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Re: Ghost Town or Angry?
Posted by: GJB ()
Date: September 14, 2023 09:38

I think Angry is superior.

Ghost Town is 7/10, slightly forced generic singalong of woah oh woah oh... but live it works nicely.

Angry is 8/10. It grows on me everyday, I can't get it out of my head. The only thing is I would have preferred a tiny bit more structure after the guitar solo, perhaps one last chorus or something.

Just to give some context to those scores, I would say:

Don't Stop 7.5/10
Saint of Me 8.5/10
Out of Control 8.5/10
You Got Me Rocking 8/10
Streets of Love 6/10 (but works live)
Mixed Emotions (8.5/10)
Sad Sad Sad (6.5/10)

Re: Ghost Town or Angry?
Posted by: rbp ()
Date: September 14, 2023 11:38

Ghost Town 5/10
Angry 6/10
For context Jumpin' Jack Flash, Gimme Shelter, Brown Sugar & Honky Tonk Women all 10/10

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2023-09-14 11:44 by rbp.

Re: Ghost Town or Angry?
Posted by: TheBlockbuster ()
Date: September 14, 2023 15:21

Ranking their singles from the last 30 years:

1. Rough Justice 9/10
2. Flip The Switch 9/10
3. Love Is Strong 8.5/10
4. Out Of Control 8.5/10
5. Living In A Ghost Town 8/10
6. Rain Fall Down 8/10
7. Anybody Seen My Baby 8/10
8. Oh No Not You Again 8/10
9. Don't Stop 7.5/10
10. You Got Me Rocking 7.5/10
11. Biggest Mistake 7.5/10
12. Sparks Will Fly 7/10
13. Saint Of Me 7/10
14. Out Of Tears 7/10
15. Streets Of Love 6.5/10
16. Doom And Gloom 6.5/10
17. Angry 6/10
18. I Go Wild 6/10
19. One More Shot 5/10

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2023-09-14 15:25 by TheBlockbuster.

Re: Ghost Town or Angry?
Posted by: harlem shuffle ()
Date: September 14, 2023 15:31

Angry is above all of these you mention here

Re: Ghost Town or Angry?
Posted by: Rocky Dijon ()
Date: September 14, 2023 15:42

"Angry" has grown on me. It takes me awhile to get over my old fart mentality. What first struck me as nasal in "And I want to know why-I-I-I" then clicked that it's Mick incorporating a bit of Indian influence and wailing in the middle of a pop rock song. What first seemed like the unmistakable contribution of Andrew Watt and sounded autotuned and nothing like my Rolling Stones now starts to sound natural and catchy. Sometimes you just need to live with a song. The video helps. It's also good for cardiovascular.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2023-09-14 16:28 by Rocky Dijon.

Re: Ghost Town or Angry?
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: September 14, 2023 22:30

That's it Rocky ...
Remember thee old rule

Play five times before you listen ....


Re: Ghost Town or Angry?
Posted by: MonicaDe ()
Date: September 19, 2023 11:21


To be honest I was shocked at first just after hearing it - then like someone mentioned above - this song has grown on me. Same here. I woke up today's morning hearing it in my head..

Re: Ghost Town or Angry?
Posted by: sanQ ()
Date: September 23, 2023 03:28


To be honest I was shocked at first just after hearing it - then like someone mentioned above - this song has grown on me. Same here. I woke up today's morning hearing it in my head..

Exactly what happened to me. This song really sticks with you even when you think it won't. I woke up in the morning hearing it too. I think of it often, even though I have only heard it about five times. I am now just waiting for my album to arrive in October to fully immerse myself in all of it.

Re: Ghost Town or Angry?
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: September 23, 2023 08:20

Rocky Dijon
"Angry" has grown on me. It takes me awhile to get over my old fart mentality. What first struck me as nasal in "And I want to know why-I-I-I" then clicked that it's Mick incorporating a bit of Indian influence and wailing in the middle of a pop rock song. What first seemed like the unmistakable contribution of Andrew Watt and sounded autotuned and nothing like my Rolling Stones now starts to sound natural and catchy. Sometimes you just need to live with a song. The video helps. It's also good for cardiovascular.

Vocoder, which modulates, is what Mick used in Living In A Ghost Town. It bends when the vocal bends.

Autotune is considerably different - it corrects!

Re: Ghost Town or Angry?
Posted by: MartinB ()
Date: September 23, 2023 23:11

Ghost Town 5/10
Angry 6/10
For context Jumpin' Jack Flash, Gimme Shelter, Brown Sugar & Honky Tonk Women all 10/10


Re: Ghost Town or Angry?
Posted by: MonkeyMan2000 ()
Date: September 23, 2023 23:44

Rocky Dijon
"Angry" has grown on me. It takes me awhile to get over my old fart mentality. What first struck me as nasal in "And I want to know why-I-I-I" then clicked that it's Mick incorporating a bit of Indian influence and wailing in the middle of a pop rock song. What first seemed like the unmistakable contribution of Andrew Watt and sounded autotuned and nothing like my Rolling Stones now starts to sound natural and catchy. Sometimes you just need to live with a song. The video helps. It's also good for cardiovascular.

Vocoder, which modulates, is what Mick used in Living In A Ghost Town. It bends when the vocal bends.

Autotune is considerably different - it corrects!

Not exactly. With a vocoder you play a note on a synth and sing in a mic and then the voice takes the place of the oscillators and is run through the filters, envelopes etc.
No doubt that it's autotune on Living in a Ghost Town but one used as an effect, meaning the natural bending up and down between different notes is erased. This results in a vocoder-like sound.
But you're correct in the sense that autotune can also be used for pitch correction. And if it's done well (and not intended to be heard as an effect) nobody will notice these days. But in a lot of pop music today they want you to notice it, most prominently in Reggaeton and Trap music. And I guess because it sort of became part of the aestethics of pop music, people like Mick want to use it too.
On Angry you can hear it well too, but here they used it to make Mick radio-friendlier, I guess, not so much as an effect smiling smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2023-09-23 23:50 by MonkeyMan2000.

Re: Ghost Town or Angry?
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: September 25, 2023 04:15

Rocky Dijon
"Angry" has grown on me. It takes me awhile to get over my old fart mentality. What first struck me as nasal in "And I want to know why-I-I-I" then clicked that it's Mick incorporating a bit of Indian influence and wailing in the middle of a pop rock song. What first seemed like the unmistakable contribution of Andrew Watt and sounded autotuned and nothing like my Rolling Stones now starts to sound natural and catchy. Sometimes you just need to live with a song. The video helps. It's also good for cardiovascular.

Vocoder, which modulates, is what Mick used in Living In A Ghost Town. It bends when the vocal bends.

Autotune is considerably different - it corrects!

Not exactly. With a vocoder you play a note on a synth and sing in a mic and then the voice takes the place of the oscillators and is run through the filters, envelopes etc.
No doubt that it's autotune on Living in a Ghost Town but one used as an effect, meaning the natural bending up and down between different notes is erased. This results in a vocoder-like sound.
But you're correct in the sense that autotune can also be used for pitch correction. And if it's done well (and not intended to be heard as an effect) nobody will notice these days. But in a lot of pop music today they want you to notice it, most prominently in Reggaeton and Trap music. And I guess because it sort of became part of the aestethics of pop music, people like Mick want to use it too.
On Angry you can hear it well too, but here they used it to make Mick radio-friendlier, I guess, not so much as an effect smiling smiley

I remember when Ghost Town came out looking around to figure out exactly what it was and some said Melodyne, which, when used for a vocal, splits the difference between a vocoder and auto-tune, as I understand it, even though they're extremely similar, but I think it was on the Steve Hoffman site where vocoder was said to be the effect (not the synth version but the 'rack effect' for post), just like what Bono used for U2's Love Is All We Have Left.

T-Pain obviously uses Autotune cranked all the way up on some of the hilarious things he's done, like I'm On A Boat.

Imagine Led Zeppelin having this technology and using it for the first blast of Kashmir instead of the instant phaser.

Re: Ghost Town or Angry?
Posted by: Bjorn ()
Date: September 25, 2023 11:59


Re: Ghost Town or Angry?
Posted by: WorriedAboutYou ()
Date: September 25, 2023 17:25

Angry and it's not even close. I hate being reminded of the pandemic though so Ghost Town is tainted forever for me.

Re: Ghost Town or Angry?
Posted by: floodonthepage ()
Date: September 25, 2023 18:07

Lyrically.....Ghost Town by a lot.
Musically.....Ghost Town by a little.

Re: Ghost Town or Angry?
Posted by: DiamondDog7 ()
Date: September 25, 2023 23:52

Am I allowed to do this?

Both much-loved tracks, but which is your favourite?

Mine is definitely Angry, I prefer its overall sound, the messy mass of guitars, vocals and handclaps in the second half, and that grungy bass.

What do you think?


Re: Ghost Town or Angry?
Posted by: cimaz ()
Date: September 26, 2023 00:24

Both filler songs.

Re: Ghost Town or Angry?
Posted by: colonial ()
Date: September 28, 2023 07:39

Angry - 17 million views, 3 weeks
Ghost Town - 13 million views, 3 years
Love them both


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