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Re: Twickenham London UK 19-June-2018 Rolling Stones No Filter live updates
Posted by: stoneman333 ()
Date: June 20, 2018 17:56

Great concert - pity about the transport issues sad smiley

Here's my video compilation. No complete songs I'm afraid - just clips - including a bit of James Bay.

Filmed from the middle tier - so on max zoom a lot!! Hence some shots are a bit "jumpy".

Also - sound is not great sad smiley.

Mainly filmed on a Lumix compct camera - but interspersed with a few shots from my mobile phone - you can really hear the difference in sound quality.

Last clip is the announcement of the transport problems!

Anyway - despite all the above comments - I hope some of you can still enjoy it smiling smiley


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2018-06-20 18:12 by stoneman333.

Re: Twickenham London UK 19-June-2018 Rolling Stones No Filter live updates
Posted by: crawdaddy ()
Date: June 20, 2018 17:57

Not sure if this BBC article about Eel Pie Island from yesterday ,has been posted on here. thumbs up

Eel Pie Island

Rolling Stones - Twickenham London UK 19-June-2018
Posted by: bye bye johnny ()
Date: June 20, 2018 17:59

Re: Twickenham London UK 19-June-2018 Rolling Stones No Filter live updates
Posted by: grzegorz67 ()
Date: June 20, 2018 18:05

A few observations on an amazing evening of Rock 'n' Roll played like it should be......

My visit to the Eel Pie Museum as well worth it, filled with a wealth of facts about those early days of R&B in that part of the world. It was pointed out to me that the Stones' 9th gig at Eel Pie Island was on the 19th June, exactly 55 years ago to the day.

The meeting of so many familiar faces at the Cabbage Patch in the afternoon was the perfect warm up for the main event. The 'United Nations of Stones fans' were all gathered in the sunshine in a state of excited expectancy.

The gig itself of course was again outstanding, another wondrous display of rock, roll, swagger, humour and guitars.

Did I Imagine it or did Mick say "this is our last date on the UK leg of our tour, before we head to Spain"...... Anyone else hear that?

Now for a first at a Stones gig - just before showtime, a 'Fashionista' couple, very stylishly dressed in black made their way into the pit and ended up standing next to us.........along with their own security guard!! He wasn't watching any of the show, didn't notice as Mick cavorted past just feet away, as his entire focus was making sure no-one got too close to, or bumped into, his fashionable employers. They moved out after half a dozen songs.

Finally, the fiasco of Twickenham Station being closed! Unbelievable. So we end up, after a rowdy and disorganised queue, on the shuttle bus from hell to get to Richmond station. Normally a 10 minute journey took 45. Hot and crowded and playing Smooth FM! it was only a matter of time before someone snapped........our very own Sonic Dreamer finally yelled out "turn the f***ing radio off" when Phil Collins came on. The driver duly did to a loud round of applause!

The things we do to see the greatest Rock and Roll Band in the World!

Heh heh, so he’s SonicDreamer! That was funny, especially the driver’s immediate reaction. Good to catch up btw and might see you in Warsaw. It sounds like we were the lucky ones in even catching a Tube. Our bus was 2nd in the treacle slow convoy and it seems that many later ones arrived after Richmond Tube Station shut down for the night. I got the next coach back to Swindon at 6.30am and didn’t get home to my village until quarter to 10. Having been awake and on my feet for the entire interim, including 6 hours in the Victoria area, my brain was in complete meltdown by then and I was in no fit state for a day’s work so my understanding boss has let me take it as leave.

My last up all night experience after a Stones Show was last year in Hamburg when I left my luggage at the Hauptbahnhof to collect after the show en route to the airport for the early flight home. But that was all planned and expected. It was also on a Sunday with no extra leave needed. This was not! The Hamburg authorities’ transport organisation was as good as Twickenham’s was bad.

I will repeat your final sentence which says it all. The things we do for the World’s Greatest Rock and Roll Band!!!! In fairness to them, they have put out a message on their Facebook site to let us know they were sorry to hear about thr transport woes.

Still, having gained access to Pit B in the most bonkersly fortuitous circumstances thanks to an act of kindness by another IORRian I’d only once previously and very briefly met, I deem it all worth it. Mr/Mrs/Ms XXXX, I have sent you an email about that winking smiley Maybe my transport woes were Karma biting me on the arse. It’s a bite I’m happy to take grinning smiley

Re: Twickenham London UK 19-June-2018 Rolling Stones No Filter live updates
Posted by: Monkeytonkman ()
Date: June 20, 2018 18:13

It was groovy \m/

Re: Twickenham London UK 19-June-2018 Rolling Stones No Filter live updates
Posted by: EddieByword ()
Date: June 20, 2018 18:34

Green Lady
I went last night with my three children (8, 8 and 5) and we all had a blast! I thought the energy level was a little low at first, but as we headed toward sundown they cranked it up, and by the halfway point they were playing at a blistering level. For me, the highlights were BoB and BTMMR.

A few observations - Satisfaction seemed to end, Ronnie had taken his guitar off, but then it kind of bubbled back up again (thanks to Charlie and Keef, I believe) and they played another minute or so. Is this what happened? Anyone else got a different take on this?

Also, what about Keith's little speech, during his set (I think), he kind of mumbled something... then there was a long pause, and then said 'ok, well, let's get on with the show' (paraphrase). From where I was standing, it seemed like he was feeling a little emotional about a (perhaps) final gig in London... Or maybe I'm a sentimental ol fool, and it was just a little dementia. Whaddya think?

Personally I didn't see Ron take his guitar off, although of course he might have.....but they definitely restarted ...............

They got to the end of what was already a very long Satisfaction - the fireworks went off, Ronnie took off his guitar and put it down... and Keith and Charlie started the riff up again. Mick joined in and Ronnie was playing his guitar with the strap hanging loose while they carried on for another minute or so.

Agreed that the show didn't really wake up properly until it started to get dark: it was Sympathy that really got the crowd moving in my part of the venue. After that it was non-stop. Not that the earlier stuff wasn't great - the opening one-two of SFM/IORR in particular.

Memories: Keith and Ronnie having a little dance, arm in arm, to Darryl's bass during Miss You: yet another fantastic Rambler: Mick doing the usual anyone-here-from-local-places routine, asking "anyone here from TUNISIA?" And what was it (a flag?) that somebody gave Ronnie down on the catwalk during Miss You, that he took back to the main stage draped over the guitar?

Strat72 has it right: the noise the Stones make is alive, and seeing them work and move and have their being in the middle of it is a great privilege. There's no-one else like them.

There is no one like them and we will probably never see the likes again.

They definitely restarted Satisfaction as noted above,they wouldn’t let it finish last night and played right up to the curfew. Keith said ‘I’m gonna miss you guys’ then was unable to speak. It felt like a pointer but maybe he’s said that elsewhere? A more ‘upmarket’, corporate, ‘eventer’ Crowd than the others, this does affect your perception of the gig, however ultimately it was yet another masterful performance and thoroughly enjoyable. This run of gigs has been better than anyone could have imagined.

Did they turn the sound up after keith's set and for Sympathy or was that Just my imagination?.......

Re: Twickenham London UK 19-June-2018 Rolling Stones No Filter live updates
Posted by: TE ()
Date: June 20, 2018 18:39

OK, here we go. Will only post here, better ones at the tour page probably.
Just arrived in Germany, hungry and thirsty.
Got lucky with our LD, sort of. Golden circle. But after walking for 2 hrs, I gave it up. Tnx Menno. Got it swapped by his friend to L25 seated. And had a ball there. Only thing, just noticed just before the show that I had 2 tix to L25.
Tried all I knew in the area I know around St.Margareths/Twickenham/Teddington.
None wanted it, was too late. Even "Matt" couldn't get rid of it.
A scalper, which I thought was a fan, was willing to pay 50, untill I realised what it was about.
So 3 hrs trying to give away a ticket for free went down the drain.
But I'm proud not giving it away to scalper, or selling it.
Ows Menno a beer or 10 for that seat.

The Show.
You can see they are having fun when "home".
The shit about seated, even as close as I was. When a song bored them, it was mobile/talking to a level I've never seen. Beast of Burden I have to see a video. No way to enjoy it. People bored chatting, same with Rambler.

But it was a hell of a show.
I was lucky with the mess leaving during Satisfaction and a hotel close by.

Oh well, need food/sleep now.
All written without a spell checker...


Re: Twickenham London UK 19-June-2018 Rolling Stones No Filter live updates
Posted by: crawdaddy ()
Date: June 20, 2018 18:44

So pleased for you once again Gregor, even though I felt that your transport problems must have tainted the Twickenham gig for you, after the show.

Being stuck all night without any sleep, and just wanting to get home is a rotten experience.

I have also just heard from a couple of fans I know from many years back, Melvyn and Sean who you may even know.
We met again for the first time in many years yesterday, and they had their LD tix which were O.K.'ish seats.

They were working out ways to somehow get a bit nearer the stage and just found out that they managed Pit B as well.
Don't know how they did it, but really happy for them. thumbs up

Re: Twickenham London UK 19-June-2018 Rolling Stones No Filter live updates
Posted by: SomeTorontoGirl ()
Date: June 20, 2018 18:45

It was a great show to end my travels, and a great 5 weeks in the UK. First, thanks to Adrian-L for all the info about the Eel Pie Island Museum, that was really a treat to see, even if I did have to listen to Gazza talking smack about Canada. grinning smiley

To so many others, it was great meeting you / seeing you again. And finally, to the folks in Pit B last night, a huge thank you for your help, and discretion. It hasn’t been mentioned, but I fainted like a Victorian granny - twice - between the end of James Bay and the Stones starting up. A few heroes patted my hands, passed water my way and made sure I wasn’t going to die before the show started (Ian, you’re terrific... and my homie!) It was only heatstroke. (Seriously. In London, FFS!) I don’t have as much as a bruise, and hope whomever must have cushioned my falls escaped unscathed. It was a pain in the ass for all nearby, and I’m both mortified and wildly apologetic. I was glad the Paramedic let me keep a shred of dignity by not calling a stretcher, and I made it back in time for Ride ‘em On Down, survived the marathon to Richmond station afterwards, and have got myself to Heathrow with luggage intact. Hoping everyone else enjoyed the show and made it home.

Re: Twickenham London UK 19-June-2018 Rolling Stones No Filter live updates
Posted by: nobodyimportant ()
Date: June 20, 2018 18:46

It sounds like we were the lucky ones in even catching a Tube. Our bus was 2nd in the treacle slow convoy and it seems that many later ones arrived after Richmond Tube Station shut down for the night.

I'm so sorry you had such a miserable time getting home, Gregor.

But please satisfy my curiosity - why did the buses take so long? We walked all the way to Richmond and only one bus passed us (it may not even have been a stadium bus) and there wasn't much traffic on the road. What was the hold-up?

We got to Richmond station about 2315. We were planning to try and get to Paddington by tube but saw that there were trains on the board for Reading so took a chance and eventually one came through. It must have been the first one to get through from Waterloo. You can imagine how we felt when it stopped at ..... smiley

Re: Twickenham London UK 19-June-2018 Rolling Stones No Filter live updates
Posted by: erbissell ()
Date: June 20, 2018 19:43

It's always fun watching clips of these guys jamming, also a good reminder of how much the Stones sound comes from their fingers not their instruments and amps!

Backline crew jam Twickenham 2018
video: []

Re: Twickenham London UK 19-June-2018 Rolling Stones No Filter live updates
Posted by: undertheradar ()
Date: June 20, 2018 19:46

It was a great show to end my travels, and a great 5 weeks in the UK. First, thanks to Adrian-L for all the info about the Eel Pie Island Museum, that was really a treat to see, even if I did have to listen to Gazza talking smack about Canada. grinning smiley

To so many others, it was great meeting you / seeing you again. And finally, to the folks in Pit B last night, a huge thank you for your help, and discretion. It hasn’t been mentioned, but I fainted like a Victorian granny - twice - between the end of James Bay and the Stones starting up. A few heroes patted my hands, passed water my way and made sure I wasn’t going to die before the show started (Ian, you’re terrific... and my homie!) It was only heatstroke. (Seriously. In London, FFS!) I don’t have as much as a bruise, and hope whomever must have cushioned my falls escaped unscathed. It was a pain in the ass for all nearby, and I’m both mortified and wildly apologetic. I was glad the Paramedic let me keep a shred of dignity by not calling a stretcher, and I made it back in time for Ride ‘em On Down, survived the marathon to Richmond station afterwards, and have got myself to Heathrow with luggage intact. Hoping everyone else enjoyed the show and made it home.
The lengths you go to for this band, eh?.. Fainting before Mick had even got on stage - just like back in the sixties, i'll bet they are well chuffed about thatgrinning smiley Glad you got out in one piece and not in a
Have a good rest and well done for being a true follower..smileys with beer

Disclaimer: I was drunk when I wrote this ;-)

Re: Twickenham London UK 19-June-2018 Rolling Stones No Filter live updates
Posted by: drwatts ()
Date: June 20, 2018 19:49

It was a great show to end my travels, and a great 5 weeks in the UK. First, thanks to Adrian-L for all the info about the Eel Pie Island Museum, that was really a treat to see, even if I did have to listen to Gazza talking smack about Canada. grinning smiley

To so many others, it was great meeting you / seeing you again. And finally, to the folks in Pit B last night, a huge thank you for your help, and discretion. It hasn’t been mentioned, but I fainted like a Victorian granny - twice - between the end of James Bay and the Stones starting up. A few heroes patted my hands, passed water my way and made sure I wasn’t going to die before the show started (Ian, you’re terrific... and my homie!) It was only heatstroke. (Seriously. In London, FFS!) I don’t have as much as a bruise, and hope whomever must have cushioned my falls escaped unscathed. It was a pain in the ass for all nearby, and I’m both mortified and wildly apologetic. I was glad the Paramedic let me keep a shred of dignity by not calling a stretcher, and I made it back in time for Ride ‘em On Down, survived the marathon to Richmond station afterwards, and have got myself to Heathrow with luggage intact. Hoping everyone else enjoyed the show and made it home.
Oh Jeez! I'm glad you survived and are making it home STG. It's a lovely 24 degrees here today. Mind, the never ending construction-noise and filth, is really getting bloody annoying!

Re: Twickenham London UK 19-June-2018 Rolling Stones No Filter live updates
Posted by: Leonioid ()
Date: June 20, 2018 21:09

It was a great show to end my travels, and a great 5 weeks in the UK. First, thanks to Adrian-L for all the info about the Eel Pie Island Museum, that was really a treat to see, even if I did have to listen to Gazza talking smack about Canada. grinning smiley

To so many others, it was great meeting you / seeing you again. And finally, to the folks in Pit B last night, a huge thank you for your help, and discretion. It hasn’t been mentioned, but I fainted like a Victorian granny - twice - between the end of James Bay and the Stones starting up. A few heroes patted my hands, passed water my way and made sure I wasn’t going to die before the show started (Ian, you’re terrific... and my homie!) It was only heatstroke. (Seriously. In London, FFS!) I don’t have as much as a bruise, and hope whomever must have cushioned my falls escaped unscathed. It was a pain in the ass for all nearby, and I’m both mortified and wildly apologetic. I was glad the Paramedic let me keep a shred of dignity by not calling a stretcher, and I made it back in time for Ride ‘em On Down, survived the marathon to Richmond station afterwards, and have got myself to Heathrow with luggage intact. Hoping everyone else enjoyed the show and made it home.

smileys with beer Way to STG. You did it!
I greatly admire you doing this trip, that is awesome!
And it is very cool to hear your Stones Karma was/is in great shape and you were OK in the pit.
I think YOU WIN!!

Re: Twickenham London UK 19-June-2018 Rolling Stones No Filter live updates
Posted by: The Worst. ()
Date: June 20, 2018 21:10

BBC about the traffic mess:

"Passengers delayed by more than 15 minutes due to rail disruption are entitled to compensation with details available on the South Western Railway website."

Re: Twickenham London UK 19-June-2018 Rolling Stones No Filter live updates
Posted by: keithsman ()
Date: June 20, 2018 21:20

Just got home to Cornwall from London, what a nightmare, completely exhausted, its a pity that the transport problems and security ass holes have taken the attention away from the best show by far imho out of Manchester, Cardiff & Twicks, well as far as the band and sound was concerned.

Too tired to say anything much other than it was emotional and brilliant, can't believe my luck, Street Fighting Man, Beast of Burden and Bitch, i will never forget the way Ronnie and Keith played, so loud, so inspiring, love Mick for doing what he does best, and Charlie, i take it all back , he was outstanding.
I had this intuitive feeling watching the band in Cardiff that this might be the end, or the last set of shows, just the body language from the band nothing else, well now i'm more convinced, Keith nearly gave the game away bless him.
So pleased we stayed right to the end because satisfaction was incredible, Keith's solo, Keith and Charlie just not wanting it to end.
Not so pleased we stayed until the end in hindsight though confused smiley.

It was worth all the traveling , wouldn't have missed it for the world, but i have disdain for London and everything it stands for these days, and i'm a Londoner, although left many years ago thank God.

What a politically correct, over bearing hostile Police State it's become, totally incompetent sh-t hole, it's very sad, it's not the place i remember so fondly as the best city in the world..

Sorry but a few things that happened during and after the show were bad and uncalled for, fans didn't deserve that, don't want to go into details, maybe i'm just tired but i'm surprised there isn't a rule or a fine against farting in London.winking smiley

Re: Twickenham London UK 19-June-2018 Rolling Stones No Filter live updates
Posted by: strat72 ()
Date: June 20, 2018 21:53


It was worth all the traveling , wouldn't have missed it for the world, but i have disdain for London and everything it stands for these days, and i'm a Londoner, although left many years ago thank God.

What a politically correct, over bearing hostile Police State it's become, totally incompetent sh-t hole, it's very sad, it's not the place i remember so fondly as the best city in the world..

Sorry but a few things that happened during and after the show were bad and uncalled for, fans didn't deserve that, don't want to go into details, maybe i'm just tired but i'm surprised there isn't a rule or a fine against farting in London.winking smiley

I'm from London and still live here, and I would not want to live anywhere else. There is always something to see and do and never a dull moment. However, I do see where your coming from with regards to the PC leftie types trying to ruin everyones life. They have far to much say in things and they would suck all the joy out of everything if they could.

As far as Twickenham goes....... A terrible venue that has always been a pain to get to, and an even worse one to get away from, even when the station is open.

Re: Twickenham London UK 19-June-2018 Rolling Stones No Filter live updates
Posted by: keithsman ()
Date: June 20, 2018 22:20


It was worth all the traveling , wouldn't have missed it for the world, but i have disdain for London and everything it stands for these days, and i'm a Londoner, although left many years ago thank God.

What a politically correct, over bearing hostile Police State it's become, totally incompetent sh-t hole, it's very sad, it's not the place i remember so fondly as the best city in the world..

Sorry but a few things that happened during and after the show were bad and uncalled for, fans didn't deserve that, don't want to go into details, maybe i'm just tired but i'm surprised there isn't a rule or a fine against farting in London.winking smiley

I'm from London and still live here, and I would not want to live anywhere else. There is always something to see and do and never a dull moment. However, I do see where your coming from with regards to the PC leftie types trying to ruin everyones life. They have far to much say in things and they would suck all the joy out of everything if they could.

As far as Twickenham goes....... A terrible venue that has always been a pain to get to, and an even worse one to get away from, even when the station is open.

Don't get me wrong i love the people and the attractions, still have family in Essex and Clacton, some of the friendliest people you will ever meet, but as you pointed out the leftie libtards are ruining everything lol.

Its just that when you return to a place after a few years you really see the changes. I get upset at what's happened to London.

Re: Twickenham London UK 19-June-2018 Rolling Stones No Filter live updates
Posted by: midimannz ()
Date: June 20, 2018 22:22

Great concert - pity about the transport issues sad smiley

Here's my video compilation. No complete songs I'm afraid - just clips - including a bit of James Bay.

Filmed from the middle tier - so on max zoom a lot!! Hence some shots are a bit "jumpy".

Also - sound is not great sad smiley.

Mainly filmed on a Lumix compct camera - but interspersed with a few shots from my mobile phone - you can really hear the difference in sound quality.

Last clip is the announcement of the transport problems!

Anyway - despite all the above comments - I hope some of you can still enjoy it smiling smiley


Thanks for the share, steady video works for me, no sound issues here (they could be silent, I can still work with them)
Breaking up a compilation can take time, but it's easier for me if I knew what was in it instead of having to find out, if a comment is required
I do appreciate your upload

Re: Twickenham London UK 19-June-2018 Rolling Stones No Filter live updates
Posted by: sjs12 ()
Date: June 20, 2018 22:29

Luckily I was staying for the night in Hounslow so didn't have to experience those issues with transport. What I did have to experience though was the ridiculous organisation and security. Who's idea was it to hand armbands out at the entrance to GA insted of when you enter the stadium? Just before the Stones were due on there were huge queues to get onto the pitch. Everytime you went out you had to show your ticket and armband to get back in. I took the start of Satisfaction to quickly go for a pee and even then they were still strictly checking everyone had an armband. I wouldn't mind but it's not as though they were particularly fast in doing it!

Then the bars - having experienced really good organisation in Southampton and Coventry, this was lie going back to the dark ages. Couldn't they have had some mobile beer sellers on pitch? The queue to get a drink went back hlfway through the GA area before the show. They knew in advance how many people were attending so it's just inexcusable in my opinion.

In addition, security were being generally quite OTT. Whatever happened to rock n roll?

Anyway, for everything that the venue got wrong, the Stones got it right!

I decided to wander around quite a bit during the performance and take in the show from many different viewpoints. The sound was crisp and clear everywhere, but nowhere near as loud as it was at Coventry.

I was expecting Sweet Virginia to have won the fan vote so I ws really pleasently surprised to get Bitch. And then Beast of Burden with Jake Bugg, although I didn't know who he was at first having missed the support slot. He sang well and didn't seem daunted.

The highlight of this show (and the others I've seen this tour) was once again Midnight Rambler. They are playing this song with such intensity this tour and the red flashing in the middle section really wows the audience and adds a brilliant dramatic effect. Did they use this effect last year?

The other main highlight was the end of Satisfaction. After the song had finished it was Charlie who had decided that he wasn't finished yet! He started playing more, then Keith joined in and then we had an extended jam. Sod the fireworks finale - we want more!

I'm glad I got to experience three really good shows this year and if it's the last time I ever see the Stones then I am going out on a high. However, I did say that after Voodoo Lounge so I hope to catch them again if they keep going.

Re: Twickenham London UK 19-June-2018 Rolling Stones No Filter live updates
Posted by: Lady Jayne ()
Date: June 20, 2018 23:28

Beautiful review - forgive me if someone has posted the link before and I have missed.


Re: Twickenham London UK 19-June-2018 Rolling Stones No Filter live updates
Posted by: odean73 ()
Date: June 20, 2018 23:58

Been some great reviews from most if not all of the concerts.

I am still on a high from Cardiff and my other 2 concerts and did think of trying to go to another concert, but logistically and partly financially plus holiday coming up, just did want work out for me.

I thought I would be stoned out, but finding i need more.

Re: Twickenham London UK 19-June-2018 Rolling Stones No Filter live updates
Posted by: monkeymantoo ()
Date: June 21, 2018 00:15

Lady Jayne
Beautiful review - forgive me if someone has posted the link before and I have missed.


Thanks for posting. Great review. It was a very special gig

Re: Twickenham London UK 19-June-2018 Rolling Stones No Filter live updates
Date: June 21, 2018 00:52

Okay,my thoughts on the Twickenham show(for what they are worth)......

Low(ish) points:There was a couple of songs where Ronnie's effects pedal was way to high in the mix.One of them was Start Me Up;everybody was dancing away and then stopped suddenly as the sound from Ronnies guitar solo was so jarring.

YGTS is what it is at this point but I honestly think it should have been dropped from the set as Keith just can't do it anymore(btmmr on the other hand was surprisingly good).

I was slightly disappointed with Micks vocals on the refrain for Bitch which was a shame as the band themselves were fantastic,especially Keith on lead.

High Pointsconfused smileyFM was an incredible opener and after hearing the versions from the other shows on YT was desperate to get this again-I was extremely pleased.

Ronnies guitar playing;his solos on TB and REOD were the best things about those two songs,never mind his work in the rest of the set;very sharp.

The best SFD on this tour so far(imo)-it was fabulous.GS was brilliant as well....the crowd almost deafened me during their singing to HTW woman which was ace.

BOB is one of my all time favourites so to get that was really special-even if Bay was doing it with them-beggers can't be choosers.

Ronnie and Keith were so good on that one.

The ladies in the audience went nuts to MY which nice to see-and as someone else already pointed out great to see the guitars to fore on this,

BS and the final song,Satisfaction were done really couldn't have finished any better but for me the highlight was MR.

An almost perfect piece of rnr theatre and the snippet of Come On In My Kitchen totally made it(I love performance and RJ).

Re: Twickenham London UK 19-June-2018 Rolling Stones No Filter live updates
Posted by: peoplewitheyes ()
Date: June 21, 2018 01:12

A few more memories come filtering through my hazy brain...

In the final part of Satisfaction (after the not-quite-ending) Ronnie, was holding his unstrapped guitar at his shoulders and pointing it around like a gun with a big grin on his face.

I seem to remember that Keith 'improvised' some of the lyrics to BTMMR, then looked around at Ronnie laughing at his goof

I know some of you hate MY, but it set the place on fire. The neon video screens, and some great moves from Mick had everyone dancing and singing. In fact, generally speaking everyone in my wide area (lower stalls on Keiths side) was up on their feet, dancing and singing along for the whole show, with the possible exception of Keith's set. It was a lot more energetic and enthusiastic crowd than I had been dreading. No chatting/phone-staring etc

Keef's SFTD solo was absolutely great - vicious, and with not a note out of place

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2018-06-21 01:15 by peoplewitheyes.

Re: Twickenham London UK 19-June-2018 Rolling Stones No Filter live updates
Posted by: stoneman333 ()
Date: June 21, 2018 01:15

Great concert - pity about the transport issues sad smiley

Here's my video compilation. No complete songs I'm afraid - just clips - including a bit of James Bay.

Filmed from the middle tier - so on max zoom a lot!! Hence some shots are a bit "jumpy".

Also - sound is not great sad smiley.

Mainly filmed on a Lumix compct camera - but interspersed with a few shots from my mobile phone - you can really hear the difference in sound quality.

Last clip is the announcement of the transport problems!

Anyway - despite all the above comments - I hope some of you can still enjoy it smiling smiley


Thanks for the share, steady video works for me, no sound issues here (they could be silent, I can still work with them)
Breaking up a compilation can take time, but it's easier for me if I knew what was in it instead of having to find out, if a comment is required
I do appreciate your upload

Thanks midimannz - If it will be a help I'll post a breakdown of the clips tomorrow - with the duration of each. I've obviously got them all as separate clips, but I didn't think it would make sense to post them like that. Would you like me to wetransfer the separate clips to you? If so, I can also send you my smaller number of clips for Cardiff.

Re: Twickenham London UK 19-June-2018 Rolling Stones No Filter live updates
Posted by: peoplewitheyes ()
Date: June 21, 2018 01:16

Does anyone know the crowd size of the Twickenham show?

Re: Twickenham London UK 19-June-2018 Rolling Stones No Filter live updates
Posted by: hilary ()
Date: June 21, 2018 01:16

Green Lady
I went last night with my three children (8, 8 and 5) and we all had a blast! I thought the energy level was a little low at first, but as we headed toward sundown they cranked it up, and by the halfway point they were playing at a blistering level. For me, the highlights were BoB and BTMMR.

A few observations - Satisfaction seemed to end, Ronnie had taken his guitar off, but then it kind of bubbled back up again (thanks to Charlie and Keef, I believe) and they played another minute or so. Is this what happened? Anyone else got a different take on this?

Also, what about Keith's little speech, during his set (I think), he kind of mumbled something... then there was a long pause, and then said 'ok, well, let's get on with the show' (paraphrase). From where I was standing, it seemed like he was feeling a little emotional about a (perhaps) final gig in London... Or maybe I'm a sentimental ol fool, and it was just a little dementia. Whaddya think?

Personally I didn't see Ron take his guitar off, although of course he might have.....but they definitely restarted ...............

They got to the end of what was already a very long Satisfaction - the fireworks went off, Ronnie took off his guitar and put it down... and Keith and Charlie started the riff up again. Mick joined in and Ronnie was playing his guitar with the strap hanging loose while they carried on for another minute or so.

Agreed that the show didn't really wake up properly until it started to get dark: it was Sympathy that really got the crowd moving in my part of the venue. After that it was non-stop. Not that the earlier stuff wasn't great - the opening one-two of SFM/IORR in particular.

Memories: Keith and Ronnie having a little dance, arm in arm, to Darryl's bass during Miss You: yet another fantastic Rambler: Mick doing the usual anyone-here-from-local-places routine, asking "anyone here from TUNISIA?" And what was it (a flag?) that somebody gave Ronnie down on the catwalk during Miss You, that he took back to the main stage draped over the guitar?

Strat72 has it right: the noise the Stones make is alive, and seeing them work and move and have their being in the middle of it is a great privilege. There's no-one else like them.

There is no one like them and we will probably never see the likes again.

They definitely restarted Satisfaction as noted above,they wouldn’t let it finish last night and played right up to the curfew. Keith said ‘I’m gonna miss you guys’ then was unable to speak. It felt like a pointer but maybe he’s said that elsewhere? A more ‘upmarket’, corporate, ‘eventer’ Crowd than the others, this does affect your perception of the gig, however ultimately it was yet another masterful performance and thoroughly enjoyable. This run of gigs has been better than anyone could have imagined.
I had the same seemed that he was unable to speak...Is this the end?? sad smiley

Re: Twickenham London UK 19-June-2018 Rolling Stones No Filter live updates
Posted by: angee ()
Date: June 21, 2018 01:19

This tour is such a pleasure for me; albeit at a far distance and just getting fans vids along the way. After the last U.S. tour, and also some subsequent shows, I was dismayed, even after having 'adjusted' my expectations in the face of natural aging, especially into their 70's. I had seen them in their 20's, 30's, 40's and 50's I guess; but none too recently.

They sound, even with all those echoey, hard to make out, fan vids (some are fantastic!!), just really so much more crisp. Jags at Cardiff was ferocious, right from the opening, which was really exciting. They picked themselves up, have a super great stage that is crisp, not the huge, for me distracting, stage set-ups of 'steel wheels era' infamy.

And good ole Mick is all over it; sounding every bit as fresh as ever, (soulful and forceful, I don't make that observation lightly, he sounds effin great!!!! which is amazing and appreciated. Keith sounds and seems considerably more together. He's cool personified, holding his 'keithness' in the face of the same kinds of shame and criticism that he heaps on his best buddie there, lol.
The band sounds re-invigorated and I didn't think this would happen. It was getting embarassing. They more than pulled it off this tour. Good tidings for things to come. I think you'd have to call this tour a triumph. Chuck is considerably less plinky and intrusive imo; or maybe after forty years I'm starting to not be so offended by him, lol. And he is pretty faithfully playing Nicky's inventive, lovely parts with confidence and some passion.
...but oh yeh, turn up the bass. eye popping smiley . (Never forgettin' Taylor, Wyman, Hopkins, Jones, Stu, Bobby etc...every show, can't help that and don't want to!) (part of the big fun is the glorious and ragged history of it all).

I'm such a sucker fan I even re-play Mick singing Happy Birthday to the Wembly Whammer a few times. Keith's little mini-sets show him really present. Some really excellent, heart-warming versions of YGTS along the way; it had become a 'piss break' throwaway to me. Keith is 'present,' it seems to me. Really feeling it and putting it down. Ron sounds great on acoustic with him. I'm lovin' it. Coventry just one example of him putting that one down w soul imo. The Rolling Stones are proving their mettle way into their 70's. Mick's wailing that harp on LARS. I'm loving his voice and performances this tour. Lovin' it.
smileys with beer

Hopkins, I am so happy to hear you waxing happy about this band. I was at the first leg of this one back in the fall and was pleasantly surprised. I think they are outdoing that now, from what I understand and can pick up without being there. How great, huh.

~"Love is Strong"~

Re: Twickenham London UK 19-June-2018 Rolling Stones No Filter live updates
Posted by: grzegorz67 ()
Date: June 21, 2018 01:29

It sounds like we were the lucky ones in even catching a Tube. Our bus was 2nd in the treacle slow convoy and it seems that many later ones arrived after Richmond Tube Station shut down for the night.

I'm so sorry you had such a miserable time getting home, Gregor.

But please satisfy my curiosity - why did the buses take so long? We walked all the way to Richmond and only one bus passed us (it may not even have been a stadium bus) and there wasn't much traffic on the road. What was the hold-up?

We got to Richmond station about 2315. We were planning to try and get to Paddington by tube but saw that there were trains on the board for Reading so took a chance and eventually one came through. It must have been the first one to get through from Waterloo. You can imagine how we felt when it stopped at ..... smiley

I think it might just have been a very poorly chosen route. We were at a standstill/crawl most of the time until we reached the big bridge over the Thames, when we started moving well. But by then it was far too late. There were people standing on my bus, even upstairs. But seats quickly freed up as people Lost the rag and asked the driver to let them off.

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