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Re: Serious q… why does Dean Goodman go to shows?
Posted by: Boozehound ()
Date: June 5, 2022 04:41

I'll take all the opinions, its fine. I like to see the broad spectrum. I'm just glad they are still here in 2022 and kicking ass. To me they sound so good. To each their own

Re: Serious q… why does Dean Goodman go to shows?
Date: June 5, 2022 06:58

Ghost town is a very good new tune with slow and fast parts, great harmonica live playing by Mick and catchy melody. I cannot see the point in criticism of this song.

Re: Serious q… why does Dean Goodman go to shows?
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: June 5, 2022 07:03

dont worry flash5 the OLD Neg boys
will find a way ta bring things down ....


Re: Serious q… why does Dean Goodman go to shows?
Posted by: MizzAmandaJonez ()
Date: June 5, 2022 09:14

I like the challenges Dean gives Mick, if he's reading IORR reviews, which I bet he does.

Unfortunately, I just don't see him wanting to take chances in the set list, but who knows, maybe they'll drop Ghost Town to validate Dean's point.

I guess the War Horses just can't go away, but they have so many that even a rotation and different spacing would at least make things more interesting.

Re: Serious q… why does Dean Goodman go to shows?
Posted by: thecitadel ()
Date: June 5, 2022 09:38

I like Dean's reviews - they show he is a professional writer, and also a fierce determination to say what he thinks.

I also often don't agree with all he says - but free speech means we will never agree with everyone, and we should respect their views even if we disagree.

Re: Serious q… why does Dean Goodman go to shows?
Posted by: maumau ()
Date: June 5, 2022 10:15

not a good thing to see threads taking aim at specific users while calling on the community to respond...

Re: Serious q… why does Dean Goodman go to shows?
Posted by: Erik_Snow ()
Date: June 5, 2022 10:45

I like Dean Goodman's reviews, and even if/when I disagree, I still like 'emn

Re: Serious q… why does Dean Goodman go to shows?
Posted by: windmelody ()
Date: June 5, 2022 10:51

I like Dean Goodman's reviews, and even if/when I disagree, I still like 'emn

To the point, I agree.

Re: Serious q… why does Dean Goodman go to shows?
Posted by: Topi ()
Date: June 5, 2022 11:15

He calls it like he sees it without sugar-coating. Nothing wrong with that.

Re: Serious q… why does Dean Goodman go to shows?
Posted by: maumau ()
Date: June 5, 2022 12:55

He calls it like he sees it without sugar-coating. Nothing wrong with that.

would you like to see here a thread asking why does Topi said this or that?

Re: Serious q… why does Dean Goodman go to shows?
Posted by: Topi ()
Date: June 5, 2022 13:06

I won't comment on that.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2022-06-05 13:10 by Topi.

Re: Serious q… why does Dean Goodman go to shows?
Posted by: Doxa ()
Date: June 5, 2022 13:21

He writes excellent reviews that are a joy to read. No matter to agree with him or not, but that's actual, well-argued criticism, not the troll-like irrational, fragmentaric negativity for the sake of negativity, of which this site has had its share lately.

- Doxa

Re: Serious q… why does Dean Goodman go to shows?
Posted by: Nikkei ()
Date: June 5, 2022 13:34

"Midnight Rambler was too long which made me miss my train" is the one that keeps coming back to me when I read his reviews though

Re: Serious q… why does Dean Goodman go to shows?
Posted by: maumau ()
Date: June 5, 2022 13:37

exactly (referred to Doxa's comment), and thanks bv for making clear once more that, as a rule, threads aiming at individuals are not allowed here

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2022-06-05 13:39 by maumau.

Re: Serious q… why does Dean Goodman go to shows?
Posted by: marclaff ()
Date: June 5, 2022 14:28

I think Bjornulf used alias for his reviews in the past.
So for years, i thought DEAN (GOODMAN ideal for an alias!) was an alias for Bjornulf writing in a different way.
But i learn today that DEAN is a real guy! Oops

The question isn't about his comments but : Why does Dean Goodman go to shows ?

I was in Madrid (my 79th show) and i can write things like : SMU and PIB were boring for me or at least too DEJA VU. I don't even remember seeing Satisfaction and the(very quick?) last bow. That's true.
So i'm glad not being in Munich today then Liverpool...
My next show will be Hyde Park with general admission on saturday then Ron's pit on sunday.
Three weeks later, Lyon (Keith's pit) then Paris for my last show.
Now i'm thinking how to enjoy more the second part of the show.

But when you write : I was left disappointed, once again / their cheap new stage / their general lethargy / The new stage is a disaster / Steve Jordan's busy drums overwhelmed the sound...
The question remains : Why does he go to shows ?

Dear Dean, if you read me, follow my doctor's advice : begin your rehab today, stay this evening at your hotel (Tennis, bicycle, football, NBA or whatever on the TV), avoid the Stones and you'll feel better.

You're a writer, you know the meaning of "tongue in cheek"
Doctor Marc

Re: Serious q… why does Dean Goodman go to shows?
Posted by: Nikkei ()
Date: June 5, 2022 14:42

I think Bjornulf used alias for his reviews in the past.
So for years, i thought DEAN (GOODMAN ideal for an alias!) was an alias for Bjornulf writing in a different way.
But i learn today that DEAN is a real guy! Oops

s'all good man

Re: Serious q… why does Dean Goodman go to shows?
Posted by: lynn1 ()
Date: June 5, 2022 14:56

So funny

His are the only fan reviews I read.

Thanks Dean

Re: Serious q… why does Dean Goodman go to shows?
Posted by: slew ()
Date: June 5, 2022 15:28

His review was not awful. I like that he said what was on his mind. I don't think the Stones are clocking, Jordan is fine he's not Charlie but he's a good fill in. We either get Steve or they don't play. He has a ligit gripe on the screens they are in a huge stadium why downsize the screens? I have agreed on the warhorses forever. They could rotate them and if they are going to sing Out Of Time, rehearsed Under My Thumb, Midnight Rambler etc why not rotate in Brown Sugar? It is one of their best songs, I hope Mother's Little Helper gets played too as the tour goes on. Brian, MT, Bill, Charlie, Stu, Nicky Hopkins and Bobby Keyes could get mentioned as well. Love his Exile comments as well.

Re: Serious q… why does Dean Goodman go to shows?
Posted by: Stonesfan62 ()
Date: June 5, 2022 15:46

Dean Goodman is perfectly entitled to his views on the Stones which do appear to come across as negative the majority of the time. I guess he deliberately tries to provoke a response as that's the main aim of a journalist. I have been following this band on tour since 1982 and indeed could write a book on their short comings which are many. But like many on here they have changed my life for the better. I really don't see the point criticising them at this stage of their careers you just can't turn back the clock as much as we would all like to. I accept them for what they are now and I for one can't wait until I see them in Liverpool this week.

John Nicholls

Re: Serious q… why does Dean Goodman go to shows?
Posted by: rereuk ()
Date: June 5, 2022 16:03

One of the very few reasons i still follow IORR is DG's reviews. Has to be said, this is a site for fans and goes without saying that most of us will have nice things to say about our favourite band BUT enough is enough. i am not a young man anymore, i have nothing to prove to anyone and mostly i don't fear criticisms if i speak my truth. i honestly cannot stand peple pleasing and i have no hidden reasons to always be positive. the stones as we knew them are long gone, guys the quicker we accept this the better.creativity dead since what...some girls? latest opuses, ghost town, are truly horrendous and i am slightly surprised such a control freak as jagger decided to include it into their set list. let me remind all of us that they have a distributing company and they certainly must abide to some sort of marketing rule as we all do. even promoting crap or having maneskin as support act! Dean says it as it is and we even spoke recently. he is a big fan of them as most of us, maybe simply a tad more clear minded. jordan's drumming is not right for the stones at all, the visible effort he makes resonates in the heaviness of his playing. that will not change. keith, as much as i love him, is a walking disaster. we all laugh at his @#$%& ups but honestly...a disaster. i am pretty convinced half of his opening riffs come from backstage, an old trick in the industry. wood was always a below par guitarist and, sadly, living proof that being clean does not help creativity. i mean, take a look at his paintings!! abd this from a man that knows him and myself 20 years clean...

having said that, like DG, i will see them 3 times this tour, twice here in london and once in lyon. why? because i adore them and it still excites me to hear them live.

but it will never stop me from telling the truth.

Re: Serious q… why does Dean Goodman go to shows?
Posted by: bauk77 ()
Date: June 5, 2022 16:06

but your truth is not the only truth!

Re: Serious q… why does Dean Goodman go to shows?
Posted by: Doxa ()
Date: June 5, 2022 16:41

but your truth is not the only truth!

Truth in this context means: honest to one's feelings. And those are opinion-based, subjective matters. BV's truth is as valid as is, say, Dean Goodman's. Both interesting to read. But in the end we all, I hope, make our own conclusions.

- Doxa

Re: Serious q… why does Dean Goodman go to shows?
Posted by: MartinB ()
Date: June 5, 2022 17:47

I always liked Dean's reviews. He says things we try to suppress to our minds, and he can make it funny. It's a treat.

Re: Serious q… why does Dean Goodman go to shows?
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: June 5, 2022 18:32

Come on, its funny stuff and well written. No one would spend money to go around the world and attend multiple shows if they didnt enjoy it despite its flaws. People shouldn't be so precious.

I'd far rather read the 'warts and all' reviews than the blind adulation that every show is the best one ever and that everyone is 'on fire'.

Re: Serious q… why does Dean Goodman go to shows?
Posted by: angee ()
Date: June 5, 2022 18:37


Hope you make it to at least one show, Gazza!

~"Love is Strong"~

Re: Serious q… why does Dean Goodman go to shows?
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: June 5, 2022 18:40

Come on, its funny stuff and well written. No one would spend money to go around the world and attend multiple shows if they didnt enjoy it despite its flaws. People shouldn't be so precious.

I'd far rather read the 'warts and all' reviews than the blind adulation that every show is the best one ever and that everyone is 'on fire'.

Plus if everyone is on fire, there's always someone that gets burned.

Re: Serious q… why does Dean Goodman go to shows?
Posted by: jaggerman ()
Date: June 5, 2022 18:42

Love his reviews, first thing I like for on the setlist page.

Kudos to you Dean !!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2022-06-05 18:42 by jaggerman.

drinking smileyRe: Serious q… why does Dean Goodman go to shows?
Posted by: Elmo Lewis ()
Date: June 5, 2022 19:12

Palace Revolution 2000
Who is Dean Goodman? Was he the Vjay on MTV? The guy who ruined Live Aid for me?

The guy who played Rosanne's husband. drinking smiley

Re: Why does Dean Goodman go to shows?
Posted by: JumpingKentFlash ()
Date: June 5, 2022 20:43

I’ve never read a Dean Goodman review I didn’t like. Remember it’s his personal opinion on what he saw, and it’s a Stones show veteran’s opinion at that.
Reviews aren’t really important, but some are better than others. And Dean is very good at it.


Re: Why does Dean Goodman go to shows?
Posted by: vertigojoe ()
Date: June 5, 2022 21:01

He’s spot on most of the time. I’d sooner read his reviews than someone echoing Keef’s deluded “better than ever” nonsense.

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