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Has Mick Taylor Issued A Statement Yet On Charlie's Passing?
Posted by: 72stones ()
Date: August 27, 2021 06:47

Hi Everybody,
Has Mick Taylor left any statements yet about the passing of Charlie?

Re: Has Mick Taylor Issued A Statement Yet On Charlie's Passing?
Posted by: MisterDDDD ()
Date: August 27, 2021 06:56

Former Rolling Stones on Charlie Watts: Original Member Bill Wyman Checks In, Key Player Mick Taylor MIA

On the subject of Charlie Watts’s untimely and sad death, only one former Rolling Stone remains mum.

Mick Taylor, who famous played guitar and bass guitar as a member of the Stones from 1969 to 1974, has still not said a word about Charlie’s passing. Taylor joined the group in ’69 after Brian Jones left. Then Taylor resigned in ’74 after reportedly not getting along with Keith Richards. Taylor is heard on a number of key Rolling Stones records including “Sticky Fingers” and “Exile on Main Street.”

Meanwhile, Bill Wyman, the band’s bassist and original member from 1962 to his departure in 1993, called Watts “like a brother” on Instagram.

PS Stones records are selling and downloading like crazy. The “Hot Rocks” Greatest Hits is doing the best, but you guys should be downloading “Out of Time” from More Hot Rocks. One of Charlie’s best numbers.

Re: Has Mick Taylor Issued A Statement Yet On Charlie's Passing?
Posted by: VoodooLounge13 ()
Date: August 27, 2021 06:58

Ah ya beat me to it!!

Re: Has Mick Taylor Issued A Statement Yet On Charlie's Passing?
Posted by: lem motlow ()
Date: August 27, 2021 07:45

I love Mick Taylor but once again he’s MIA, cmon Mick seriously bro?

Re: Has Mick Taylor Issued A Statement Yet On Charlie's Passing?
Posted by: Scooby ()
Date: August 27, 2021 08:14

There’s a tribute from MT’s partner seemingly on behalf of MT that’s been shared on social media.

Re: Has Mick Taylor Issued A Statement Yet On Charlie's Passing?
Posted by: z ()
Date: August 27, 2021 08:24

For those wondering about a word from Mick Taylor about Charlie's death, here's something posted by Marlies, MT's girlfriend:
"MT is ok, although he is trying to get his head around the awful news we received 2 days ago. I had to inform him after a friend sent me a msg.
During the '50 & Counting' and '14 On Fire' tours MT and CW renewed their friendship and had many interesting conversations while driving to the venue, and back to the hotel.
Charlie invited MT to come along in his limousine, after RS management told MT he could 'get on the bus'. Apparently Charlie enjoyed MT's company. He got into the habit of visiting MT's cabin before showtime and having a sandwich there. Behind the stage, everything revolves around the hairdresser's schedule, which results in endless waiting."

(From Rolling Stones Data FB page)

Re: Has Mick Taylor Issued A Statement Yet On Charlie's Passing?
Posted by: S.T.P ()
Date: August 27, 2021 08:44

There's a difference in a public statement and a private message. Have some respect.
This is a reply to the other posts above, not the last about FB message from his wife.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2021-08-27 09:21 by S.T.P.

Re: Has Mick Taylor Issued A Statement Yet On Charlie's Passing?
Posted by: bauk77 ()
Date: August 27, 2021 09:07

I dont get the point why people expect some private statements on social media from the inner circle, ASK your self If you handle a death of a familymember at socialmedia. Fans can do IT.

Rest in Peace Mr. Watts

Re: Has Mick Taylor Issued A Statement Yet On Charlie's Passing?
Posted by: Lady Jayne ()
Date: August 27, 2021 09:20

For those wondering about a word from Mick Taylor about Charlie's death, here's something posted by Marlies, MT's girlfriend:
"MT is ok, although he is trying to get his head around the awful news we received 2 days ago. I had to inform him after a friend sent me a msg.
During the '50 & Counting' and '14 On Fire' tours MT and CW renewed their friendship and had many interesting conversations while driving to the venue, and back to the hotel.
Charlie invited MT to come along in his limousine, after RS management told MT he could 'get on the bus'. Apparently Charlie enjoyed MT's company. He got into the habit of visiting MT's cabin before showtime and having a sandwich there. Behind the stage, everything revolves around the hairdresser's schedule, which results in endless waiting."

(From Rolling Stones Data FB page)

If true, how sweetly typical that Charlie offered Mick Taylor the dignity of a limo ride to the venues.

Re: Has Mick Taylor Issued A Statement Yet On Charlie's Passing?
Posted by: georgie48 ()
Date: August 27, 2021 09:43

Lady Jayne
For those wondering about a word from Mick Taylor about Charlie's death, here's something posted by Marlies, MT's girlfriend:
"MT is ok, although he is trying to get his head around the awful news we received 2 days ago. I had to inform him after a friend sent me a msg.
During the '50 & Counting' and '14 On Fire' tours MT and CW renewed their friendship and had many interesting conversations while driving to the venue, and back to the hotel.
Charlie invited MT to come along in his limousine, after RS management told MT he could 'get on the bus'. Apparently Charlie enjoyed MT's company. He got into the habit of visiting MT's cabin before showtime and having a sandwich there. Behind the stage, everything revolves around the hairdresser's schedule, which results in endless waiting."

(From Rolling Stones Data FB page)

If true, how sweetly typical that Charlie offered Mick Taylor the dignity of a limo ride to the venues.

I met Mick Taylor in person several times. We, for instance, shared a car ride of well over an hour and had great conversations (you remember, Marlies winking smiley). We went to a radio station to do a Mick Taylor Years special and Mick, on my request, played Waiting On A Friend live in front of scissor seated me (a close friend did the singing and accoustic guitar part). I also accompanied him to several solo concerts. Mick is a very gentle person and will be in deep pain, like many of us.
Have respect for Marlies' message about Mick Taylor's feelings!

I'm a GHOST living in a ghost town

Re: Has Mick Taylor Issued A Statement Yet On Charlie's Passing?
Posted by: swiss ()
Date: August 27, 2021 09:49

Lady Jayne sweetly typical that Charlie offered Mick Taylor the dignity of a limo ride to the venues.

thumbs up

Re: Has Mick Taylor Issued A Statement Yet On Charlie's Passing?
Posted by: ribbelchips ()
Date: August 27, 2021 10:48

Mick & Keith didn't release a statement yet either.. Mick (J) posted a picture, Keith's management also did.

Not every 72 yo uses social media. These guys don't buy their own groceries or mow their own lawn. Don't blame them.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2021-08-27 10:53 by ribbelchips.

Re: Has Mick Taylor Issued A Statement Yet On Charlie's Passing?
Posted by: Taylor1 ()
Date: August 27, 2021 12:29

What a stupid post.Maybe because he doesn’t need to make some grandiose tribute in public .Maybe he is grieving privately. It’s none of your business to question how a person may grieve.He has always struck me as an honest, down to earth guy.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2021-08-27 12:31 by Taylor1.

Re: Has Mick Taylor Issued A Statement Yet On Charlie's Passing?
Date: August 27, 2021 12:29

Very off topic but boy why did they treat MT and Bill so bad.

Re: Has Mick Taylor Issued A Statement Yet On Charlie's Passing?
Posted by: ribbelchips ()
Date: August 27, 2021 13:21

No one is judging Mick Taylor, the topicstarter is just curious...

Re: Has Mick Taylor Issued A Statement Yet On Charlie's Passing?
Posted by: Green Lady ()
Date: August 27, 2021 13:58

I dont get the point why people expect some private statements on social media from the inner circle, ASK your self If you handle a death of a familymember at socialmedia. Fans can do IT.

Rest in Peace Mr. Watts

None of the band, past or present, have said more than the bare minimum in public yet, and I don't see why we should expect them to. If we are in shock and grief, so will they be, only many, many times worse. Official statements and fulsome tributes can come later.

Re: Has Mick Taylor Issued A Statement Yet On Charlie's Passing?
Date: August 27, 2021 14:22

Many well known bands and many well known musicians have shared their feelings in public. It's a matter of taste I guess. Mick Taylor never was an outgoing personality, so I'm not surprised he keeps silence. Nothing wrong with public inquiry though. To many fans Taylor was, and still is a Rolling Stone.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2021-08-27 14:23 by TheflyingDutchman.

Re: Has Mick Taylor Issued A Statement Yet On Charlie's Passing?
Posted by: wavelength ()
Date: August 27, 2021 18:58

Sometimes silence speaks louder than words. The sense I get from MT is that he has severed himself from the RS (and the public) since he toured with them then got the royal snub when he was not invited to the Exhibitionism opening. Clearly something went down during the tour. Maybe someday we will know the inside story. He lets his GF leak stuff that often includes a snide remark about the way MT was treated by the RS.

MT is pissed off at the Stones and though he may have had a relationship with Charlie he may also see him as part of the RS institution/establishment which may put a damper on his willingness to express himself. MT displayed quite a lot of public sympathy when Bowie died.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2021-08-27 20:18 by wavelength.

Re: Has Mick Taylor Issued A Statement Yet On Charlie's Passing?
Posted by: PhillyFAN ()
Date: August 27, 2021 19:33

Hi Everybody,
Has Mick Taylor left any statements yet about the passing of Charlie?[/quot

Has anyone offered condolences to MT? He knew CW for decades and probably adored CW. I am sure it was a shock and he is grieving. Everyone does not make public statememte about the death of a friend. At 72 he may not eben be familiar with email.
Give him time.

Re: Has Mick Taylor Issued A Statement Yet On Charlie's Passing?
Posted by: wavelength ()
Date: August 27, 2021 19:55

MT is on Facebook.

Re: Has Mick Taylor Issued A Statement Yet On Charlie's Passing?
Posted by: MisterDDDD ()
Date: August 27, 2021 20:07

MT is on Facebook.

Yup. I get what you're saying about MT feeling snubbed or whatever.
My take is different, but it's all speculative really.

When Jagger spoke on the topic, he seemed surprised MT would be resentful.
Paraphrasing, but something like "We did the anniversary shows and then had him join us in touring the world!" Essentially calling him ungrateful.
Which imo was the correct response. Wish MT the best, but he also imo, has "issues".

Either way, everyone loves Charlie.
And to know him as few others have, as a band member and friend, the silence does speak volumes. About MT.

Re: Has Mick Taylor Issued A Statement Yet On Charlie's Passing?
Posted by: timbernardis ()
Date: August 27, 2021 20:21

was Bill invited to the opening of Exhibitionism?


Re: Has Mick Taylor Issued A Statement Yet On Charlie's Passing?
Posted by: wavelength ()
Date: August 27, 2021 20:26

I love MT and his playing to death but yes I agree he has "issues". Who knows what kind of toll a life of addiction can play on your mental state. I don't entirely trust his version of events. I am going to give him the benefit of the doubt that he will rise to the occasion.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2021-08-27 20:51 by wavelength.

Re: Has Mick Taylor Issued A Statement Yet On Charlie's Passing?
Posted by: wavelength ()
Date: August 27, 2021 20:27

was Bill invited to the opening of Exhibitionism?


yes he was!

Re: Has Mick Taylor Issued A Statement Yet On Charlie's Passing?
Posted by: MisterDDDD ()
Date: August 27, 2021 20:33

I love MT and his playing to death but yes I agree he has "issues". Who knows what kind of toll a life of addiction can play on your mental state. I always have some doubts about his version of events. I am going to give him the benefit of the doubt that he will rise to the occasion.


Re: Has Mick Taylor Issued A Statement Yet On Charlie's Passing?
Posted by: Taylor1 ()
Date: August 27, 2021 21:23

Sometimes silence speaks louder than words. The sense I get from MT is that he has severed himself from the RS (and the public) since he toured with them then got the royal snub when he was not invited to the Exhibitionism opening. Clearly something went down during the tour. Maybe someday we will know the inside story. He lets his GF leak stuff that often includes a snide remark about the way MT was treated by the RS.

MT is pissed off at the Stones and though he may have had a relationship with Charlie he may also see him as part of the RS institution/establishment which may put a damper on his willingness to express himself. MT displayed quite a lot of public sympathy when Bowie died.
He was not in a band with Bowie when the band created 3 of their 4 best albums. He was not in a band with Bowie when they played their great live shows. He is like a family member and family members do not need to make public statements of sympathy if they do not want to. Charlie always spoke with the highest regard for Taylor as a musician and what he contributed to the Stones. Why the hell would Taylor look to be rude or disrespectful at this point to Charlie's family. You need to go back to psychology school

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2021-08-27 21:24 by Taylor1.

Re: Has Mick Taylor Issued A Statement Yet On Charlie's Passing?
Posted by: wavelength ()
Date: August 27, 2021 21:31

Sometimes silence speaks louder than words. The sense I get from MT is that he has severed himself from the RS (and the public) since he toured with them then got the royal snub when he was not invited to the Exhibitionism opening. Clearly something went down during the tour. Maybe someday we will know the inside story. He lets his GF leak stuff that often includes a snide remark about the way MT was treated by the RS.

MT is pissed off at the Stones and though he may have had a relationship with Charlie he may also see him as part of the RS institution/establishment which may put a damper on his willingness to express himself. MT displayed quite a lot of public sympathy when Bowie died.
He was not in a band with Bowie when the band created 3 of their 4 best albums. He was not in a band with Bowie when they played their great live shows. He is like a family member and family members do not need to make public statements of sympathy if they do not want to. Charlie always spoke with the highest regard for Taylor as a musician and what he contributed to the Stones. Why the hell would Taylor look to be rude or disrespectful at this point to Charlie's family. You need to go back to psychology school

you should refrain from attacking fellow posters because they have a different opinion and you should read my posts more carefully as i later say i am giving MT the benefit of the doubt.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2021-08-27 21:36 by wavelength.

Re: Has Mick Taylor Issued A Statement Yet On Charlie's Passing?
Posted by: Cooltoplady ()
Date: August 27, 2021 21:39

Sometimes silence speaks louder than words. The sense I get from MT is that he has severed himself from the RS (and the public) since he toured with them then got the royal snub when he was not invited to the Exhibitionism opening. Clearly something went down during the tour. Maybe someday we will know the inside story. He lets his GF leak stuff that often includes a snide remark about the way MT was treated by the RS.

MT is pissed off at the Stones and though he may have had a relationship with Charlie he may also see him as part of the RS institution/establishment which may put a damper on his willingness to express himself. MT displayed quite a lot of public sympathy when Bowie died.
He was not in a band with Bowie when the band created 3 of their 4 best albums. He was not in a band with Bowie when they played their great live shows. He is like a family member and family members do not need to make public statements of sympathy if they do not want to. Charlie always spoke with the highest regard for Taylor as a musician and what he contributed to the Stones. Why the hell would Taylor look to be rude or disrespectful at this point to Charlie's family. You need to go back to psychology school

you should refrain from attacking fellow posters because they have a different opinion and you should read my posts more carefully as i later say i am giving MT the benefit of the doubt.

I agree. He always seams to be angry in his posts. Never has anything good to say.

Re: Has Mick Taylor Issued A Statement Yet On Charlie's Passing?
Posted by: gotdablouse ()
Date: August 27, 2021 21:44

Most of us here were shocked by the news so imagine how MT must feel. Show some respect for the man, please! He'll issue a statement if/when he feels like it.

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Re: Has Mick Taylor Issued A Statement Yet On Charlie's Passing?
Posted by: swiss ()
Date: August 27, 2021 21:55

Most of us here were shocked by the news so imagine how MT must feel. Show some respect for the man, please! He'll issue a statement if/when he feels like it.
My sentiments, exactly.

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