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Re: Lucky Dip Tickets 2020
Posted by: shattered ()
Date: February 14, 2020 19:31

@ shattered - everything is still up in the air at this point - will know more in the weeks ahead!
Meanwhile, San Diego is about to go on sale....have a great ticket already, but gonna see what else is happening as far as Lucky Dips, face value Pits, etc.....

Feel like a little boy eh?

On Christmas morning....

By the way, the best BBQ in downtown Dallas is?

Just in case...spinning smiley sticking its tongue out

Wait until Saturday and I'll ask.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2020-02-14 19:33 by shattered.

Re: Lucky Dip Tickets 2020
Posted by: snoopy2 ()
Date: February 14, 2020 19:31

What can I do about the Detroit lucky dip tickets I got by mistake, I was trying for Atlanta lucky dips and click on Atlanta but after paying for them it turned out to be Detroit lucky dip. No way I can make it, will Ticketmaster help with this?

My friend who had this same problem, Ticketmaster told him they would give him a refund for Detroit but would not transfer the tickets to Charlotte (which is what he wanted, before the glitch sent him to Detroit). He's pretty pissed. He also said they were only giving him until tonight to get the refund.

I just spoke with TM and they said they won't refund my Detroit error.. Guessing it depends who you talk to, or do they all follow same protocol ?

Re: Lucky Dip Tickets 2020
Posted by: Paddy ()
Date: February 14, 2020 19:31

fingers crossed for an LD for the Vancouver show! 29 mins to go before i find out.

Re: Lucky Dip Tickets 2020
Posted by: forsure ()
Date: February 14, 2020 19:32

Pita once I got Tampa I tried to go back for Cleveland and it kept telling me your in line on another device. Shut every device down, cleared history, reset router, time after time, same thing. By the time I remembered incognito Cleveland LD gone. None for buff. Now I play the game. Who’s got my $498 pit :-) time will tell if time is on my side

Re: Lucky Dip Tickets 2020
Posted by: Topi ()
Date: February 14, 2020 19:32

Getting closer to game time here...

Re: Lucky Dip Tickets 2020
Posted by: Sockers56 ()
Date: February 14, 2020 19:33

What can I do about the Detroit lucky dip tickets I got by mistake, I was trying for Atlanta lucky dips and click on Atlanta but after paying for them it turned out to be Detroit lucky dip. No way I can make it, will Ticketmaster help with this?

I may be interested in them.

Re: Lucky Dip Tickets 2020
Posted by: Donnebr ()
Date: February 14, 2020 19:34

No joy on the LD,s. If anyone has a spare for Pittsburgh could you let me know. My email is Thanks & good luck to everyone that got them

Re: Lucky Dip Tickets 2020
Posted by: Sockers56 ()
Date: February 14, 2020 19:38

Well, I was very frustrated with the links. I thought it was me as every link ended up in Detroit. I finally ended up with LD for North Carolina and St Louis, Mo. My wife bought me pit tickets for Valentine's Day for Detroit. The price for the Pit were less than $400, so I think we did good.

Re: Lucky Dip Tickets 2020
Posted by: buffalo7478 ()
Date: February 14, 2020 19:40

Just got 2 for Pittsburgh, but holding out for a lower price in Buffalo.

Oddly, my two $21 lucky dips in Pittsburgh were $94 after service charges from Ticketmaster. Still happy, Have been trying Cleveland, but no luck yet

Re: Lucky Dip Tickets 2020
Posted by: 1badgator ()
Date: February 14, 2020 19:41

What can I do about the Detroit lucky dip tickets I got by mistake, I was trying for Atlanta lucky dips and click on Atlanta but after paying for them it turned out to be Detroit lucky dip. No way I can make it, will Ticketmaster help with this?

My friend who had this same problem, Ticketmaster told him they would give him a refund for Detroit but would not transfer the tickets to Charlotte (which is what he wanted, before the glitch sent him to Detroit). He's pretty pissed. He also said they were only giving him until tonight to get the refund.

I just spoke with TM and they said they won't refund my Detroit error.. Guessing it depends who you talk to, or do they all follow same protocol ?

It's not your error it's ticketbastard, I recorded a video showing THEIR f* up.

Re: Lucky Dip Tickets 2020
Posted by: tonyc ()
Date: February 14, 2020 19:43

What can I do about the Detroit lucky dip tickets I got by mistake, I was trying for Atlanta lucky dips and click on Atlanta but after paying for them it turned out to be Detroit lucky dip. No way I can make it, will Ticketmaster help with this?

My friend who had this same problem, Ticketmaster told him they would give him a refund for Detroit but would not transfer the tickets to Charlotte (which is what he wanted, before the glitch sent him to Detroit). He's pretty pissed. He also said they were only giving him until tonight to get the refund.

I just spoke with TM and they said they won't refund my Detroit error.. Guessing it depends who you talk to, or do they all follow same protocol ?

Every employee at TM is different from satan to angel. Try until you hear what you like.

Re: Lucky Dip Tickets 2020
Posted by: shattered ()
Date: February 14, 2020 19:44

What can I do about the Detroit lucky dip tickets I got by mistake, I was trying for Atlanta lucky dips and click on Atlanta but after paying for them it turned out to be Detroit lucky dip. No way I can make it, will Ticketmaster help with this?

My friend who had this same problem, Ticketmaster told him they would give him a refund for Detroit but would not transfer the tickets to Charlotte (which is what he wanted, before the glitch sent him to Detroit). He's pretty pissed. He also said they were only giving him until tonight to get the refund.

I just spoke with TM and they said they won't refund my Detroit error.. Guessing it depends who you talk to, or do they all follow same protocol ?

Every employee at TM is different from satan to angel. Try until you hear what you like.

This is very good. hot smiley

Re: Lucky Dip Tickets 2020
Posted by: snoopy2 ()
Date: February 14, 2020 19:47

What can I do about the Detroit lucky dip tickets I got by mistake, I was trying for Atlanta lucky dips and click on Atlanta but after paying for them it turned out to be Detroit lucky dip. No way I can make it, will Ticketmaster help with this?

My friend who had this same problem, Ticketmaster told him they would give him a refund for Detroit but would not transfer the tickets to Charlotte (which is what he wanted, before the glitch sent him to Detroit). He's pretty pissed. He also said they were only giving him until tonight to get the refund.

I just spoke with TM and they said they won't refund my Detroit error.. Guessing it depends who you talk to, or do they all follow same protocol ?

Every employee at TM is different from satan to angel. Try until you hear what you like.

Good to know! The other problem is their phone line does not work for us. For some reason I get message that all call centers are closed even when calling in middle of day, this has happened for us last year and they say they don't know why -- so resolving issues is a long slow process via email (I keep getting kicked off chat as well)

Re: Lucky Dip Tickets 2020
Posted by: BustedButton ()
Date: February 14, 2020 19:48

The link is still up for Pittsburgh

Re: Lucky Dip Tickets 2020
Posted by: BustedButton ()
Date: February 14, 2020 19:51

I ended up getting 2 LD for Charlotte -- At first, just like everyone else experienced, it was a struggle getting them due to the Detroit fiasco. But, they removed the LD button around 10:16AM or so, then added it back and it worked. As soon as they corrected the Detroit error, I clicked the new link and it took about 3 mins to get through.
I would call ticketmaster and also see if there's a customer support number for Seems like the Detroit issue was a problem, not a Ticketmaster problem, but I could be wrong

Re: Lucky Dip Tickets 2020
Posted by: snoopy2 ()
Date: February 14, 2020 19:54

I ended up getting 2 LD for Charlotte -- At first, just like everyone else experienced, it was a struggle getting them due to the Detroit fiasco. But, they removed the LD button around 10:16AM or so, then added it back and it worked. As soon as they corrected the Detroit error, I clicked the new link and it took about 3 mins to get through.
I would call ticketmaster and also see if there's a customer support number for Seems like the Detroit issue was a problem, not a Ticketmaster problem, but I could be wrong

I've tried, but as mentioned get message that all call centers are down. One time they said it had something to do with my phone # didn't match the area I was calling from which is weird, cuz don't we all travel with our phones?

Re: Lucky Dip Tickets 2020
Posted by: virgil ()
Date: February 14, 2020 19:58

Anyone get LDs for Buffalo?
Lucky Dips didn't exist for Buffalo

I swear , I saw Buffalo LDs pop up at about 7 minutes after 10am EST.I was in the middle of another transaction that took about 3 minutes then I hit refresh and it was gone and it never came back. I did notice some LDs came up for some other cities then a few minutes later They were gone then a few more minutes they would be back up. At first I thought it was the browser on my old PC but I also saw it on the Other two IPads I was working with.

Did anyone else see this, Or was I just frazzeled?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2020-02-14 23:19 by virgil.

Re: Lucky Dip Tickets 2020
Posted by: grzegorz67 ()
Date: February 14, 2020 20:02

San Diego LD link?

Re: Lucky Dip Tickets 2020
Posted by: artedm ()
Date: February 14, 2020 20:03

looks like no sd link

Re: Lucky Dip Tickets 2020
Posted by: timbernardis ()
Date: February 14, 2020 20:04

no LD buttons on either west coast shows


Re: Lucky Dip Tickets 2020
Posted by: Sockers56 ()
Date: February 14, 2020 20:05

As Bjornulf says, Patience.

Re: Lucky Dip Tickets 2020
Posted by: Paddy ()
Date: February 14, 2020 20:05

no Vancouver link either

Re: Lucky Dip Tickets 2020
Posted by: grzegorz67 ()
Date: February 14, 2020 20:07

no LD buttons on either west coast shows


Nope. If they had no intention of selling any LDs for these shows then why the hell didn’t they say so in advance as they did for Buffalo? Raging angry smiley

It’s 6pm here in Hamilton, Scotland and I’m waiting to go out.

Re: Lucky Dip Tickets 2020
Posted by: virgil ()
Date: February 14, 2020 20:10

no LD buttons on either west coast shows


Nope. If they had no intention of selling any LDs for these shows then why the hell didn’t they say so in advance as they did for Buffalo? Raging angry smiley

It’s 6pm here in Hamilton, Scotland and I’m waiting to go out.

They are up now I’m in 1:12 EST

Re: Lucky Dip Tickets 2020
Posted by: grzegorz67 ()
Date: February 14, 2020 20:12

no LD buttons on either west coast shows


Nope. If they had no intention of selling any LDs for these shows then why the hell didn’t they say so in advance as they did for Buffalo? Raging angry smiley

It’s 6pm here in Hamilton, Scotland and I’m waiting to go out.

They are up now I’m in 1:12 EST

Yes I know - I’m in the queue. Fingers crossed for us all ...

2000+ in front of me - yikes!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2020-02-14 20:13 by grzegorz67.

Re: Lucky Dip Tickets 2020
Posted by: wickerman ()
Date: February 14, 2020 20:13

Got LDs for San Diego!!! So stoked!!

Re: Lucky Dip Tickets 2020
Posted by: Benjiboy13 ()
Date: February 14, 2020 20:13

Says 2,000 + people in front of me at the SD lucky dip link... is this really that big of an open secret? My goodness! I thought it may have been redirected to the main ticket site but I see "lucky" in the URL

Re: Lucky Dip Tickets 2020
Posted by: angee ()
Date: February 14, 2020 20:15

LDs up there now! For San Diego, came up a bit later than start.

~"Love is Strong"~

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2020-02-14 20:15 by angee.

Re: Lucky Dip Tickets 2020
Posted by: tommarty920 ()
Date: February 14, 2020 20:15

Got my LDs for San Diego!

Re: Lucky Dip Tickets 2020
Posted by: grzegorz67 ()
Date: February 14, 2020 20:17

Still stuck on 2,000+... Not looking good... sad smiley

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