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Re: Keith & some lesser-known Gibsons
Posted by: Naturalust ()
Date: October 25, 2011 19:04

[I know Neil Young has a 3 pickup Black Beauty Les Paul from the 50's. It is rarely played. They are worth a small fortune these days. peace.
Really? I did not know that. I'm fairly familiar with Neils guitar arsenal and I have never seen him play one. I recently read an interview with Larry Cragg, Neil's guitar tech, in Guitar World and he talked about Neil's guitars but made no metnion tof the Black Beauty. May I ask how came by this information? I'm curious!

Neil showed it to me. Let me massage it for a moment. It was around 1997 and we were just about to go out on the Hoard tour. It was tucked away at his Redwood Digital studio on his ranch. I'm sure he still has it, although he lost some guitars when his Malibu/Topanga beach house burned down long ago.
Trying to remember and I think he may have played it on the all-star jam at the end of the Last waltz concert? Maybe not. anyone?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2011-10-25 19:09 by Naturalust.

Re: Keith & some lesser-known Gibsons
Posted by: Stones62 ()
Date: October 25, 2011 22:56

Interesting story. I don't recall Neil having a guitar for the finale of 'The Last Waltz' but rather just lending his voice but it's been awhile since I saw it last.

Re: Keith & some lesser-known Gibsons
Posted by: shakeydeal ()
Date: October 27, 2011 22:06

Neil played Old Black, an alleged '53 LP Goldtop with a bad, black DIY paint job, during one of the jams that ended The Last Waltz (it's not in the film, but I think the original LP had a pic of him with it). It's his "beyond heavily" favored electric since the end of Springfield days. It's a real Frankenstein of a guitar- he, his guitar tech (who runs a long established vintage instrument business on the side) and others have disagreed on the exact year of body.

I'm not aware of him ever using a Black Beauty to record or play live, and if you google Neil it's hard to avoid images of Old Black in his hands It's possible he had one laying around that he bought or was gifted to him, but I think under hypnosis you'd remember you saw OB in all her glory, mind is just playing tricks.

The Last Waltz jams are available on DVD and via the usual online video sources.

Re: Keith & some lesser-known Gibsons
Posted by: carlostones10 ()
Date: October 27, 2011 22:21

Was there really a Gibson Custom Shop L5S? I was googling for the L5S while watching the Hollywood Palladium and came across this picture:

and the following text:


Gibson L5S Keith Richards NAMM Prototype Custom Shop

Location: Washington, Indiana, USA
Date Posted: January, 2010
Price: Free

This is the 2004 NAMM Show Prototype Keith Richards L5S which was never put into production. According to George Gruhn, Gibson made between 10 and 20 of these. The story when I bought this was Prototype #1 went to Keith and #2 went to Ron Wood and #3 went to Summer NAMM in Nashville 2004. The guitar was purchased by a MEGA Gibson dealer who qualified to buy it from Gibson after the show. I purchased it about 3 years ago and it rarely left my house.

at this address: []

I just love this guitar. It´s really amazing. A very beautiful guitar.

Re: Keith & some lesser-known Gibsons
Posted by: Naturalust ()
Date: October 29, 2011 17:58

Neil played Old Black, an alleged '53 LP Goldtop with a bad, black DIY paint job, during one of the jams that ended The Last Waltz (it's not in the film, but I think the original LP had a pic of him with it). It's his "beyond heavily" favored electric since the end of Springfield days. It's a real Frankenstein of a guitar- he, his guitar tech (who runs a long established vintage instrument business on the side) and others have disagreed on the exact year of body.

I'm not aware of him ever using a Black Beauty to record or play live, and if you google Neil it's hard to avoid images of Old Black in his hands It's possible he had one laying around that he bought or was gifted to him, but I think under hypnosis you'd remember you saw OB in all her glory, mind is just playing tricks.

The Last Waltz jams are available on DVD and via the usual online video sources.

yes this sounds like the guitar i saw, no hypnosis necessary. The last waltz DVD does indeed show the jam where Neil played this guitar. In fact Neil seemed to be leading the jam with his chords on that old gibson. A simple jam but it gets going a bit with all those great players. Neil looks like a kid in a candy store during the jam, like he is surprised and grateful to be there, which I'm fairly sure he was. I will get more info in the near future on whether he owns any other Les Pauls and I will report back to this board. peace.

Re: Keith & some lesser-known Gibsons
Date: January 19, 2013 07:58

Bringing back a dead thread here, but does anyone have the index of all the Stones guitar gear, with Ronnie's, Jagger's, Taylor's, Jones' and Richards' guitars?

Re: Keith & some lesser-known Gibsons
Posted by: Toru A ()
Date: January 19, 2013 08:13

Bringing back a dead thread here, but does anyone have the index of all the Stones guitar gear, with Ronnie's, Jagger's, Taylor's, Jones' and Richards' guitars?

Ratbag Boogie Thread Indexwinking smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-01-19 13:52 by Toru A.

Re: Keith & some lesser-known Gibsons
Posted by: with sssoul ()
Date: January 19, 2013 13:20

eye popping smiley Keith's Gibson threads aren't dead - they're archived for posterity! There's a difference, you know! spinning smiley sticking its tongue out
Thanks Toru A for the link to the Ratbag Boogie index -
which is also available via the "great forum links" link on the main page: []

Re: Keith & some lesser-known Gibsons
Date: January 19, 2013 15:58

Ratbag Boogie - anything but dead. Best set of threads ever.

Re: Keith & some lesser-known Gibsons
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: January 19, 2013 16:34

Re: Keith & some lesser-known Gibsons
Posted by: with sssoul ()
Date: January 19, 2013 19:14

Treaclefingers dear, that's not a Gibson - the guitar's a Bolin-made Tele-alike, and the cat who gave it to him is Billy Gibbons.
You can check the guitar out in the thread about Keith's customs jobs and other oddballs: []

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-01-19 19:16 by with sssoul.

Re: Keith & some lesser-known Gibsons
Date: January 19, 2013 19:54

Thanks Toru for reposting the link. Much appreciated.

Re: Keith & some lesser-known Gibsons
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: January 20, 2013 18:16

with sssoul
Treaclefingers dear, that's not a Gibson - the guitar's a Bolin-made Tele-alike, and the cat who gave it to him is Billy Gibbons.
You can check the guitar out in the thread about Keith's customs jobs and other oddballs: []

with sssoul was a bit of a play on words...tho' I hate to have to connect dots for people.

Re: Keith & some lesser-known Gibsons
Posted by: dcba ()
Date: July 29, 2014 18:22

About the Korina... and Jimmy Page's use of it :

[In a 2014 Guitar World interview] "Jimmy himself confirmed the rumour that I first saw back in 2006 (?) that he used a Gibson Flying V for the recording of the studio version of "You Shook Me". He said that the guitar was too expensive for him to buy at the time, but he asked the seller to borrow it, whereupon he commenced to use it for the "You Shook Me" sessions.

Now...the then current 60s production model Gibson Flying V's were not that expensive or really all that desirable in 1968. This tells me that the guitar was likely an original korina 1958 Gibson Flying V. They were not all that popular even in the late 60s, but they would doubtlessly been more expensive than a 60s Gibson Flying V.

Jimmy further says that he thinks that the particular V in question MAY have wound up with Keith Richards (Jimmy wasn't sure, but he offered this guess). Richards did indeed come into possession of a beautiful original korina 1958 Gibson Flying V sometime in late 1968 or 1969. He used on July 5, 1969 at the famous Hyde Park gig where Mick Taylor made his live debut with the Stones after the demise of Brian Jones.

I couldn't find a thread about this, but I may have missed it. At any rate, I'll give it a go...

SO...for me the main revelation is that Jimmy himself confirmed the rumour that I first saw back in 2006 (?) that he used a Gibson Flying V for the recording of the studio version of "You Shook Me". He said that the guitar was too expensive for him to buy at the time, but he asked the seller to borrow it, whereupon he commenced to use it for the "You Shook Me" sessions.

Now...the then current 60s production model Gibson Flying V's were not that expensive or really all that desirable in 1968. This tells me that the guitar was likely an original korina 1958 Gibson Flying V. They were not all that popular even in the late 60s, but they would doubtlessly been more expensive than a 60s Gibson Flying V.

Jimmy further says that he thinks that the particular V in question MAY have wound up with Keith Richards (Jimmy wasn't sure, but he offered this guess). Richards did indeed come into possession of a beautiful original korina 1958 Gibson Flying V sometime in late 1968 or 1969. He used on July 5, 1969 at the famous Hyde Park gig where Mick Taylor made his live debut with the Stones after the demise of Brian Jones.

The guitar was stolen from Richards shortly after this. This doesn't mean that the Richards V and the "You Shook Me" V are necessarily one and the same, but the circumstantial evidence of the time period and Page's supposition do point in that direction.

Interestingly, he mentions that the "big humbuckers" were especially powerful (I think this is in comparison to the pickups on the Telecaster...the pickups in 1958 korina V's were P.A.F.'s so not especially powerful by today's standards). Anyway, Page says the pickups were "so powerful you can hear it breaking up the amp in the middle of the song. I could've tidied it up, but I really liked hearing the amp really struggle to get the sound out of that speaker".

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