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Keith Richards on The Howard Stern Show, October 11, 2023
Posted by: HouseBoyKnows ()
Date: October 4, 2023 15:24

Howard announced on his show today that he had briefly spoken to Keith to set up the interview. No date set, but perhaps next week. Meanwhile he is talking about how great the band was and still is while playing classic riffs.

Of course this is all part of a media blitz that is just getting started in the US


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2023-10-11 20:21 by bv.

Re: Howard Stern to interview Keith
Posted by: paulywaul ()
Date: October 4, 2023 18:25

Howard announced on his show today that he had briefly spoken to Keith to set up the interview. No date set, but perhaps next week. Meanwhile he is talking about how great the band was and still is while playing classic riffs.

Of course this is all part of a media blitz that is just getting started in the US


A good sign for more things to come, be they just connected with the album release, or maybe/possibly a/the tour to promote it as well !

[ I want to shout, but I can hardly speak ]

Re: Howard Stern to interview Keith
Posted by: keefriffhards ()
Date: October 4, 2023 20:43

Looking forward to this, Keith's humour and sharp wit should interact well with Sterns sence of fun , perhaps he can coax Keith into letting down his guard.

Re: Howard Stern to interview Keith
Posted by: RollingFreak ()
Date: October 5, 2023 00:59

I'll believe it when it actually happens. Howard said its booked or he's hoping? He hoped for years with Springsteen.

Re: Howard Stern to interview Keith
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: October 6, 2023 00:25

Despite having already interviewed Stones frontman Mick Jagger in 2021,
Howard was still nervous to speak with another one of his rock and roll idols.

Thankfully, Richards immediately put him at ease. “He goes, ‘You’re Howard @#$%& Stern,’” he recalled of the exchange. “We started laughing and we were off to the races.”



Re: Howard Stern to interview Keith
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: October 6, 2023 04:07

Why not.

Come on.

Howard Stern is a fan of ALL.

Well, maybe kinda not.

Editor's suck.


Re: Howard Stern to interview Keith
Posted by: kv2915 ()
Date: October 6, 2023 05:21

Love Howard. He will do a great job.

Re: Howard Stern to interview Keith
Posted by: 24FPS ()
Date: October 6, 2023 05:43

I'm sure Howard will go a good job, but he'll probably not know as much about the band as we'd hope with such a rare opportunity. His Jagger interview was a bit of joke, short, and like Mick couldn't wait to get it over with.

We'll proababy get the cliche 'glad to be anywhere' followed by a phlegmy chuckle. Not expecting some great expose, but it could be entertaining.

Re: Howard Stern to interview Keith
Posted by: RollingFreak ()
Date: October 6, 2023 06:31

His Jagger interview was a bit of joke, short, and like Mick couldn't wait to get it over with.

While Howard isn't the great interviewer he was 15 years ago, Mick isn't really his fault. Mick was on a clock, which Howard NEVER allows, but I guess did for Mick just to get him cause why not, but its not really indicative of Howard doing what he does. The interview probably won't be great, but Mick's was bad because Mick had a cutoff. Keith's should be better.

Re: Howard Stern to interview Keith
Posted by: rollmops ()
Date: October 6, 2023 14:03

Howard wants to know about the process of creating songs and music that Mick and Keith go through while composing. Howard likes specifics; Paul Simon was great at explaining using examples and details that were not too technical so it was easy to understand. With Keith, it is going to be different because Keith is often evasive and figurative in his answers, not detailed and meticulousl. But maybe Howard will asks the good questions and we will learn something we don't already know.
It is exciting to have Keith and Howard meet and talk.

Re: Howard Stern to interview Keith
Posted by: Doxa ()
Date: October 6, 2023 14:50

Howard wants to know about the process of creating songs and music that Mick and Keith go through while composing. Howard likes specifics; Paul Simon was great at explaining using examples and details that were not too technical so it was easy to understand. With Keith, it is going to be different because Keith is often evasive and figurative in his answers, not detailed and meticulousl. But maybe Howard will asks the good questions and we will learn something we don't already know.
It is exciting to have Keith and Howard meet and talk.

Oh, it would be lovely to hear specifics about the creation of the songs in the new album, but I am afraid we will hear the good old antenna theory, and 'I play two Jerry Lee Lewis songs, and the third is mine'. Keith loves to keep the mystery in the art of song-writing. And in a way it is mystery how the creation in terms of ideas popping up actually happens. It just does. (But what would be interesting is to hear what happens to those ideas after they have popped up - the process of making them into finished and recorded songs.)

But that said, I am sure the interview will be entertaining, and, in the end, isn't that all that matters.

- Doxa

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2023-10-06 14:55 by Doxa.

Re: Howard Stern to interview Keith
Posted by: RollingFreak ()
Date: October 6, 2023 21:20

Could end up being akin to the Robert Plant interview where he was like "who the @#$%& is this guy?" laughing at Howard asking if Jimmy Page was the real great love of Robert's life. I could see Keith finding it all laughable, which would be equally as entertaining as if he submitted.

Re: Howard Stern to interview Keith
Posted by: Taylor1 ()
Date: October 6, 2023 22:48

Didn’t Howard do a good interview with Mick Taylor

Re: Howard Stern to interview Keith
Posted by: 24FPS ()
Date: October 7, 2023 07:56

Didn’t Howard do a good interview with Mick Taylor

I don't remember that. I remember Ronnie being in studio in the early 90s.

Re: Howard Stern to interview Keith
Posted by: RollingFreak ()
Date: October 7, 2023 08:00

Didn’t Howard do a good interview with Mick Taylor

I don't remember that. I remember Ronnie being in studio in the early 90s.
Mick Taylor Appearance
6th December 1986: US radio (WXRK) ‘The National Howard Stern Show’, New York City. Hosts: Howard Stern. Co-host: Robin Quivers.
- interview with MT by Howard Stern
- Judgement Day Blues (Mark Farner) -MT on guitar, Mark Farner on vocals and guitar
- improvised blues ( ) -MT and Mark Farner on guitars, Howard Stern on vocals

26th July 1999: US radio (syndicated) ‘Howard Stern Show’, incl.
- telephone-interview (from truck stop) with MT by Howard Stern


Ronnie Wood Appearance
Ron Wood - August 4, 1992. 03/16/10. 9:50am
After the break we heard Jon and Gary introducing a segment where Howard interviewed Ron Wood from the Rolling Stones. This was from August 4, 1992. The segment wasn't in my archives so here's a quick synopsis:In the clip Howard had the guys bring in Ron Wood from the Rolling Stones. Ron came in with an entourage of people. Howard spoke to these guys and found out that he had a security guy in there with him. He also had a guy who co-wrote the album with Ron. Ron was also drinking a Guinness already at 9:30 in the morning.
Howard said that Ron talked to him on the phone one time and things went well. Ron said that his friend Larry Marcus says hello. Howard had no idea who that was. Ron also said this woman Marissa said it would be okay to do the show. Howard said this guy is having the life.
Howard asked Ron about being married since he was married before he was in the Rolling Stones. Howard got sidetracked and spoke to more of the guys who were in there with Ron.
Howard got back to Ron and asked what he has heard about the show that has made him uptight. Ron said he has never met him before. Howard said rock stars get pampered and everything pisses them off. He said everyone kisses their ass for no reason and they get spoiled by that. Ron said he loves that. Howard asked if his ass is sore from being kissed so much. Ron asked if he would like him to stand up so he can check.
Howard said Ron used to be with Rod Stewart and The Faces before he was in the Rolling Stones. He was also with Jeff Beck. Howard said he's been spoiled for a very long time.
Howard told Ron to be free on this show and not think about Mick Jagger. He said that he can tell them what he's really thinking. Howard asked Ron if he got paid like a second class citizen. Ron said that he did. Howard said that Ron replaced Brian Jones. He said that he thinks that he was murdered. Ron said he thinks he murdered himself.
Howard said the odds of making money in that business are small. He said that when someone like Billy Wyman stands there not doing much of anything gets paid more than Ron. Ron said that's not true. Howard said he thinks that Charlie Watts should dye his hair too.
Howard asked Ron about his first wife and how they met around the time they were in high school. Ron met up with the Rolling Stones and he caved in and started fooling around. Howard asked if he ever had two girls at one time. Ron asked Howard if he ever did. Howard said he was never that lucky.
Howard asked Ron if he knows that his wife loves him for who he is or for the fact that he's in the band. Ron said he knows just like Howard knows with his wife.
Howard said he interviewed his first wife Mandy one time. He said he wanted to talk to her about the Rolling Stones and she said she didn't want to talk about them. He said he didn't want to talk to her if she wasn't going to talk about it.
Howard asked Ron about sex with his wife and if he has live in help in the house. Ron said that they don't have anything like that. He said his wife is his live in help. They do have a maid though. Howard said if he were Ron he would leave his bank book on his table and just look at it every day to see how much money he makes.
Howard asked Ron who was harder to work with, Rod Stewart or Mick Jagger. Ron thought about it and said he can't answer that. Then he said that it might be Rod.
After an edited out break Howard pointed out that Ron was drinking a second beer. Howard said if he were Ron he'd take care of himself because he'd want to live as long as he could with the kind of money he has. Howard asked Ron if he liked Jeri Hall. Ron said she was fine. Howard said she's like the Yoko Ono of the band. Ron said she's really okay.
Howard talked about how relaxed the band looks when they're playing. Howard asked if the band are technically still together. Ron said they are.
Howard asked Ron about Paul McCartney. Ron said that guy has gone completely off the rails. He said that George Harrison is alright. Howard said Linda McCartney is a big talent. He was being sarcastic when he said that. Howard talked about how Ringo is more talented than Linda is. Ron said he's not sure about that.
Howard asked Ron what his wife would do if she found out he was with some of his groupies. He said that he doesn't have groupies these days. He said he can't do that with anyone and she'd put a stop to it.
Howard asked Ron if they banged everything that twitched when they were in The Faces. Ron said that they did but they were a bit selective.
Howard talked to Ron about his painting. Ron said he heard Howard paints too. Howard said he did. Howard said he had a painting he called ''Dan.'' Ron said he saw that Howard had done a storyboard for Fartman. Howard said he did have one. Howard said Ron was interested in the movie already. Howard said that's great that he had at least one guy interested. He said he might have a part in the movie for him. He asked if he can act. Ron said he can break like the wind, man.
Howard showed Ron the painting he did. It was a painting of his TV show producer Dan Foreman. Howard said he would give it to Ron if he wanted it. Ron said he would appreciate that. Howard gave it to him and said he would sign it for him too.
Howard asked where it's going to hang. Ron said he would hang it in his studio in Ireland. Howard said he should get Ron a picture of what Dan really looks like. Howard asked if he had seen his TV show. Ron said he has heard a lot of good things about it but hadn't seen it.
After another edited out break Howard talked to Ron about his kids for a few minutes. Ron was saying that he wants his kids to earn their money even though he has put some money aside for them. He said they don't know about that money. Howard asked if they drink stout at 9:30 in the morning. Ron said they don't but his father did.
Howard asked Ron to perform a song for them. Ron had a guitar but he hadn't prepared much. Howard told him it would be fine. Ron sang the song ''I'm Losing You'' with the guys he brought in. His singer Bernard sang as Ron was playing guitar.
After the song Ron said it was too early for this. Howard said they sounded great. Bernard said that his voice gets better as the day goes on. Howard told him this is the only time he can do it because this is the time he's on.
Howard had Ron play some other stuff for them too. Ron wasn't able to remember the songs so Fred had to help him remember. Howard wanted Fred to sing with Ron but Ron didn't remember how the song went. Fred had to remind him again. Fred sang ''Stay With Me'' a little bit. Ron thought Fred was doing a good job singing. Ron sang a little bit himself.
Howard told him to stop by anytime he's in the city. Howard said he had a good time talking to him today. Howard asked how much he smokes. Ron said it's about 2 packs a day. Howard asked if that cuts into his drinking. Ron said that's why he never properly lights them.
Robin asked Ron if he has ever gone to any meetings. He said he has. Ron said he has stopped everything else but not the drinking. He said he's stopped the drugs. Bernard said they didn't do any drugs when they did this album. He said they didn't even smoke pot. They just had a lot of Guinness.
Howard asked when the guys in the Stones got together. Ron said it was too early in the morning for that. Howard kept wrapping up with Ron but he kept coming up with more and more questions. He was asking about Ron's wife and what she wears in bed and things like that. They eventually ended the interview and let Ron go. Howard spent a few more minutes talking about how he'd be a great friend to have in the business. He said he'd be better than Dee Snider. Howard imagined what that would be like to have him come over to hang out. He said he needs someone like that and not Leslie West who isn't exactly burning up the charts. Robin said he could have been friends with Bon Jovi or someone from the band. Howard said that he would have to be friends with Jon and not someone from the periphery of the band.


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2023-10-07 08:05 by RollingFreak.

Re: Howard Stern to interview Keith
Posted by: rollmops ()
Date: October 7, 2023 12:41

When Howard did a 5 minute pre-interview phone call with Keith this week, Stern was a little star-struck at the beginning of the conversation but Keef put him at ease by saying " hey man you are Howard @#$%& Stern !!" Nice way to break the ice for Howard.
Should be a fun interview.

Re: Howard Stern to interview Keith
Posted by: Stoneage ()
Date: October 7, 2023 13:19

The most talkative, and most fluent "Stone" was Brian Jones I think. Bill was also very easy to talk to. Keith is much better now when he's older.
Sir Michael is up and down depending on his mood of the day and the interviewer. Usually though Jagger does the lion's share of interviews (sometimes all). That should be taken in consideration.

Re: Howard Stern to interview Keith
Posted by: Taylor1 ()
Date: October 7, 2023 13:46

Didn’t Howard do a good interview with Mick Taylor

I don't remember that. I remember Ronnie being in studio in the early 90s.
December 6,1986 , Stern interviewed Taylor.I believe he told him his quitting the Stones was the worst career move in rock history

Re: Howard Stern to interview Keith
Posted by: Rip This ()
Date: October 7, 2023 14:17

Howards interviews are WAY UNDERRATED....if he can get KR to open up and be genuine....he just might get the ultimate KR interview...Sterns Springsteen interview was amazing....

Re: Howard Stern to interview Keith
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: October 7, 2023 14:19

Glenn Reeves sang the demo of Heartbreak Hotel
but turned down a three way split of the writing
credits saying it was the silliest song he'd ever heard ......

Now that'd have ta be up the top of worst career moves ever .....


Re: Howard Stern to interview Keith
Posted by: Taylor1 ()
Date: October 7, 2023 16:27

The most talkative, and most fluent "Stone" was Brian Jones I think. Bill was also very easy to talk to. Keith is much better now when he's older.
Sir Michael is up and down depending on his mood of the day and the interviewer. Usually though Jagger does the lion's share of interviews (sometimes all). That should be taken in consideration.
Keith gave a good interview to Rolling Stone in 1971.I think through the years he is more informative than Mick in his interviews when it comes to discussing music .

Re: Howard Stern to interview Keith
Posted by: chrism13 ()
Date: October 9, 2023 00:59

I hope Howard asks Keith the same question he asked Mick. Why don’t you play Let it Loose?!

Re: Howard Stern to interview Keith
Posted by: 24FPS ()
Date: October 9, 2023 09:44

Didn’t Howard do a good interview with Mick Taylor

I don't remember that. I remember Ronnie being in studio in the early 90s.
Mick Taylor Appearance
6th December 1986: US radio (WXRK) ‘The National Howard Stern Show’, New York City. Hosts: Howard Stern. Co-host: Robin Quivers.
- interview with MT by Howard Stern
- Judgement Day Blues (Mark Farner) -MT on guitar, Mark Farner on vocals and guitar
- improvised blues ( ) -MT and Mark Farner on guitars, Howard Stern on vocals

26th July 1999: US radio (syndicated) ‘Howard Stern Show’, incl.
- telephone-interview (from truck stop) with MT by Howard Stern


Ronnie Wood Appearance
Ron Wood - August 4, 1992. 03/16/10. 9:50am
After the break we heard Jon and Gary introducing a segment where Howard interviewed Ron Wood from the Rolling Stones. This was from August 4, 1992. The segment wasn't in my archives so here's a quick synopsis:In the clip Howard had the guys bring in Ron Wood from the Rolling Stones. Ron came in with an entourage of people. Howard spoke to these guys and found out that he had a security guy in there with him. He also had a guy who co-wrote the album with Ron. Ron was also drinking a Guinness already at 9:30 in the morning.
Howard said that Ron talked to him on the phone one time and things went well. Ron said that his friend Larry Marcus says hello. Howard had no idea who that was. Ron also said this woman Marissa said it would be okay to do the show. Howard said this guy is having the life.
Howard asked Ron about being married since he was married before he was in the Rolling Stones. Howard got sidetracked and spoke to more of the guys who were in there with Ron.
Howard got back to Ron and asked what he has heard about the show that has made him uptight. Ron said he has never met him before. Howard said rock stars get pampered and everything pisses them off. He said everyone kisses their ass for no reason and they get spoiled by that. Ron said he loves that. Howard asked if his ass is sore from being kissed so much. Ron asked if he would like him to stand up so he can check.
Howard said Ron used to be with Rod Stewart and The Faces before he was in the Rolling Stones. He was also with Jeff Beck. Howard said he's been spoiled for a very long time.
Howard told Ron to be free on this show and not think about Mick Jagger. He said that he can tell them what he's really thinking. Howard asked Ron if he got paid like a second class citizen. Ron said that he did. Howard said that Ron replaced Brian Jones. He said that he thinks that he was murdered. Ron said he thinks he murdered himself.
Howard said the odds of making money in that business are small. He said that when someone like Billy Wyman stands there not doing much of anything gets paid more than Ron. Ron said that's not true. Howard said he thinks that Charlie Watts should dye his hair too.
Howard asked Ron about his first wife and how they met around the time they were in high school. Ron met up with the Rolling Stones and he caved in and started fooling around. Howard asked if he ever had two girls at one time. Ron asked Howard if he ever did. Howard said he was never that lucky.
Howard asked Ron if he knows that his wife loves him for who he is or for the fact that he's in the band. Ron said he knows just like Howard knows with his wife.
Howard said he interviewed his first wife Mandy one time. He said he wanted to talk to her about the Rolling Stones and she said she didn't want to talk about them. He said he didn't want to talk to her if she wasn't going to talk about it.
Howard asked Ron about sex with his wife and if he has live in help in the house. Ron said that they don't have anything like that. He said his wife is his live in help. They do have a maid though. Howard said if he were Ron he would leave his bank book on his table and just look at it every day to see how much money he makes.
Howard asked Ron who was harder to work with, Rod Stewart or Mick Jagger. Ron thought about it and said he can't answer that. Then he said that it might be Rod.
After an edited out break Howard pointed out that Ron was drinking a second beer. Howard said if he were Ron he'd take care of himself because he'd want to live as long as he could with the kind of money he has. Howard asked Ron if he liked Jeri Hall. Ron said she was fine. Howard said she's like the Yoko Ono of the band. Ron said she's really okay.
Howard talked about how relaxed the band looks when they're playing. Howard asked if the band are technically still together. Ron said they are.
Howard asked Ron about Paul McCartney. Ron said that guy has gone completely off the rails. He said that George Harrison is alright. Howard said Linda McCartney is a big talent. He was being sarcastic when he said that. Howard talked about how Ringo is more talented than Linda is. Ron said he's not sure about that.
Howard asked Ron what his wife would do if she found out he was with some of his groupies. He said that he doesn't have groupies these days. He said he can't do that with anyone and she'd put a stop to it.
Howard asked Ron if they banged everything that twitched when they were in The Faces. Ron said that they did but they were a bit selective.
Howard talked to Ron about his painting. Ron said he heard Howard paints too. Howard said he did. Howard said he had a painting he called ''Dan.'' Ron said he saw that Howard had done a storyboard for Fartman. Howard said he did have one. Howard said Ron was interested in the movie already. Howard said that's great that he had at least one guy interested. He said he might have a part in the movie for him. He asked if he can act. Ron said he can break like the wind, man.
Howard showed Ron the painting he did. It was a painting of his TV show producer Dan Foreman. Howard said he would give it to Ron if he wanted it. Ron said he would appreciate that. Howard gave it to him and said he would sign it for him too.
Howard asked where it's going to hang. Ron said he would hang it in his studio in Ireland. Howard said he should get Ron a picture of what Dan really looks like. Howard asked if he had seen his TV show. Ron said he has heard a lot of good things about it but hadn't seen it.
After another edited out break Howard talked to Ron about his kids for a few minutes. Ron was saying that he wants his kids to earn their money even though he has put some money aside for them. He said they don't know about that money. Howard asked if they drink stout at 9:30 in the morning. Ron said they don't but his father did.
Howard asked Ron to perform a song for them. Ron had a guitar but he hadn't prepared much. Howard told him it would be fine. Ron sang the song ''I'm Losing You'' with the guys he brought in. His singer Bernard sang as Ron was playing guitar.
After the song Ron said it was too early for this. Howard said they sounded great. Bernard said that his voice gets better as the day goes on. Howard told him this is the only time he can do it because this is the time he's on.
Howard had Ron play some other stuff for them too. Ron wasn't able to remember the songs so Fred had to help him remember. Howard wanted Fred to sing with Ron but Ron didn't remember how the song went. Fred had to remind him again. Fred sang ''Stay With Me'' a little bit. Ron thought Fred was doing a good job singing. Ron sang a little bit himself.
Howard told him to stop by anytime he's in the city. Howard said he had a good time talking to him today. Howard asked how much he smokes. Ron said it's about 2 packs a day. Howard asked if that cuts into his drinking. Ron said that's why he never properly lights them.
Robin asked Ron if he has ever gone to any meetings. He said he has. Ron said he has stopped everything else but not the drinking. He said he's stopped the drugs. Bernard said they didn't do any drugs when they did this album. He said they didn't even smoke pot. They just had a lot of Guinness.
Howard asked when the guys in the Stones got together. Ron said it was too early in the morning for that. Howard kept wrapping up with Ron but he kept coming up with more and more questions. He was asking about Ron's wife and what she wears in bed and things like that. They eventually ended the interview and let Ron go. Howard spent a few more minutes talking about how he'd be a great friend to have in the business. He said he'd be better than Dee Snider. Howard imagined what that would be like to have him come over to hang out. He said he needs someone like that and not Leslie West who isn't exactly burning up the charts. Robin said he could have been friends with Bon Jovi or someone from the band. Howard said that he would have to be friends with Jon and not someone from the periphery of the band.


Jesus. Thank you. It all came back to me. Who the hell has time or interest to write down everything Howard does and says? I listened until about seven years ago. I had listened ever since he came to Los Angeles on the air in 1991, Listened religiously, but once Billy West and then Jackie left it became less comedic. Back then the focus wasn't always on Howard. Then when those two left, and finally Artie Lange, there was too much time for Howard to kill time by talking about the people that work there. That burned out years earlier and I drifted away from the show. I do catch an interview or two on YouTube. I think Howard was a great champion of free speech. And he must have been fascinating or I wouldn't have listened for 25 years. I was also ringside at the Tonight Show the infamous evening Howard brought on two lesbians who kissed. But that's another story.

Re: Howard Stern to interview Keith
Posted by: JadedFaded ()
Date: October 10, 2023 09:05

I’ve never been a fan of Stern. When he first started doing morning radio, there was too much juvenile nonsense, like he’d ask a young woman he was interviewing if she’d take her panties off and sit in his lap. Not being a 14 year old boy, this held no appeal for me. I know he’s a very bright guy, but I couldn’t get into all the juvenile crap he did. Look at the interview of Ronnie Wood: asking about sex with his wife and what she wears to bed. I hope Stern has gotten past that kind of garbage, because if he asks Keith those kinds of questions, he’s liable to get punched in the face.

Re: Howard Stern to interview Keith
Posted by: Spud ()
Date: October 10, 2023 10:34

Oh I don't know about that ... I don't think blokes ever really grow out of that silly schoolboy sense of humour .

..especially we daft Brits.grinning smiley

Re: Howard Stern to interview Keith
Posted by: HalfNanker ()
Date: October 10, 2023 18:21

love to hear that Mick T interview.

anyone know if there is any way to track it down?

Re: Howard Stern to interview Keith
Posted by: getdown ()
Date: October 10, 2023 20:35

I hope Howard asks Keith the same question he asked Mick. Why don’t you play Let it Loose?!
cool smiley

Re: Howard Stern to interview Keith
Posted by: rollmops ()
Date: October 11, 2023 12:49

I believe the interview is for today:



Keith on the Howard Stern Show, October 11
Posted by: bye bye johnny ()
Date: October 11, 2023 14:12


Interview is airing now. Presumably pre-recorded.

Re: Howard Stern to interview Keith
Posted by: mariano ()
Date: October 11, 2023 16:03

smoking smiley

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