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Re: O.T. Has there been life on Mars?
Posted by: MisterDDDD ()
Date: February 20, 2021 02:28

I had been waiting for something like that from you. Priceless and Hilarious. Weekend may come now.


Yes hilarious! Hopefully someone will forward this off to Keith - I’m
sure it would bring a chuckle or two.

Hope you have seen this Keith.

The Rolling Stones are even famous on Mars.smileys with beer

More famous winking smiley

NASA-JPL Names 'Rolling Stones Rock' on Mars

For decades, the music of The Rolling Stones has had a global reach here on Earth. Now, the band's influence extends all the way to Mars. The team behind NASA's InSight lander has named a Martian rock after the band: 'Rolling Stones Rock.'
"The Rolling Stones — Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Charlie Watts and Ronnie Wood — were delighted with the news and commented, "What a wonderful way to celebrate the 'Stones No Filter' tour arriving in Pasadena. This is definitely a milestone in our long and eventful history. A huge thank you to everyone at NASA for making it happen."


Re: O.T. Has there been life on Mars?
Posted by: stargroover ()
Date: February 20, 2021 12:31

You never know amongst the rocks and dust might be lurking traces of black vinyl.Maybe our Martian mates have been rocking out to “stuck between a rock and a hard place”

Re: O.T. Has there been life on Mars?
Posted by: MAF ()
Date: February 20, 2021 13:09

Video and sound from Mars

Sorry, it's not from this mission, it's from Curiosity rover. A fake on Twitter.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2021-02-20 23:35 by MAF.

Re: O.T. Has there been life on Mars?
Posted by: Sighunt ()
Date: February 20, 2021 15:40

Re: O.T. Has there been life on Mars?
Posted by: Lynd8 ()
Date: February 20, 2021 17:48

is it worth 2 Billion dollars to find out? We have kids not getting enough food in many states, infrastructure is falling apart everywhere. I grew up in the 60s and was fascinated by our landing on the moon and very proud of our country and accomplishments, but we have much bigger problems right now then determining what the hell is going on at Mars.

Re: O.T. Has there been life on Mars?
Posted by: schillid ()
Date: February 20, 2021 17:55

Rock... Cool... picking up the Photoshop slack after closure of The ATTIC


Re: O.T. Has there been life on Mars?
Posted by: Torres ()
Date: February 20, 2021 18:57

is it worth 2 Billion dollars to find out? We have kids not getting enough food in many states, infrastructure is falling apart everywhere. I grew up in the 60s and was fascinated by our landing on the moon and very proud of our country and accomplishments, but we have much bigger problems right now then determining what the hell is going on at Mars.

I think it's worth a lot more, actually I think it's one of the best ways to invest money, in technology that will help our future generations move ahead with their lives and dreams. I am absolutely convinced once the pandemics is past, global warming and sustainability of our Planet will be the No.1 global concern. Humanity will eventually be forced to turn to space, somewhere in the future.

And if the 2 billion were not spent here, your much bigger problems wouldn't be solved anyway.

Re: O.T. Has there been life on Mars?
Posted by: crawdaddy ()
Date: February 20, 2021 19:31

I agree with you completely Torres.

Two billion dollars is a drop in the ocean for a lot of nations in our world, and individuals who have got many millions or billions of dollars.

There is a lot of wastage of money by all the rich countries in the world ,and I personally think this venture to Mars will reap benefits for our World and its future.
Just to see the jubilation and clapping and cheering by all the staff at mission control when they heard those lovely words..................'Touchdown Confirmed'.smileys with beer

Re: O.T. Has there been life on Mars?
Posted by: georgie48 ()
Date: February 20, 2021 20:56

With water found on Mars, it would be very strange if there would not be (would not have been) any life on it.

THIS is what I don’t get about our search for other life in the universe. Much as the old UFO that Will Smith used in Independence Day to infect the bad extraterrestrial mother ship with a virus by way of a computer and inbuilt USB port (IN the UFO - who would have thought an ancient UFO would have a USB port?) we seem to assume life on other planets would need water. OUR life does of course, but water may (MAY) be lethal to other forms of life in the universe. “They” may (MAY) thrive on, radioactivity or a form of material WE don’t even know about. It might not require water at all. Our assumption of other life needs our “life” giving source may be entirely wrong.

You could be very right there, Rod. It's like for instance scorpion poison. Where that poison could easily kill a solid human being, there are small creatures in for instance the Mohave Desert that eat those scorpions and being stung doesn't mean anything to them. There could be (and very likely are) creatures somewhere in our Universe that live an exciting life in for instance a methane athmosphere or any other weird organic or maybe even inorganic athmosphere. It would be interesting to know but not at all interesting for the human race, I'd say.

Re: O.T. Has there been life on Mars?
Posted by: stickyfingers101 ()
Date: February 20, 2021 21:18

is it worth 2 Billion dollars to find out? We have kids not getting enough food in many states, infrastructure is falling apart everywhere. I grew up in the 60s and was fascinated by our landing on the moon and very proud of our country and accomplishments, but we have much bigger problems right now then determining what the hell is going on at Mars.

I think it's worth a lot more, actually I think it's one of the best ways to invest money, in technology that will help our future generations move ahead with their lives and dreams. I am absolutely convinced once the pandemics is past, global warming and sustainability of our Planet will be the No.1 global concern. Humanity will eventually be forced to turn to space, somewhere in the future.

And if the 2 billion were not spent here, your much bigger problems wouldn't be solved anyway.

I'd agree w/ you....IF places like Flint, Michigan had clean drinking water (which is slightly more important to "lives and dreams" IMO)


but, I agree that the gov't would just piss the money away on some other waste anyway (and solve zero problems - Flint or otherwise)....

so, eff it...why not bring our crappy Earth-destroying ways to the rest of the solar system?!?!

By the way...anybody who thinks our "exploration" won't turn immediately to "exploitation" the second we find something we want...well, I've got a few history books you should read.

I doubt it will be on Mars, but, heaven help any "intelligent life" we find somewhere down the road.....

or heaven help us if they find us first, I suppose...nowhere is it written that we won't be the Aztecs the next time around....

that being said: congrats, honor of this success, I vote to adopt the Vulcan Salute as the new official Pandemic Greeting...and keep it when it is over...for now and forever.


Re: O.T. Has there been life on Mars?
Posted by: TIRED ()
Date: February 20, 2021 22:26

I for one am left completely cold by these stupid Mars news, what a colossal waste of money and of human capacities.

Aren't there enough real problems on our home planet that could be fixed instead - with the same brains and the same funds?

To me this is a project started by some sci-fi obsessed, grown-up kids who wanted to see their dream realized at all costs - no maturity, reason or true wisdom in sight to tell them how useless it all actually is.

The mediatic enthusiasm, apparently void of analytical, critical thinking is only distracting us from far more important issues. We could have done without this kind of achievement, imho.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2021-02-20 22:28 by TIRED.

Re: O.T. Has there been life on Mars?
Posted by: Irix ()
Date: February 21, 2021 00:05


Aren't there enough real problems on our home planet that could be fixed instead - with the same brains and the same funds?

Yep: tell the 1/3 of the world's population who do not have access to safe drinking water that science has found water on Mars instead - [] . Nothing wrong with science but there're currently more urgent issues on Earth for the mankind than on Mars. Some say as excuse: 'science on Mars and solving issues on Earth can run parallel' - yes, but sometimes my impression is that they're more interested in Mars than on Earth. And if the mankind colonizes Mars (or a different Planet) then I afraid regarding negative things like e.g. war or crime that they won't be better there ....

Re: O.T. Has there been life on Mars?
Posted by: georgie48 ()
Date: February 21, 2021 00:42


Aren't there enough real problems on our home planet that could be fixed instead - with the same brains and the same funds?

Yep: tell the 1/3 of the world's population who do not have access to safe drinking water that science has found water on Mars instead - [] . Nothing wrong with science but there're currently more urgent issues on Earth for the mankind than on Mars. Some say as excuse: 'science on Mars and solving issues on Earth can run parallel' - yes, but sometimes my impression is that they're more interested in Mars than on Earth. And if the mankind colonizes Mars (or a different Planet) then I afraid regarding negative things like e.g. war or crime that they won't be better there ....

Human beings ... my granddad was a communist (that party was still allowed in NL), but what I couldn't understand as a youngster was that he used to say that the great danger for future mankind were ... the Chinese (known to us in those days as communists ...). I was lucky to visit China on several occasions and what I found was ... they were not different from the people I met in all those other countries. You find the same variaties of people everywhere. The future of mankind depends on the balance between good and evil, and my modest guess is that somehow the good are the majority for some unexplanable reason or is it the hidden instinct of the human race that makes sure that the good are somehow always winning in the end? So, whenever we go to Mars it has to be the same. No choice winking smiley

Re: O.T. Has there been life on Mars?
Posted by: ProfessorWolf ()
Date: February 21, 2021 01:20


With water found on Mars, it would be very strange if there would not be (would not have been) any life on it.

THIS is what I don’t get about our search for other life in the universe. Much as the old UFO that Will Smith used in Independence Day to infect the bad extraterrestrial mother ship with a virus by way of a computer and inbuilt USB port (IN the UFO - who would have thought an ancient UFO would have a USB port?) we seem to assume life on other planets would need water. OUR life does of course, but water may (MAY) be lethal to other forms of life in the universe. “They” may (MAY) thrive on, radioactivity or a form of material WE don’t even know about. It might not require water at all. Our assumption of other life needs our “life” giving source may be entirely wrong.

true life based on silcone or high energy plasma could and probaly does exist but the conditions for it to arise would be pretty rare however carbon based life (like us) would most likely be much more common according to most experts and such life would need water and such life arising on a planetary surface would still be subject to the same phsysical laws as us and would evolve into familiar forms in other words legs, fins, or wings to move, eyes to see and percieve the world, and some sort of brain or brains to control and recieve information from said eyes & legs
but that being said i would love to be suprised


Re: O.T. Has there been life on Mars? new
Posted by: Torres ()
Date: February 20, 2021 18:57

is it worth 2 Billion dollars to find out? We have kids not getting enough food in many states, infrastructure is falling apart everywhere. I grew up in the 60s and was fascinated by our landing on the moon and very proud of our country and accomplishments, but we have much bigger problems right now then determining what the hell is going on at Mars.

I think it's worth a lot more, actually I think it's one of the best ways to invest money, in technology that will help our future generations move ahead with their lives and dreams. I am absolutely convinced once the pandemics is past, global warming and sustainability of our Planet will be the No.1 global concern. Humanity will eventually be forced to turn to space, somewhere in the future.

And if the 2 billion were not spent here, your much bigger problems wouldn't be solved anyway.

i would like to point out that the space race led to (directly or indirectly) the developmet of the technolgy that gave us our modern world namely the computers where typing on and the internet we are connected to and that same technology has improved peoples live all around the world most notably those in the most need even when you consider the terrifying side of that technology
a return to that sort of mission for our species may lead to innovation to help the world now and help fix our current round of problems
also if where looking to cut wasteful spending out of our society i don't think nasa should be anywhere near first to the chopping block
i mean how much does the rock get paid flex and and look cool on screen (no offense mr. rock love you and the new show) or do networks spend making stupid reality shows where hollow useless fake people prance around and pretend to emote in ridiculous situations so they can find fake love with other hollow useless fake people
i would much rather see 20 billion a year go to explore our universe for the benifit of the collective whole then this nonsense

Re: O.T. Has there been life on Mars?
Posted by: ProfessorWolf ()
Date: February 21, 2021 01:30

oh and not to continue to bring up titan on a thread about mars but the helium-3 i mentioned could be used to power nuclear fusion plants which are the holy grail when it comes to sustanible energy for the whole planet and it is rare on earth but common on the moon and makes up a huge part of saturns atmosphere so these mission to colonize space will likley have very real impacts to those of us back on earth

Re: O.T. Has there been life on Mars?
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: February 21, 2021 02:51

THE AGE -- 21 February 2021


Re: O.T. Has there been life on Mars?
Posted by: stargroover ()
Date: February 21, 2021 06:08

Funny stuff Sighunt and Rockman

Re: O.T. Has there been life on Mars?
Posted by: oldschool ()
Date: February 21, 2021 21:50

europa be great but you'd have to drill through miles of ice to access the oceans plus you'd have to deal with the tremendous amount of radiation that juptier produces which can be hard to shield electronics from
titan would also be great for a colony because it has atmospheric presure similar to earths which means you could walk on its surface with basicly what people in antartica wear plus a source of oxygen and for the same reason a colony could be made inside an inflatable dome
and there is little wind or storms due to the lack of energy from the sun
and on top of that lets talk about resorces titan is basicly covered in petrolium and natural gas, has mountains made of water ice, & the organic matter its covered in can be made into fertilizer
now i know why colonize titan its cold and really far away
well one good reason is helium-3 its rare on earth and is necessary for nuclear fussion which is the only reasonable source of energy for near light speed ships that would be necsscary for interstellar travel and saturns atmosphere is full of it
it could be harvested and processed on titan and then sent to earth on robot ships
plus when the sun expand in a few billion years titan and saturn will be spared so a independent colony would great for the coutinuation of humanity
also as stones fans we should all know this mick explains it in great detail in 2000 light years if you listen closelywinking smiley

As long as planet has water life is a possibility.

Regarding electonics on Titan exposed to radiaton, a number of probes have orbited Jupiter and they have survived years of exposure so this is not a big issue I think.

For humans, one side of Titan always faces Jupiter so maybe building settlements on the far side would shield them from radiation.

A bigger threat to colonization, Titan also has dangerously high winds, as high as 780mph/1250kph, so inflatable domes would seem impracticle.

Re: O.T. Has there been life on Mars?
Date: February 21, 2021 21:56

We better take care of our own planet. Living on Mars or Titan is a one way and dead end street

Re: O.T. Has there been life on Mars?
Posted by: crawdaddy ()
Date: February 22, 2021 01:21

Hopefully we will get some videos coming back from Mars fairly soon and when the drone/helicopter thingy gets up there will more to come. smileys with beer

Re: O.T. Has there been life on Mars?
Date: February 22, 2021 13:21

This is quite impressive already:

Re: O.T. Has there been life on Mars?
Posted by: oldschool ()
Date: February 22, 2021 15:58

Hopefully we will get some videos coming back from Mars fairly soon and when the drone/helicopter thingy gets up there will more to come. smileys with beer

The copter is attached to the belly of the rover and will not be dropped for test flights for 1-2 months as NASA will be running systems checks on both the rover and copter before the actual mission starts.

Once the copter is dropped to the surface NASA will then perform a series of test flights for another month so I would not expect much in the way of cool photos for 2-3 months.


Re: O.T. Has there been life on Mars?
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: February 22, 2021 17:16


Wow...I heard Mick threw his copy away, but what a throw!

Re: O.T. Has there been life on Mars?
Posted by: stickyfingers101 ()
Date: February 22, 2021 17:23


With water found on Mars, it would be very strange if there would not be (would not have been) any life on it.

THIS is what I don’t get about our search for other life in the universe. Much as the old UFO that Will Smith used in Independence Day to infect the bad extraterrestrial mother ship with a virus by way of a computer and inbuilt USB port (IN the UFO - who would have thought an ancient UFO would have a USB port?) we seem to assume life on other planets would need water. OUR life does of course, but water may (MAY) be lethal to other forms of life in the universe. “They” may (MAY) thrive on, radioactivity or a form of material WE don’t even know about. It might not require water at all. Our assumption of other life needs our “life” giving source may be entirely wrong.

true life based on silcone or high energy plasma could and probaly does exist but the conditions for it to arise would be pretty rare however carbon based life (like us) would most likely be much more common according to most experts and such life would need water and such life arising on a planetary surface would still be subject to the same phsysical laws as us and would evolve into familiar forms in other words legs, fins, or wings to move, eyes to see and percieve the world, and some sort of brain or brains to control and recieve information from said eyes & legs
but that being said i would love to be suprised


Re: O.T. Has there been life on Mars? new
Posted by: Torres ()
Date: February 20, 2021 18:57

is it worth 2 Billion dollars to find out? We have kids not getting enough food in many states, infrastructure is falling apart everywhere. I grew up in the 60s and was fascinated by our landing on the moon and very proud of our country and accomplishments, but we have much bigger problems right now then determining what the hell is going on at Mars.

I think it's worth a lot more, actually I think it's one of the best ways to invest money, in technology that will help our future generations move ahead with their lives and dreams. I am absolutely convinced once the pandemics is past, global warming and sustainability of our Planet will be the No.1 global concern. Humanity will eventually be forced to turn to space, somewhere in the future.

And if the 2 billion were not spent here, your much bigger problems wouldn't be solved anyway.

i would like to point out that the space race led to (directly or indirectly) the developmet of the technolgy that gave us our modern world namely the computers where typing on and the internet we are connected to and that same technology has improved peoples live all around the world most notably those in the most need even when you consider the terrifying side of that technology
a return to that sort of mission for our species may lead to innovation to help the world now and help fix our current round of problems
also if where looking to cut wasteful spending out of our society i don't think nasa should be anywhere near first to the chopping block
i mean how much does the rock get paid flex and and look cool on screen (no offense mr. rock love you and the new show) or do networks spend making stupid reality shows where hollow useless fake people prance around and pretend to emote in ridiculous situations so they can find fake love with other hollow useless fake people
i would much rather see 20 billion a year go to explore our universe for the benifit of the collective whole then this nonsense

The Rock's TV program and/or Reality TV isn't funded by tax-dollars...big difference.

Re: O.T. Has there been life on Mars?
Posted by: MisterDDDD ()
Date: February 22, 2021 22:15

Amazing footage of the landing..

Re: O.T. Has there been life on Mars?
Posted by: crawdaddy ()
Date: February 23, 2021 01:03

Yes! Great footage I've seen on BBC news several times since this afternoon.

Lovely to watch and hopefully more to come in the next few months.thumbs up

Re: O.T. Has there been life on Mars?
Posted by: ProfessorWolf ()
Date: February 23, 2021 03:41


Re: O.T. Has there been life on Mars? new
Posted by: stickyfingers101 ()
Date: February 22, 2021 17:23


With water found on Mars, it would be very strange if there would not be (would not have been) any life on it.

THIS is what I don’t get about our search for other life in the universe. Much as the old UFO that Will Smith used in Independence Day to infect the bad extraterrestrial mother ship with a virus by way of a computer and inbuilt USB port (IN the UFO - who would have thought an ancient UFO would have a USB port?) we seem to assume life on other planets would need water. OUR life does of course, but water may (MAY) be lethal to other forms of life in the universe. “They” may (MAY) thrive on, radioactivity or a form of material WE don’t even know about. It might not require water at all. Our assumption of other life needs our “life” giving source may be entirely wrong.

true life based on silcone or high energy plasma could and probaly does exist but the conditions for it to arise would be pretty rare however carbon based life (like us) would most likely be much more common according to most experts and such life would need water and such life arising on a planetary surface would still be subject to the same phsysical laws as us and would evolve into familiar forms in other words legs, fins, or wings to move, eyes to see and percieve the world, and some sort of brain or brains to control and recieve information from said eyes & legs
but that being said i would love to be suprised


Re: O.T. Has there been life on Mars? new
Posted by: Torres ()
Date: February 20, 2021 18:57

is it worth 2 Billion dollars to find out? We have kids not getting enough food in many states, infrastructure is falling apart everywhere. I grew up in the 60s and was fascinated by our landing on the moon and very proud of our country and accomplishments, but we have much bigger problems right now then determining what the hell is going on at Mars.

I think it's worth a lot more, actually I think it's one of the best ways to invest money, in technology that will help our future generations move ahead with their lives and dreams. I am absolutely convinced once the pandemics is past, global warming and sustainability of our Planet will be the No.1 global concern. Humanity will eventually be forced to turn to space, somewhere in the future.

And if the 2 billion were not spent here, your much bigger problems wouldn't be solved anyway.

i would like to point out that the space race led to (directly or indirectly) the developmet of the technolgy that gave us our modern world namely the computers where typing on and the internet we are connected to and that same technology has improved peoples live all around the world most notably those in the most need even when you consider the terrifying side of that technology
a return to that sort of mission for our species may lead to innovation to help the world now and help fix our current round of problems
also if where looking to cut wasteful spending out of our society i don't think nasa should be anywhere near first to the chopping block
i mean how much does the rock get paid flex and and look cool on screen (no offense mr. rock love you and the new show) or do networks spend making stupid reality shows where hollow useless fake people prance around and pretend to emote in ridiculous situations so they can find fake love with other hollow useless fake people
i would much rather see 20 billion a year go to explore our universe for the benifit of the collective whole then this nonsense

The Rock's TV program and/or Reality TV isn't funded by tax-dollars...big difference

good point just a personal gripe about how money is spent as a whole

Re: O.T. Has there been life on Mars?
Posted by: crawdaddy ()
Date: February 23, 2021 04:24

Been a lot of coverage on new footage of the red planet on the news on all channels in UK today.
Spoken to a few people today and they are as enthusiastic as me as watching the latest news about Mars.
Not a great deal of positive good news coming through from all over the world,and we all got to have something to look forward to.
I'm looking forward to more pics and videos from Mars as well as live gigs and sporting events happening in the UK........but it's obviously got to be if our government think it's the right thing to do.
Must admit I didn't see Keith's book in the latest footage..............but maybe a local Stones fan up there has nicked it.
Got to be positive in what you believe in, and it will all work out fine in the end.
God Bless us all. smileys with beer

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2021-02-23 04:31 by crawdaddy.

Re: O.T. Has there been life on Mars?
Posted by: Elmo Lewis ()
Date: February 23, 2021 16:54


I can hear "2000 Light Years From Home" in the background...

"No Anchovies, Please"

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