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Did anybody get a German fan-club ticket ?
Date: November 30, 2005 10:32

I hope I have now. BUT something smells, and I'm afraid I've become a victim of some kind of fraud. Perhaps paranoia. Perhaps not. Just after 9 on rscom it said "Get tickets". I got my code. Used the link to Ordered and received a confirmation. BUT now I cannot see that I've bought anything.....makes "no nervous breakdowns" a bit nervous......

Re: Did anybody get a German fan-club ticket ?
Posted by: t-perkins ()
Date: November 30, 2005 10:41

...five minutes ago "get tickets" was gone due to technical problems....

...I have an used North Amercian presale code and explains how to get an valid one for the european shows. Does it work? Has anyone expierence with that?

Re: Did anybody get a German fan-club ticket ?
Posted by: Rockingfan ()
Date: November 30, 2005 10:49

Believe me I have the same with Ticketmaster UK.
I had to order by phone as you could not order international yesterday.
I did my booking with American Express as it was easier. But I really do not know if they understood correctly my address etc.
It is annoying.
If you have American Express use it before you use the pre sale code.
For Stadium shows it's not worth anything.
Only if you dare to go to smaller places in Europe. Then it would make sense.

Re: Did anybody get a German fan-club ticket ?
Posted by: t-perkins ()
Date: November 30, 2005 11:43

Just ordered 4 fanclub tickets for Munich. Arena tickets for 110 € (I think front of stage). The normal arena tickets cost 80 €. Ticketmaster charges 18,50 € per ticket (!) service charge.

I was easy to get the presale code. I used my no more valid pre-sale code and they gave me a new code within seconds.

Re: Did anybody get a German fan-club ticket ?
Date: November 30, 2005 11:47

please let me know the e-mail address who e-mailed your confirmation : was it ??? and did your confirmation no. look like this format XX-XXXXX/XXX ( : ie. two numbers, a stroke, five numbers, / two letters and a number ?

Re: Did anybody get a German fan-club ticket ?
Posted by: t-perkins ()
Date: November 30, 2005 12:15

I got no confirmation mail yet, but I printed out the confirmation on the display with a confirmation number like your format!

I called ticketmaster (01805/969 00 05 55) and they said everything is alright, because they checked my confirmation number and confirmed all my data. They said maybe the server has some prolbems with the confirmation mails.

They also told me that tickets will be send out appr. 10 days before the event, because they are souvenir tickets.

Re: Did anybody get a German fan-club ticket ?
Posted by: Mr. Jimmy ()
Date: November 30, 2005 12:21

i'm sick and tired of this bullshit. nothing works in this presale, absolutely ridiculous. just another ripoff. i won't be using my code and i will get my money back, thats for sure. greedy bastards, thats what they are. the ticket company which offers the most money gets the job, not the one that serves their customers best. sorry, stones, but you really became the las vegas act you never wanted to be...

Re: Did anybody get a German fan-club ticket ?
Date: November 30, 2005 12:55

I have now also checked that the phone-number is correct. And I have now also called and it IS confirmed. THANK YOU t-perkins !!!!!!

And to all others : yes, it's expensive. Yes, it's close to a rip-off. Yes, I could probably get "normal" tickets. Yes, I could probably buy these tickets on the day for much less. Yes, I'm probably stupid. BUT I simply wanted these three tickets SO badly. And I may even do it again. I agree with Bjørnulf ( and others ) that this is after all a good opportunity. And so I must continue to live for many months in a small apartment and drive a Fiat Punto ( : which actually costs €17.500 / USD 20.200 in Denmark ). I even once had speed ticket on a German Autobahn with this small car...

Re: Did anybody get a German fan-club ticket ?
Posted by: t-perkins ()
Date: November 30, 2005 13:05

You are welcome no nervous breakdown! By the way, I also drive a Fiat Punto and got two speed tickets in the last couple of months...

Yes, it is close to rip-off, but i saw the Stones 6 weeks ago in Atlanta and they are worth every Euro!!!! And the tickets prices in the US are even higher and it is harder to get reasonable tickets. So I think we are lucky in Europe.
Rock on!

Re: Did anybody get a German fan-club ticket ?
Posted by: Meise ()
Date: November 30, 2005 13:09

I was a bit pissed off because after constant waiting to get tickets I found that I only could pay per VISA or Mastercard. Since I have neither of them, I decided to buy tickets via as AMEX customer. In the end, the price is nearly the same (129,50 per ticketmaster vs. 131,- per eventim).

Now I ordered tickets for Nuremberg and Leipzig.

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