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The solution to all those CDs
Posted by: Whale ()
Date: May 2, 2006 06:45

Do you have that too, all those CDs lying around. 100s of them?
Right. I was getting annoyed by this. So yesterday I plundered my bank account and got myself a 60 Gb I pod. You can put a lot of music on that one. You no longer need to burn everything to CD. It's very very convenient.
Probably everybody had figured this out before I did, but still, if you didn't consider it. There's other brands too. I'm not affiliated with Apple. But it is so handy.

Re: The solution to all those CDs
Posted by: StonesTod ()
Date: May 2, 2006 06:52

ipod's are for wusses

Re: The solution to all those CDs
Posted by: CindyC ()
Date: May 2, 2006 07:01

Dumb ass, it's wooses! Actually, would that be like the plural of moose is still moose? Would woose follow the same rule?

Re: The solution to all those CDs
Posted by: Whale ()
Date: May 2, 2006 07:59

What's a woose?
If I annoyed somebody: OK, I am a geek probably, but now and then I just get completely excited by something new. A year ago it was gmail, now it's the big ipod.

Re: The solution to all those CDs
Posted by: nikkibong ()
Date: May 2, 2006 08:04

it's like a whale . . .

Re: The solution to all those CDs
Posted by: Doolittle ()
Date: May 2, 2006 11:28

Personally I'll keep my 100's of cds. I don't like the idea of losing my entire record collection down the back of someone's sofa!. Also- if your PC crashes (as mine did recently)- you could lose everything you currently have in your 'Itunes' library.

Re: The solution to all those CDs
Posted by: ChelseaDrugstore ()
Date: May 2, 2006 11:39

The whole idea of the I-POD is great IMO. To have mountains of cool music loaded on shuffle in your pocket at all times is so "Nu Millenium". But I love all those CD s lying around. The artwork...The one thing I hate about downloading music is that there is just the anonymous file that comes and goes.

" longer shall you trudge 'cross my peaceful mind."

Re: The solution to all those CDs
Posted by: Whale ()
Date: May 2, 2006 11:53

Finally somebody who agrees. Yes I keep all those CDs, though I feel that once CDs came around the whole album cover thing was largely lost.

Re: The solution to all those CDs
Posted by: nashville ()
Date: May 2, 2006 12:06

I bought a couple of those Sony 300 CD jukeboxes which you can daisychain together. Load the CD's - sick the cases in a cupboard and set the machines to continous play. You can also classify the collection into genres, bands etc


Re: The solution to all those CDs
Posted by: dj ()
Date: May 2, 2006 14:11

I love my iPod. There's something very cool about having 600 Stones songs on shuffle.

Re: The solution to all those CDs
Posted by: mickboy33 ()
Date: May 2, 2006 17:52

I love my ipod, too. But I'll never get rid of all my CDs!

I'd suggest buying an external hard drive to store all your music on. That way if your hard drive crashes, you'll have a back-up copy.

Re: The solution to all those CDs
Posted by: open-g ()
Date: May 2, 2006 17:52

Doolittle made the point.
Make sure you have backups!
Bad things can happen any day.
Like tripping over your neighbours stupid dog, your ipod takes off like a rocket and crashes down like a meteor. Lightning strikes your place and your PC goes up in smoke. Or, you're wearing the wrong shoes on the wrong carpet, static electricity kills your PC.
You might think this is very unlikely to happen - but then; truth is stranger than fiction.
A week ago, if anyone would have predicted that Keith is gonna fall out of a palm tree one day,
would have been called a fruitcake or worse.
So, make backups.

Re: The solution to all those CDs
Posted by: mr edward ()
Date: May 2, 2006 18:24

mickboy33 Wrote:
> I love my ipod, too. But I'll never get rid of all
> my CDs!
> I'd suggest buying an external hard drive to store
> all your music on. That way if your hard drive
> crashes, you'll have a back-up copy.

That's exactly what I plan to do. I gave up burning all those bootlegs on disc a few weeks ago. Too much storage space lost anyway. I'll stick to buying and collecting originals on cd, other music will be stored on a external hard drive. Including the artwork.

Re: The solution to all those CDs
Posted by: cbtaco19 ()
Date: May 2, 2006 18:24

mickboy33 Wrote:
> I love my ipod, too. But I'll never get rid of all
> my CDs!
> I'd suggest buying an external hard drive to store
> all your music on. That way if your hard drive
> crashes, you'll have a back-up copy.

I'm with you but furthermore, I suggest devoting an afternoon to backing up your 60 gigs of MP3's to data format DVD. Very simple to do and not at all time consuming.

Another good idea: I stopped by my friends house the other night to pick him up for a night out exploring new brewpubs and I brought a gift. I handed him 3 data DVD's containing approximately 18 GB's of MP3's that I had ripped from my CD's via iTunes. With just an hour or two of effort, I was able to share the cream of my CD collection with him.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2006-05-02 18:42 by cbtaco19.

Re: The solution to all those CDs
Posted by: mr edward ()
Date: May 2, 2006 18:27

That's a pretty cool idea. Gonna look into that!

Re: The solution to all those CDs
Posted by: ryanpow ()
Date: May 2, 2006 18:45

first of all, you can get an external hard drive, so if your computer crashes you can back up your music library. oh yeah someone already said that.

and B, who says you have to throw out your CDs after you put them on your computer? they dont incenorate once you save the music on your computer.

yes, you can have your cake AND eat it too.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2006-05-02 18:46 by ryanpow.

Re: The solution to all those CDs
Posted by: T&A ()
Date: May 2, 2006 18:46

ryanpow Wrote:
> computer.
> yes, you can have your cake AND eat it too.

could I have a beer chaser with that?

Re: The solution to all those CDs
Posted by: open-g ()
Date: May 2, 2006 18:56

Who is gonna guarantee that your external HD don't crash?
It might just drop of your desk.
I've had a fire at my place, a tv imploded and set whole place on fire. Didn't have a PC then but some vinyl melted away. Shit happens, remember.
It's a good idea to outsource your precious data to a friend, he'll gladly give it back to you if something bad happend.

oh, what kind of cake is it?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2006-05-02 18:58 by open-g.

Re: The solution to all those CDs
Posted by: ryanpow ()
Date: May 2, 2006 19:00

if theres a fire, then your CD's could get destroyed too. nothings TOTALLY safe.

giving your data to a freined is a good idea.

Re: The solution to all those CDs
Posted by: ryanpow ()
Date: May 2, 2006 19:03

its an entemamen's coffe cake by the way.

Re: The solution to all those CDs
Posted by: open-g ()
Date: May 2, 2006 19:07

entemamen's coffe cake never heard of, but I'll try a piece if I may?

Let's call out Backup-day

Data Backup that is winking smiley

Re: The solution to all those CDs
Posted by: T&A ()
Date: May 2, 2006 19:12

is that your "big boy?"

Re: The solution to all those CDs
Posted by: open-g ()
Date: May 2, 2006 19:21

T&A Wrote:
> is that your "big boy?"

??? I don't get it, sry.

Re: The solution to all those CDs
Posted by: T&A ()
Date: May 2, 2006 19:25

actually I think I have my Seinfeld bakeries mixed up. Drake's coffee cake is what I was thinking of....oh, well, it was really only the beer chaser that piqued my interest. I'm off baked goods right now. In training.

Re: The solution to all those CDs
Posted by: stoned_in_dc ()
Date: May 2, 2006 19:34

lp's are what i love most

when the record industry got people to largely junk their lps and buy cds for double the cost they pulled a number (i wish i had been older then to take advantage and stock up)

now they are getting people to give up their cds and replace them with nothing tangible: mp3s.. with WORSE Sound quality usually..

ipods and portable mp3 players have their doubt...(although why people like the shuffle concept is beyond me.. i like to control what i listen to!)

but nothing is as great as putting "sticky fingers" on the turntable..looking at the lp cover..etc..

having said that i have about 300 gb of mp3s stored on dvdrs waiting for the day i buy a 1 terrabyte hard drive.... have mp3d my entire 1400 cd collection and sold the cds....

why? i've replaced most cds with the original lps which i think is where its at..

only drawback to lps is the space issue and i have to keep most of them downstairs...

but no mp3 will ever be as great as spinning the original john coltrane blue train blue note lp...

Re: The solution to all those CDs
Posted by: cc ()
Date: May 2, 2006 19:55

ipods have crap sound. The files are compressed. If you ripped all your CDs to your ipod, you'd lose a LOT of data.

Re: The solution to all those CDs
Posted by: Baboon Bro ()
Date: May 2, 2006 20:05

CC; thats just theory.
I use to borrow three of my kids mp3:s and they ROCK!
If ya wear one of demma Huge headphones with extra
woofers you'd swear you had a big spliff before ya walked to work.
But you need to have Tosh, Toots, Black Uhuru, Marley
and/or Sly & Robbie in da phones.

Re: The solution to all those CDs
Posted by: stoned_in_dc ()
Date: May 2, 2006 20:25

well actually its a FACT that mp3s are
1. compressed
2. not the best format
3. depending on wether you compress at 128 up to 320 you lose a lot..i have a friend who compressed a ton of files at 64 to save hard drive space..i told him "these are useless"..he got all offended and would not believe me..i could not believe he could not tell how bad the sound wa..

i think if a person compresses at 320 you don't lose that much but people rarely do this...

i don't care if its peter tosh or how stoned you are.. if you are compressing them at 128 you are losing part of the song...

Re: The solution to all those CDs
Posted by: Baboon Bro ()
Date: May 2, 2006 20:28

Oh no not this again.
We all know things are lost.
But not all of us cares too much.

And other parameters influence the listening.

Re: The solution to all those CDs
Posted by: stoned_in_dc ()
Date: May 2, 2006 20:33

baboon bro
hey listen if there is a rollign stones concert i don't have and someone posts it at 128 kbps i don't care that much cause i didn't have it to begin with

but you wrote "CC; thats just a theory"

i understood you were writing that about sound loss..

and i'm just pointing out its not

of course some people don't care if the music does not sound as good .. i understand that and to each his own..

but lets call a spade a spade: MP3s are usually of worse sonic quality than the CDs and far worse than LPs..

thats biggie..not the end of the world..but when people start raving about their IPODs i think they should be aware of this reality.. some honestly are not! otherwise we have a repeat of the 80s and 90s with eveyrone throwing away perfectly great sounding vinyl because they thought cds sounded better when it was absolute rubbish (generally lps without scratches sound better than the cds and definetly the early CDs sounded like crap)

enjoy the music is what i say!

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