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OT: Allman Brothers Beacon Update (.001% Stones content) . . .
Posted by: electric-duane ()
Date: March 14, 2006 14:19

Setlist for last night:

Allman Brothers Band
Beacon Theater
March 13th, 2006

First Set:

Statesboro Blues
Done Somebody Wrong
Stormy Monday
You Don't Love Me>
Hot 'Lanta
Liz Reed
Whipping Post

Second Set:

Mountain Jam
Woman Across The River
*Come And Go Blues
*The Sky Is Crying

The Weight@

* W/ Chuck Leavell
@ W/ Susan Tedeschi

Yesterday was the 35th anniversary of the release of "At Fillmore East," the first ABB live album which some call the greatest live album of all time. Take note that set one is the entire Fillmore Album.

What a great run this has started out being

Re: OT: Allman Brothers Beacon Update (.001% Stones content) . . .
Posted by: ablett ()
Date: March 14, 2006 14:49

I got the album and can't get on with it...... long over indulgent guitar solos. The shorter stuff rocks though.

Re: OT: Allman Brothers Beacon Update (.001% Stones content) . . .
Posted by: Elmo Lewis ()
Date: March 14, 2006 15:09

Jessica is not the same without Chuck. Glad he played this show.

Re: OT: Allman Brothers Beacon Update (.001% Stones content) . . .
Posted by: ddurando150 ()
Date: March 14, 2006 16:18

went to saturdays ahow and waiting for next monday for my 2nd show this beacon run. allmans played heart of stone 2 years ago . come on greg bring it back

Re: OT: Allman Brothers Beacon Update (.001% Stones content) . . .
Posted by: T&A ()
Date: March 14, 2006 17:24

Live at the Fillmore East still sounds as fresh today (just listened to it over the weekend) as the day it came out. I love this band....and this is another good band that has changed personnel to the poin where some might argue how can they call themselves the Allman Brothers Band anymore? Just go and you'll see why.

I just don't get their argument/policy about electronic distribution....

Re: OT: Allman Brothers Beacon Update (.001% Stones content) . . .
Posted by: tat2you ()
Date: March 14, 2006 20:08

i aqgree....they are not the same...w out dicky!!

Re: OT: Allman Brothers Beacon Update (.001% Stones content) . . .
Posted by: Ross ()
Date: March 14, 2006 20:41

tat2you Wrote:
> i aqgree....they are not the same...w out
> dicky!!

I agree also! The shows I have seen with the current lineup were WAY better than the last couple I saw with Dickey! Not the same indeed!


Re: OT: Allman Brothers Beacon Update (.001% Stones content) . . .
Posted by: tat2you ()
Date: March 14, 2006 20:47

Ross Wrote:
> tat2you Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > i aqgree....they are not the same...w out
> > dicky!!
> I agree also! The shows I have seen with the
> current lineup were WAY better than the last
> couple I saw with Dickey! Not the same indeed!
> Ross

cool..i am glad u have had a good time.....born a ramblin man!!

Re: OT: Allman Brothers Beacon Update (.001% Stones content) . . .
Posted by: Elmo Lewis ()
Date: March 14, 2006 20:53

First time I saw the band (1975 in Macon), Gregg was so coked out. Dickie stole the show. Burnin', perfect leads! Excellent. Shame drugs have taken their toll on him.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2006-03-14 20:59 by Elmo Lewis.

Re: OT: Allman Brothers Beacon Update (.001% Stones content) . . .
Posted by: john r ()
Date: March 14, 2006 20:58

I think "Idlewild South" is a classic ABB studio album, Gregg was at his peak as a songwriter. "Eat A Peach" was a big favorite of mine as a kid - I preferred the lp, for the way Mountain Jam was broken up between sides 2 and 4 (you get a side of songs in between, then pick up where you'd left off 20 minutes ago!) and the marvelous cover art. I miss Duane a lot, he added so much to Layla (among other classics), & I just noticed again what a superb player he was when I played Wilson Pickett's "Hey Jude" LP the other day.

Re: OT: Allman Brothers Beacon Update (.001% Stones content) . . .
Posted by: T&A ()
Date: March 14, 2006 21:01

When Warren arrived on the scene 15 years ago it finally helped to take some of the sting of losing Duane...when Derek came into his own a few years back, I think we have pretty much rebounded entirely. the Warren/Duane combo is as strong, IMO, as the Dickie/Duane one was 35 years ago. That's sayin' somethin'.....

Re: OT: Allman Brothers Beacon Update (.001% Stones content) . . .
Posted by: Ross ()
Date: March 14, 2006 23:53

T&A Wrote:
the Warren/Duane combo is as strong,
> IMO, as the Dickie/Duane one was 35 years ago.
> That's sayin' somethin'.....

I am sure you meant Warren/Derek...and you are absolutely right! I saw some really good post Duane shows with Dickey, but this band is completely rejuvinated with Derek. I do miss Dickey, but he really seemed to be in decline the last time I saw him.

I'm digging Derek's new album, and his upcoming stint with Clapton should be interesting!


Re: OT: Allman Brothers Beacon Update (.001% Stones content) . . .
Posted by: T&A ()
Date: March 15, 2006 00:24

haven't bought the new Trucks yet - intend to, though. How's the new singer?

Re: OT: Allman Brothers Beacon Update (.001% Stones content) . . .
Posted by: electric-duane ()
Date: March 15, 2006 00:38

I first got in to the ABB in 1996 when I was about 17 or so (the last year Warren and Allen were in the band). My first show was the Columbus show. Statesboro opened and Whipping Post closed. I'll never forget it.

I - like most - love Dickey Betts. He and his music was what turned me on to the ABB in the first place as I'm more in to country rock than blues rock. Blue Sky is probably my all time favorite ABB song other than say some of the versions of High Falls they did with Jack Pearson in the band.

It's not a good comparison but, Dickey was a lot like Ronnie. On a good night he's really smokin' and on a bad night he's really stinkin.' It's been said that Dickey was responsible for a lot of the friction in the band and more or less destroyed the creativity inside the band. I can believe it. Betts left in 2000 and the ABB released their first studio album in nine years just a couple years afterwards. Listen to their live shows and look at their setlists. Did we ever really think we were going to get another Mountain Jam or Wasted Words?

I've seen the ABB with and without Dickey and I've seen Dickey with and without the ABB. The ABB without Dickey have - in comparison to their high moments - a low moment (or a bum note) but never an off night. Dickey has many off nights and just couldn't keep up with the new blood. He's also a mean drunk and has known to be violent at times (ie. hitting his wife). I had casual contact to Alan Woody before he passed away and he didn't really have a positive word to say about Dickey as a person.

Oh well, I know I'm excited and I can't wait to hear tapes of these shows.

Take care everyone!

electric duane

Re: OT: Allman Brothers Beacon Update (.001% Stones content) . . .
Posted by: T&A ()
Date: March 15, 2006 00:43

having said that, Dickey's solo album of a few years back is pretty damned good...terrible production, though.

Re: OT: Allman Brothers Beacon Update (.001% Stones content) . . .
Posted by: ohnonotyouagain ()
Date: March 15, 2006 01:34

electric-duane Wrote:
> I've seen the ABB with and without Dickey and I've
> seen Dickey with and without the ABB. The ABB
> without Dickey have - in comparison to their high
> moments - a low moment (or a bum note) but never
> an off night. Dickey has many off nights and just
> couldn't keep up with the new blood. He's also a
> mean drunk and has known to be violent at times
> (ie. hitting his wife). I had casual contact to
> Alan Woody before he passed away and he didn't
> really have a positive word to say about Dickey as
> a person.

It sounds like the lesson is, if you're going to lose your chops it helps to be a nice guy. They could put up with him when he was an @#$%& but a great guitarist, and if he'd been a nice guy but slipped some they'd have probably kept him, but the combination of him being a dick and losing some ability did him in.

That's the great thing about Ronnie, even when he @#$%& up it's hard to really hold it against him because he's so likeable. If he wasn't such a nice guy they probably would have kicked him out years ago during one of his many struggles with substance abuse. But I'm glad they didn't and glad he has cleaned himself up!

Re: OT: Allman Brothers Beacon Update (.001% Stones content) . . .
Posted by: T&A ()
Date: March 15, 2006 01:42

you make some good point, onnya - but clearly you didn't get the IORR memo whereby it's been apparently proven that Ronnie doesn't @#$%&-up....

Re: OT: Allman Brothers Beacon Update (.001% Stones content) . . .
Posted by: ohnonotyouagain ()
Date: March 15, 2006 01:57

I'm sure a refresher memo is being drafted as we speak.

Re: OT: Allman Brothers Beacon Update (.001% Stones content) . . .
Posted by: Elmo Lewis ()
Date: March 15, 2006 04:14

Me & ohno offer sarcasm as one of our many services!smiling smiley

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