can be cured with a heavy dose of penecillin.

Posted by: keefkid ()
Date: June 1, 2006 23:00

wow yea quite a website...i just wondering, where do some fans get all this time & energy & money to devote so much of their lives to the Stones???? i mean, i love them and all but... im fumbling and ah know my car dont lucky if i make it to work everyday...


Posted by: HalfNanker ()
Date: June 1, 2006 23:26

i love that clip, but the yous send it link was only the end. doesn anyone know of a full version out, which has everything, seems not to have it.

Posted by: Little_Queenie ()
Date: June 1, 2006 23:55

First, (to Adams) I'm from Wroclaw, I guess you're also from Poland, aren't you? smiling smiley

"Przykro nam, strona chwilowo nie dzia³a z powodu przekroczenia godzinnego limitu transferu" means that the site is temporarily overloaded smiling smiley Just for particular hour. (Oh, Adams explained it, so now I'm sure he's from Polandsmiling smiley))

I make my signature in different colours by using HTML, this way:
[color=orange/purple or any other you wish]your signature or part of it[/color]
If you want it bold - 'b' in []text[/b], change the size - [size=1 or more]text[/size], so and so forth...

Oh, making this site was [damn] annoying but finally I managed it... It was worth it. I will add there some rare songs or something... just when I have time. Thanks all for nice words smiling smiley


[size=12][color=orange][i][b]Little Queenie[/b][/i][/size][/color]

[size=10][i][b]If it's a slow song, we'll omit it
[color=purple]If it's a rocker, that'll get it[/color]
[color=gray]If it's good, she'll admit it[/color]
[color=purple]Come on queenie, lets get with it[/color]
Go go go, Little Queenie![/b][/i][/size]


Re: wroclaw?!
Posted by: with sssoul ()
Date: June 1, 2006 23:58

>> First, (to Adams) I'm from Wroclaw <<

yikes! to jakas epidemia :E

Keith, be well - all the way, baby, all the way

Re: VIDEO - MICK JAGGER &amp; MIKE MYERS (SNL) - link!!!
Posted by: Adams ()
Date: June 2, 2006 00:01

I'm from Sopot. One of my former bosses knows a girl from Wroclaw who's a big Stones fan, even managed to ge some autographs. Maybe it is Yousmiling smiley


Re: VIDEO - MICK JAGGER &amp; MIKE MYERS (SNL) - link!!!
Posted by: Adams ()
Date: June 2, 2006 00:01

or with sssoulsmiling smiley

Re: VIDEO - MICK JAGGER &amp; MIKE MYERS (SNL) - link!!!
Posted by: CindyC ()
Date: June 2, 2006 00:05

That's a beautiful picture of Mick on your signature too.

Re: VIDEO - MICK JAGGER &amp; MIKE MYERS (SNL) - link!!!
Posted by: Little_Queenie ()
Date: June 2, 2006 00:10

smiling smiley)) No prosze! smiling smiley))

To watch the video, use the link:
because my site is inaccessible at the moment...

When it works, comments in guest book also are welcome ;-)

range">Little Queenie

If it's a slow song, we'll omit it
If it's a rocker, that'll get it
If it's good, she'll admit it
Come on queenie, lets get with it
Go go go, Little Queenie!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2006-06-02 00:16 by Little_Queenie.

Re: VIDEO - MICK JAGGER &amp; MIKE MYERS (SNL) - link!!!
Posted by: Little_Queenie ()
Date: June 2, 2006 00:15

For sure, it is with sssoul with autographs, she's a quite famous Stones Fan in Poland smiling smiley See you in Warsaw (know when?). What tickets have you got? I bought me 2 FOS tickets (1cool smiley.

I love this picture, too smiling smiley I like the autograph on it.

range">Little Queenie

If it's a slow song, we'll omit it
If it's a rocker, that'll get it
If it's good, she'll admit it
Come on queenie, lets get with it
Go go go, Little Queenie!

Re: VIDEO - MICK JAGGER &amp; MIKE MYERS (SNL) - link!!!
Posted by: with sssoul ()
Date: June 2, 2006 00:22

>> For sure, it is with sssoul with autographs, she's a quite famous Stones Fan in Poland <<

LoFL! nope, it's Little Queenie with the autographs - gotta be!

Keith, be well - all the way, baby, all the way

Re: VIDEO - MICK JAGGER &amp; MIKE MYERS (SNL) - link!!!
Posted by: Adams ()
Date: June 2, 2006 00:59

Ok, maybe there is even somebody else in Wroclawsmiling smiley
I've got 1A, don't know if it happens though. I also have a ticket for Brno. I am now figuring out where else to go, I guess to Berlin.
And guess what, I hooked up with some guy from Wroclaw who wants to go toosmiling smiley. He's from another forum though.

Re: VIDEO - MICK JAGGER &amp; MIKE MYERS (SNL) - link!!!
Posted by: Little_Queenie ()
Date: June 2, 2006 02:42

Uhhmm, I'm wondering why people from Poland (I mean west P.) choose Brno instead of Berlin or... (Lipsk) - it's much closer! And the concert will certainly take place, The Stones have almost never cancelled a show but postponed. I hope it'll be pretty soon smiling smiley

Wpierw kupilam bilety na drugi sektor, bo tamte sie skonczyly (nie moglam sie namyslic i mam!) ale potem weszla druga pula na sektor pierwszy no i kupilam 2. A teraz mecze sie, zeby sprzedac juz jeden bilet na ten drugi sektor, ale dopoki nie pojdzie wiadomosc do publiki, ze koncert sie odbedzie i kiedy sie odbedzie, nie opchne tego biletu, nikt nie kupi. Stones are ruining my business! Be quick! smiling smiley)) W Pradze na miejscu sprzedalam bilet ale duzo taniej a taki Czech, co sprzedawal obok po normalnej cenie powiedzial cos w stylu 'tak se ne robi!' smiling smiley))

Naahh, I don't have autographs smiling smiley Though I wish I had!

range">Little Queenie

If it's a slow song, we'll omit it
If it's a rocker, that'll get it
If it's good, she'll admit it
Come on queenie, lets get with it
Go go go, Little Queenie!

Re: VIDEO - MICK JAGGER &amp; MIKE MYERS (SNL) - link!!!
Posted by: Adams ()
Date: June 2, 2006 09:23

Tickets for Brno are much cheaper than for Leipzig and Berlin, maybe that's the reason. Hotels are cheaper too. Anyway if it doesn't get cancelled/postponed I'm planning Berlin at the moment, Leipzig doesn't look too good. Are You going too if Warsaw is off?

Re: VIDEO - MICK JAGGER &amp; MIKE MYERS (SNL) - link!!!
Posted by: Little_Queenie ()
Date: June 2, 2006 12:56

Well, I think I'll have to, but I believe it will be in Warsaw.
Ale koszt przejazdu do Brna jest rownie wysoki wiec nie jestem pewna czy nie wyjdzie na to samo. Chyba ze ma sie kogos, z kim mozna jechac. I'll check what's the best way out. But I'd choose rather Berlin... I don't really know at the moment...

range">Little Queenie

If it's a slow song, we'll omit it
If it's a rocker, that'll get it
If it's good, she'll admit it
Come on queenie, lets get with it
Go go go, Little Queenie!

Re: VIDEO - MICK JAGGER &amp; MIKE MYERS (SNL) - link!!!
Posted by: Adams ()
Date: June 2, 2006 14:40

Brna tez przesuniete. Do brna z Wawy pociag 220 zl w obie strony. Mial byc tez organizowany wyjazd autokarowy z Wroclawia za 95 zl. Taniochasmiling smiley
No ale teraz tylko Berlin wchodzi w gre z miast lezacych najblizej.
Ale kurcze chcialbym jeszcze gdzies pojechac. Tylko wlasnie tez mam problem ze nie mam z kim dlatego ze samemu mieszkanie w hotelu itd rzeczywiscie strasznie drogo wychodzi

Re: VIDEO - MICK JAGGER &amp; MIKE MYERS (SNL) - link!!!
Posted by: Little_Queenie ()
Date: June 3, 2006 00:01

Ha! Jak ja jestem z Wroclawia, nie mowiac o tym, ze w tym czasie bede w Zielonej Gorze, to wyjazd do Berlina czy Lipska mnie prawnie NIC nie kosztuje smiling smiley)) A ja podruzuje na Stonesow razem z siostra i chyba wole samochodem - razem taniej + wygodniej smiling smiley Ale dziekuje za informacje - moze sie przydac, kto wie...? Jak jechalam do Pragi, to nie wynajmowalam hotelu, spedzilismy reszte nocy w samochodzie opowiadajac sobie smiling smiley)) Fakt, taki wyjazd w pojedynke to troche udreka pieniezna... Zablokowalam sobie mozliwosc jechania na inne koncerty kupnem 4 biletow do W-wy, w tym 2 niepotrzebnych... Moze sie jeszcze uda... Dam znac... Moze faktycznie lepiej do Brna... Tak duzo Polakow tam jedzie... Wiem, ze z Wroclawia firma Shortcut organizuje przejazd do Brna na Stonesow, czy z Warsawy nie ma czegos takiego?

range">Little Queenie

If it's a slow song, we'll omit it
If it's a rocker, that'll get it
If it's good, she'll admit it
Come on queenie, lets get with it
Go go go, Little Queenie!

Re: VIDEO - MICK JAGGER &amp; MIKE MYERS (SNL) - link!!!
Posted by: Adams ()
Date: June 3, 2006 11:48

W Berlinie tez nie bede nocowal. Ostatnio w Pradze nocowalem w akademiku za 30 zl za dobe ale bylem tam 5 dni, Lipsk jest definitywnie odwolany a Brno i Warszawa moze w przyszlym roku...sad smiley

Re: VIDEO - MICK JAGGER &amp; MIKE MYERS (SNL) - link!!!
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: June 3, 2006 12:08

Are there any guys in Wroclaw or is it just a village full of Stones chicks...?


Re: VIDEO - MICK JAGGER &amp; MIKE MYERS (SNL) - link!!!
Posted by: Adams ()
Date: June 3, 2006 12:36

That would be sooo coolsmiling smiley

Re: VIDEO - MICK JAGGER &amp;amp; MIKE MYERS (SNL) - link!!!
Posted by: Koen ()
Date: June 3, 2006 16:34

MicksBrain Wrote:
> Whoa, LQ, that's some serious website !! Did you
> put that whole thing together? That is A LOT of
> work - very impressive...

I'm not that impressed. I can hardly read the text on that background.

Re: VIDEO - MICK JAGGER &amp;amp;amp; MIKE MYERS (SNL) - link!!!
Posted by: Tekumseh ()
Date: June 3, 2006 17:16

Koen Wrote:
> MicksBrain Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> &gt; Whoa, LQ, that's some serious website !! Did
> you
> &gt; put that whole thing together? That is A LOT
> of
> &gt; work - very impressive...
> I'm not that impressed. I can hardly read the text
> on that background.
> --
> kind, over-fed rant

If you mark the text, you'll read it better.

A great websit, Little Queenie!

Re: VIDEO - MICK JAGGER &amp;amp;amp;amp; MIKE MYERS (SNL) - link!!!
Posted by: Hurriganes ()
Date: June 3, 2006 18:43

Yeah, great site!

Videoclip gave a good laugh. Have to say Mick was much better "Keith" than "Mick" was.

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