20 yrs ago I wasn't closely following what the Stones were up to -- not like I had during two spells even earlier in my life -- and had never looked into this release at all until I saw it used in the record store when I was buying the new Licked Live bluray. Guessing somebody probably just traded it in when they bought Licked Live themselves.
I'm sure this forum talked about this at length way back in 04, but these have been my first listens to it, and man, what a great dividing of the songs over the two disks. Puttiing all the warhorses on Disk One, and all the non-warhorses on Disk Two.
What a user-friendly feature that was, curating Disk Two into a little treasure of, for those who might've forgotten:
Neighbours Monkey Man Rocks Off Can t You Hear Me Knocking? That's How Strong My Love Is The Nearness Of You Beast of Burden When The Whip Comes Down Rock Me, Baby You Don't Have To Mean It Worried About You Everybody Needs Someone To Love
I was at this show (a few hours ago). Probably the biggest age disparity between crowd and performer. Joe Bataan, a few months shy of 80 belting out Latin soul jams and I am against the barricade surrounded by mostly young people completely flipping out over it.
So I started comparing the original DECCA first or second pressing, probably second, fab condition, of "The Rolling Stones" with the pressing from the 1964 box set. No comparison. That almost 60 year old album sounds fantastic, alive. The worthy repressing is very quiet but a little dull.
I think started playing the UK Decca albums in chronological order...1, 2, OOH's and now Aftermath.
What a marvelous progression you get to witness through the period.
But even on Aftermath I don't get the sense of cohesiveness you get even the next year, with BTB, TSMR and then BB. It's just a sort of random scattering of songs, (albeit some great ones).
EDIT...wow, taking a real ride through the 60s. Just listening to Gomper and winding down side two, before heading on to Beggar's and then LIB.
I'll have to double back to do the two EPs and two Greatest Hits.
I wonder if I'll have time to finish today?!
...and...didn't. Made it halfway through SFTD before I was interrrupted. Never made it back.
So interesting listening to them chronologically and following the changes in style. Intellectually you know of course hearing the increasing sophistication in the early albums to Aftermath...and that one being a real transitory one and getting to BTB which was a complete change, then bouncing through psychedelic before finally landing on their signature sound in 68. Amazing, together 6 years before they invented a style that would serve them another 50 years.
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2022-07-11 06:23 by treaclefingers.