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Re: The Greatest Rock N Roll Band
Posted by: lynn1 ()
Date: January 8, 2006 23:18

What an incredibly low-life must be such a tough guy

Re: The Greatest Rock N Roll Band
Posted by: humanriff77 ()
Date: January 8, 2006 23:31

U2 please go away, irrelevant,boring, nothing,buy a Joy Division album tasteless people.

Re: The Greatest Rock N Roll Band
Posted by: Leonard Keringer ()
Date: January 8, 2006 23:54

lynn1 Wrote:
> What an incredibly low-life must
> be such a tough guy

my wife thinks i'm an intellectual pussycat

Re: The Greatest Rock N Roll Band
Posted by: lynn1 ()
Date: January 8, 2006 23:58

was not directed at you---some other previous message related to what I might have done while listening to some other music....I am sure your wife is quite "Lucky in Love"

Re: The Greatest Rock N Roll Band
Posted by: Leonard Keringer ()
Date: January 9, 2006 00:04

lynn1 Wrote:
> was not directed at you---some other previous
> message related to what I might have done while
> listening to some other music....I am sure your
> wife is quite "Lucky in Love"

ok time to "chow down"... i'm starving smiling smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2006-01-09 00:07 by Leonard Keringer.

Re: The Greatest Rock N Roll Band
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: January 9, 2006 00:23

Rickster Wrote:
> Gee U2 started there tour alot earlier then the
> Stones and the Stones still grossed more money
> just goes to prove that is, better then the Stones
> nor will anyone ever be.


Re: The Greatest Rock N Roll Band
Posted by: Rickster ()
Date: January 9, 2006 04:57

Sorry about the mistake I fixed my post so it makes sense now.

Re: The Greatest Rock N Roll Band
Posted by: Baboon Bro ()
Date: January 9, 2006 10:59

Gazza Wrote:
> what the hell has concert grosses got to do with
> being the greatest rock n roll band in the world?
> Is that the height of some Stones' fans' ambition
> these days?

Yeah then such acts as Frankie Goes To Hollywood
& David Cassidy (Robbie Williams?) would be the toppers.

Or as we say where I live:
500,000,000,000,000 flies cant be wrong - eat crap!

Re: The Greatest Rock N Roll Band
Posted by: WAYNEPA ()
Date: January 10, 2006 00:31

I saw U2 12 times this tour...very disappointed. 1st U2 Tour I can say that about. I think there is more excitement when Keith strolls to the front of the stage on whatever the opening song is, then anything U2 does all night. Just my opinion.

Re: The Greatest Rock N Roll Band
Posted by: cc ()
Date: January 10, 2006 00:55

What? You were disappointed, yet saw them 12 times?

Re: The Greatest Rock N Roll Band
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: January 10, 2006 01:14

Rickster Wrote:
> Gee U2 started there tour alot earlier then the
> Stones and the Stones still grossed more money
> just goes to prove there is no one, better then
> the Stones nor will anyone ever be.
> Edited 1 times. Last edit at 01/09/06 04:55 by
> Rickster.

no, it simply proves that one band makes more money or sells more tickets than another.

They are undeniably the greatest band of all time but thats because of a different reason entirely - their music

Concert grosses arent a barometer of how great your music is

Re: The Greatest Rock N Roll Band
Posted by: ROADRUNNER ()
Date: January 10, 2006 02:27

Please.... Can't you stop making comparisons with U2 and others? it's absurd. Let's talk about music, sound, art, feeling... and not $$$$, or go to other forum.

Re: The Greatest Rock N Roll Band
Posted by: filstan ()
Date: January 10, 2006 06:50

I think Keith said it once that any number of bands could win the title each day. NO band is hot every time they hit the stage. The best ones deliver solid more often then not a larger percentage of the time. Also consider what sounds rocking to me might not mean much to someone else. The Stones deserve great respect because over the years they have proved to people all over the world that they CAN rock it up, and have delivered quality performances for over 40 years. They have a signature sound that still gets me stirred up. However, some nights like any band they are not knock down killer great. Unless you know them well by seeing them play over a long period of time most would agree they still can get down with the best of em.

Re: The Greatest Rock N Roll Band
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: January 10, 2006 15:05

Good post, filstan

Re: The Greatest Rock N Roll Band
Posted by: jagger50 ()
Date: January 10, 2006 16:29

We had all this in the 60's with the Beatles and the Stones.There is nothing to compare.As far as tours go the Stones set the standard.It was them who got the juggernaunt tours rolling around the world in the first place.If there were no Stones there would be a different sounding U2.I just watched a U2 recorded show herein Copenhagen and nearly fell asleep.When I watch a Stones show I feel more alive than ever.Anyway let's enjoy the music.

Re: The Greatest Rock N Roll Band
Posted by: tussler ()
Date: January 10, 2006 20:39

Some days it`s King Crimson, some days it`s Gouverment Mule, Another days it`s GN`R or Motorpsycho etc.. But I always get back to Stones. There is no doubt in my mind that the Stones are greatest.

Re: The Greatest Rock N Roll Band
Posted by: atip ()
Date: January 10, 2006 20:44

jagger50, shouldn't that be "jAggernaut"? :-)

Re: The Greatest Rock N Roll Band
Posted by: jagger50 ()
Date: January 10, 2006 21:17

Hi tussler, quite agree. Outside the Stones concerts the greatest concert I've been to was GnR at Wembley in 1992.But the Stones always really do it for me.Saw the Stones in 2003 at Wembley Arena. I'm still recovering.

Re: The Greatest Rock N Roll Band
Posted by: jagger50 ()
Date: January 10, 2006 21:25

Hi atip, you have a good point.

Re: The Greatest Rock N Roll Band
Posted by: stoneMe ()
Date: January 10, 2006 21:34

Stones Score 2005's Top Tour

It started off slow but thanks to a strong final two quarters, 2005 proved to be another record year for gross ticket sales revenues in the concert business.
Pollstar estimates that revenues for all major North American concerts increased to $3.1 billion, up from $2.8 billion in 2004.
Total tickets sold, however, continued a downward trend while average ticket prices continued to rise. The Top 100 touring artists sold a combined 36.1 million tickets as compared to $37.6 million in 2004.
The average ticket price for the Top 100 tours increased to a record $57.00, up sharply over last year's $52.39.
Ticket price had everything to do with the rankings. The Rolling Stones took the No. 1 position with 42 shows in North America, while Green Day - which had a monster year in 2005 - played 68 dates and wound up in the No. 12 slot. How did that happen? The Stones' average ticket price was $133.98; Green Day's average was $38.07.
And if you're wondering how U2 could play 78 concerts, charge a pretty steep ticket price and still wind up at No. 2; keep in mind that while the Stones had only 42 dates, some of those where in huge stadiums. U2 stuck to arenas this time around.
Meanwhile, if you're Celine Dion, the audience comes to you. Las Vegas' resident diva didn't even have to leave town to make $81.3 million. All her shows took place at The Colosseum at Caesars Palace.
OK, enough with the yacking, let's get to the numbers. Here are the Top 20 Touring Artists of 2005. The first dollar amount is the total gross is in millions of U.S. dollars for all dates worked in North America. The second dollar amount is the artists' average ticket price.

1. The Rolling Stones $162.0 / $133.98

2. U2 $138.9 / $96.92

3. Celine Dion $81.3 / $136.04

4. Paul McCartney $77.3 / $135.46

5. Eagles $76.8 / $104.17

6. Elton John $65.8 / $102.46

7. Kenny Chesney $61.8 / $54.63

8. Dave Matthews Band $57.0 / $47.09

9. Neil Diamond $47.3 / $63.02

10. Jimmy Buffett $41.0 / $76.49

11. Mötley Crüe $39.9 / $46.48

12. Green Day $34.8 / $38.07

13. Toby Keith $31.6 / $46.11

14. Rascal Flatts $28.2 / $34.92

15. Bruce Springsteen $26.3 / $81.00

16. Gwen Stefani $24.2 / $54.46

17. Coldplay $24.1 / $40.80

18. Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers $23.6 / $38.05

19. Barry Manilow $22.7 / $153.93

20. "Anger Management Tour" $21.6 / $64.03

Ever Danced with a One Legged Woman?

Re: The Greatest Rock N Roll Band
Posted by: Ged Rambler ()
Date: January 10, 2006 21:56

Stones will never be moved from the top spot by anybody.

When they do pack up,the crown will be handed to Bruce - he's the only one who comes close.

Re: The Greatest Rock N Roll Band
Posted by: tat2you ()
Date: January 10, 2006 22:02

U2 did like the cover of ruby tuesday .......

Re: The Greatest Rock N Roll Band
Posted by: rooster ()
Date: January 10, 2006 22:31

Its so crazy you know,Its still going and its childish to compare,what a drag!!!Its not even u2 but your ,comparing I get sick off!You want Bono singing IOLRR With them,well it happpened and it was the ony r&r tune he ever did!They (u2)are so much younger.Think about it,26 years ago,it was just the same(then it was kiss).Hes a good singer ,in a bad band,it just wont rock!!!and when they did meant something(they did)it aint and never will be R&R,period.

Re: The Greatest Rock N Roll Band
Posted by: Leonard Keringer ()
Date: January 10, 2006 22:41

here's some other greatest bands: New York Dolls $238.00/$15.00......Iggy & the Stooges $457.83/$18.00.....The Ramones $2000.49/$20.00...........oh shit!!!....they cant be any good...they didn't make enough money.........please note...these are NOT millions...just regular chump-change for the average Joe

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2006-01-10 23:02 by Leonard Keringer.

Re: The Greatest Rock N Roll Band
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: January 10, 2006 23:12

stoneMe Wrote:
> 1. The Rolling Stones $162.0 / $133.98
> 2. U2 $138.9 / $96.92
> 3. Celine Dion $81.3 / $136.04
> 4. Paul McCartney $77.3 / $135.46
> 5. Eagles $76.8 / $104.17
> 6. Elton John $65.8 / $102.46
> 7. Kenny Chesney $61.8 / $54.63
> 8. Dave Matthews Band $57.0 / $47.09
> 9. Neil Diamond $47.3 / $63.02
> 10. Jimmy Buffett $41.0 / $76.49
> 11. Mötley Crüe $39.9 / $46.48
> 12. Green Day $34.8 / $38.07
> 13. Toby Keith $31.6 / $46.11
> 14. Rascal Flatts $28.2 / $34.92
> 15. Bruce Springsteen $26.3 / $81.00
> 16. Gwen Stefani $24.2 / $54.46
> 17. Coldplay $24.1 / $40.80
> 18. Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers $23.6 /
> $38.05
> 19. Barry Manilow $22.7 / $153.93
> 20. "Anger Management Tour" $21.6 / $64.03

are you trying to imply by the above list that Celine Dion is the 3rd greatest rock n roll act in the world?

Re: The Greatest Rock N Roll Band
Posted by: lynn1 ()
Date: January 11, 2006 02:10

Who ever suggested that the premise of this thread was based on current tour dollars---missed the point by at least a mile if you all quote gate receipts....

Re: The Greatest Rock N Roll Band
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: January 11, 2006 04:57

we're not "all" quoting them.....!

Re: The Greatest Rock N Roll Band
Posted by: Baboon Bro ()
Date: January 11, 2006 04:59

Gazza Wrote:
> stoneMe Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------

> > 1. The Rolling Stones $162.0 / $133.98
> > 2. U2 $138.9 / $96.92
> > 3. Celine Dion $81.3 / $136.04
> > 6. Elton John $65.8 / $102.46
> are you trying to imply by the above list that
> Celine Dion is the 3rd greatest rock n roll act in
> the world?

- Yeah... And Elton is No 6... Sure thing! smiling smiley

Re: The Greatest Rock N Roll Band
Posted by: phd ()
Date: January 14, 2006 15:34

I totalled the audience reported in IORR 54 . ABB tour might be as successful as Vertigo in terms of audience. Shows : 105, Audience : 4.1 Millions with respectively : North-America : 59 sh., 1.6 M. ; Central & South-Americas : 5 sh. , .2 M; Japan : 6 sh., .2 M. ; Europe : 35 sh. , 2.1 M . Vertigo numbers are : Shows : 130 , Audience : 4.4 Millions.

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