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OT(?): My own Stones influenced music
Posted by: Tate ()
Date: May 27, 2018 06:23

Hi all... I finished and released a record just recently under the band name 'The Moaning Sallys,' and as a lifelong massive Rolling Stones fan I dare say you may recognize their influence in spots... I am not concerned with sales, just interested in sharing my music, so feel free to search it up on Spotify or iTunes where you can listen without buying. The name of the record is The Whim Of A Beast, and the "band" (it's just me really, playing all instruments and such, McCartney II style, though I shan't even close to compare myself) indeed has a website (you can listen there too) and is of course on Facebook and Twitter. Sorry if this should be part of a different thread (I know there was an old thread for posting our own bands, which I have posted links to Stones covers I've recorded once or twice, but I couldn't locate it.) Anyway, I'd be honored and overjoyed if any of you seek out the music on one of the above platforms and feel free to put me in my place if this is not ok to share here with you all as a separate OT post. Cheers and I promise I'll go back to posting Stones stuff (until I do up another record in however many years!). Link (again, forgive me): . Again, thanks, sincerely your humblest long-time iorrian, Tate

Re: OT(?): My own Stones influenced music
Posted by: Leonioid ()
Date: May 27, 2018 07:39

smileys with beer Congratulations Tate! That is quite a feat and very nice work!

I like "What went down" "Working Man" and "Complicated Mind" best so far... but the other songs are good too. It is very impressive that you created it all yourself, created something from your mind... imagination... soul... there is really nothing better in life than that.

I will also say your website works 100% perfect and easy, just push play...
[] doing that may appear easy to some, but there is a lot
to making it work that easy... and many bands/people have messed that up, you did perfect!

Re: OT(?): My own Stones influenced music
Posted by: Tate ()
Date: May 27, 2018 15:02

Wow, many thanks, Leonioid!

Re: OT(?): My own Stones influenced music
Posted by: Leonioid ()
Date: May 27, 2018 17:19

Wow, many thanks, Leonioid!
Thank you for sharing Tate,
Very impressive indeed... it is no small small feat to do what you did, I understand how many things, how many pieces/parts have to come together to do what you completed. From your first learning to play, years of learning, then the recording process, then actually coming up with original ideas and songs (complete songs)... and then completing those songs and calling them finished. That final part can be a bear (a Mother Bear) because you/I/we can always add another part, sound, effect, mix, etc etc... but to have the confidence/happiness/satisfaction to say your original work, your creation... to say "it is complete" is a feat unst itself. Anyone can do a cover... but to produce and finish a full album of original songs... Man, GREAT JOB, WELL DONE!

Then you put it out here smileys with beer

I have a bunch of recorded songs stuff... but I never "finished" any of them... they still need work... just a little more... then they will be ready... I said 5-6 10 years ago... I did not finish... and the wind left my sails.

But you completed the job!! and more than that... including the website!! smileys with beer

Now there is no telling where it all leads, hopefully great fun satisfying things for you...
but no matter what happens (or not) you created your own album full of original songs and that is really cool! Not many people can say that.

Keep spreading the news, playing, doing your thing... there is no telling where it can/will all lead!

Keep your sails full of wind.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2018-05-27 17:24 by Leonioid.

Re: OT(?): My own Stones influenced music
Posted by: Tate ()
Date: May 27, 2018 18:57

It was a pure joy to write and record this project. I'd set aside a day to work, and 8 hours would fly by and suddenly I'd realize I hadn't eaten anything all day, had missed phone calls, neglected the dog, etc. I think what got me to the finish line was having a theme for these songs. It was a true project, as opposed to a collection of random songs. That is how I'll do the next one. I'm a teacher (I wish I could make a living writing and recording, but that is not to be anytime soon), so my sessions were few and far between. I needed a goal of completion. I aimed for Earth Day 2018, missed it by about three weeks. Anyway, I love hearing what other people are up to, so I hope others will continue to occasionally post their music here (on iorr) without repercussion. We all have the common thread of being massively influenced by the greatest rock and roll band in the world. Thanks again, Leonioid, for your very kind words and encouragement.

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