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Riots in everyone o.k.?
Posted by: kienan ()
Date: November 5, 2005 19:06

I've been reading and viewing the Riots that France is experiening. No matter what your Religious or Political views are,I hate to see this taking place.Hope everyone is safe.My thoughts and prayers go out to you.

Re: Riots in everyone o.k.?
Posted by: Lorenz ()
Date: November 5, 2005 19:16

Being in France at the moment (not in Paris though) I can tell you that the whole thing might come across to bad in the media. It's not a civil war or something - no one got killed in the riots - it's mainly the disenchanted youth, from the Maghreb, that are "fighting" against the police after the death of two teens that got killed in a power substation (dunno the right word) while they were chased by the police.
And it would've been probably easier to calm the situation down if Sarkozy hadn't called them ALL thieves and useless...

btw, these riots have nothing to do with let's not start blaming the Islam for everything.


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2005-11-05 19:18 by Lorenz.

Re: Riots in everyone o.k.?
Posted by: phd ()
Date: November 5, 2005 19:20

Do not worry. France is still a quiet place except in some Paris suburbs exacerted by integration problems as in a lot of places all around our world.
We are waiting to welcome all the fans from Europe to attend the french shows.
And the rugby worldcup in 2007.

Re: Riots in everyone o.k.?
Posted by: stonefan ()
Date: November 5, 2005 19:22

thanks Kienan, but this is no revolution and no civil war ! LOL !
it's just a few excited young people (mainly in the suburbs of Paris) who used the pretext of two young men's death who have been electrified in an EDF factory while the police were trying to catch them because they wanted to steal a car I think, to destroy and burn evrything they can.
Now it's turning out to be more a political than religious discussion.
Racism is of course the recurrent argument.

Re: Riots in everyone o.k.?
Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: November 5, 2005 19:35

I was wondering the hell as going on over there. I mean the French wouldn't fight there own shadow .So I was suprised to see something about riots going on over there . Tell them to drink a bottle of wine . Take a Valium and chill out.

Re: Riots in everyone o.k.?
Posted by: Harm ()
Date: November 5, 2005 19:37

I'm going to Paris next Friday. Maybe to Chuck Berry as well.

Re: Riots in everyone o.k.?
Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: November 5, 2005 19:43

Think they will beat the shit out of Chuck ?

Re: Riots in everyone o.k.?
Posted by: SonicDreamer ()
Date: November 5, 2005 20:39

The French have the right idea - Revolution and intolerance against social-economic injustice!!! Why the @#$%& general citizens in virtually every other Western democracy put up with the bullshit divide and rule, elitist social-economic policies of their Governments I don't know.
Capitalism and Communism are not the solutions, they are the cause of the problems. Anyone who doubts this, read "Equality" by Edward Bellamy, published in 1897.

Strength to all underdogs who choose to rise up against injustices perpetrated against them!!!

The days of corrupt and misguided politicians drunk on the illusion of power are over.

Maitreya is here to act as the Herald in the new times and the Inspirer in new ways and we are ALL the nemesis of the of redundant ideologies and the fools who propagate them, which cause unnecessary suffering, poverty, starvation for 10s of millions of people every day.


Re: Riots in everyone o.k.?
Posted by: Rank Outsider ()
Date: November 5, 2005 20:54

At least the ongoing riots in Paris will briefly stop French politicians from bashing the "Anglosaxon ultraliberal" model in UK and the US. It's great to see how well the European social model really works when put to the test.
Best wishes.

Re: Riots in everyone o.k.?
Date: November 5, 2005 21:20

Just something the media cooks up to scare the shite out of its followers.

"The wonder of Jimi Hendrix was that he could stand up at all he was so pumped full of drugs." Patsy, Patsy Stone

Re: Riots in everyone o.k.?
Posted by: Mr Jimmy ()
Date: November 5, 2005 21:23

Street fighting man

This was banned cos of the riots in france?

Or am I ill informed??


What's your favourite flavour?...........Cherry Red!!

Re: Riots in everyone o.k.?
Posted by: stonefan ()
Date: November 5, 2005 21:35

"And it would've been probably easier to calm the situation down if Sarkozy hadn't called them ALL thieves and useless... "
I'm not close to sarkozy but he did not call them all thieves, it's not true..
he was talking about those who committed unacceptable things in some suburbs.
it's true that he has used words ("racaille" for instance) that are clumsy and not appropriate for a minister .

Re: Riots in everyone o.k.?
Posted by: aprilfool ()
Date: November 5, 2005 21:52

You're right stonefan. "C'est tout à fait ça". People who committed all these sad actions are really bad guys with just a bean instead their brain. All they like is, burning, breaking when they could. They are not representavie of the people who live in these suburbs. These people are always the same, they destroy the place they live, do you believe that. This is not a good situation.

Re: Riots in everyone o.k.?
Posted by: Duane in Houston ()
Date: November 6, 2005 00:18

SonicDreamer Wrote:
> The French have the right idea - Revolution and
> intolerance against social-economic injustice!!!
> Why the @#$%& general citizens in virtually every
> other Western democracy put up with the bullshit
> divide and rule, elitist social-economic policies
> of their Governments I don't know.
> Capitalism and Communism are not the solutions,
> they are the cause of the problems. Anyone who
> doubts this, read "Equality" by Edward Bellamy,
> published in 1897.
> Strength to all underdogs who choose to rise up
> against injustices perpetrated against them!!!
> The days of corrupt and misguided politicians
> drunk on the illusion of power are over.
> Maitreya is here to act as the Herald in the new
> times and the Inspirer in new ways and we are ALL
> the nemesis of the of redundant ideologies and the
> fools who propagate them, which cause unnecessary
> suffering, poverty, starvation for 10s of millions
> of people every day.

RIGHT ON BROTHER! Anarchists unite! Viva la Revolucion!

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