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band looking old.
Posted by: buttons67 ()
Date: September 13, 2017 23:35

just browsing through the latest photos of the stones in concert i noticed a significant difference in appearance from previous tours, i know they are not getting any younger and that some will say they have always looked old, but it was a bit of a shock.i just wonder how long they can keep this going.

any thoughts

Re: band looking old.
Posted by: maumau ()
Date: September 13, 2017 23:40

They are okd

Re: band looking old.
Posted by: stone4ever ()
Date: September 13, 2017 23:41

just browsing through the latest photos of the stones in concert i noticed a significant difference in appearance from previous tours, i know they are not getting any younger and that some will say they have always looked old, but it was a bit of a shock.i just wonder how long they can keep this going.

any thoughts

I was just thinking how young Mick and Ronnie are looking, i mean these guys are 70+ years old and have had no surgery ( like Madonna Rod Stewart or Tom Jones)
I mean surely its ok to look old at their ages.
Keith looks old but looking at him in that long coat last night, he looks like the coolest 74 year old on the planet.

How long can they keep going ?? until one of them drops.

Re: band looking old.
Posted by: LongBeachArena72 ()
Date: September 13, 2017 23:53

Ron is the one who overnight seems ancient to me. Mebbe it's just the Kabuki cheekbone makeup accentuating his gauntness; mebbe it's the big C.

(Not talking about the way he moves here--just the way he appears in still photos.)

Re: band looking old.
Posted by: keefriff99 ()
Date: September 13, 2017 23:57

just browsing through the latest photos of the stones in concert i noticed a significant difference in appearance from previous tours, i know they are not getting any younger and that some will say they have always looked old, but it was a bit of a shock.i just wonder how long they can keep this going.

any thoughts

I was just thinking how young Mick and Ronnie are looking, i mean these guys are 70+ years old and have had no surgery ( like Madonna Rod Stewart or Tom Jones)
I mean surely its ok to look old at their ages.
Keith looks old but looking at him in that long coat last night, he looks like the coolest 74 year old on the planet.

How long can they keep going ?? until one of them drops.
No surgery? Mick and Ronnie have certainly had eye lifts. It's very obvious that Ronnie had some work done last year...his eyes are so much more perky than they were before, and that's not down to getting sober.

Re: band looking old.
Posted by: stone4ever ()
Date: September 14, 2017 00:21

just browsing through the latest photos of the stones in concert i noticed a significant difference in appearance from previous tours, i know they are not getting any younger and that some will say they have always looked old, but it was a bit of a shock.i just wonder how long they can keep this going.

any thoughts

I was just thinking how young Mick and Ronnie are looking, i mean these guys are 70+ years old and have had no surgery ( like Madonna Rod Stewart or Tom Jones)
I mean surely its ok to look old at their ages.
Keith looks old but looking at him in that long coat last night, he looks like the coolest 74 year old on the planet.

How long can they keep going ?? until one of them drops.
No surgery? Mick and Ronnie have certainly had eye lifts. It's very obvious that Ronnie had some work done last year...his eyes are so much more perky than they were before, and that's not down to getting sober.

Really, seriously i had no idea that any of them went the way of surgery.
Keith goes from looking really old to looking really good for his age within a few weeks. I think he has this way of rejuvenating his system, probably has an amazing immune system and constitution that kicks in when he doesn't drink. Keith said himself that he cured himself of hepatitis C. Who knows what potions he has picked up over the years.
Mick looks old when you see him out and about, and then onstage he looks 20 years younger.
There is this Human Growth Hormone that's available to the Rich and famous, who knows if they get these injections to lengthen their careers. Probably not but you never know. It basically gives you the body and organs of a younger man.
Testosterone injections is another one that's available to them if they wished.

We are getting to an age in biological and neurological science where life extension is becoming a reality. Trans-humanism is becoming a reality in our life time, the possibilities are becoming endless.

Re: band looking old.
Posted by: James Kirk ()
Date: September 14, 2017 00:24

They are old, but they don’t look any different from the yearly tours from 2012 until now

Re: band looking old.
Posted by: wonderboy ()
Date: September 14, 2017 00:27

Sorry, but they are old men and look older than many men their age.
You sometimes see men in their 70s playing tennis and swimming and those men certainly look better than our boys do in their faces.
Of course, they must be quite fit and energetic to perform for two hours.

Re: band looking old.
Posted by: TooTough ()
Date: September 14, 2017 00:31

Fiirst the music, now the looks...thumbs down

Re: band looking old.
Posted by: stonehearted ()
Date: September 14, 2017 00:35

I posted these recently in some other thread, a video time lapse each of Mick and Keith showing how they've evolved/changed year by year from 1962 to 2016.

They both seemed to be holding up relatively well up to 2012 or so, but since then the changes have really been showing for each of them.

It just proves that whether you work out and eat right, or drink and smoke to excess, after a certain age everything will start to show.

Mick, 1962 to 2016: []

Keith: 1962 to 2016: []

Re: band looking old.
Posted by: geordiestone ()
Date: September 14, 2017 00:37

All a bit negative this! Celebrate the fact we still have them out on the road, no need for highlighting presumed down sides. Where I live I know no one in their 70s who look anywhere near as good as ANY of them. None of it matters anyway, as long as they are happy and healthy.

Re: band looking old.
Posted by: Cristiano Radtke ()
Date: September 14, 2017 00:38

Re: band looking old.
Posted by: 35love ()
Date: September 14, 2017 00:38

Ya ever think THEY look out at the crowd and think:
OMG, these @#$%& are OLD. WTF.

Re: band looking old.
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: September 14, 2017 00:42

YEP!!!!! .... ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


Re: band looking old.
Posted by: micawber ()
Date: September 14, 2017 00:44

F%&* y'all - travel, buy tickets and get in - stop moaning like f&%§$*' old women.
I'm ashamed of y'all. F&$% YOU!

Best stage, tour, stage, sound, band, setlist EVER.
AC/DC from the end of the Seventies sound like a Kindergarten choir in comparison!

That' it!

Re: band looking old.
Posted by: steffialicia ()
Date: September 14, 2017 00:45

Ya ever think THEY look out at the crowd and think:
OMG, these @#$%& are OLD. WTF.

Good one! These comments are likely being made by the young that I mean those in their 40s and younger. The Stones are old. This is a fact but they are the coolest of old guys. I think the younger fans are simply too young to comprehend how blessed we are to still have them. Concentrate on the glass being half full. Concentrate on living and enjoying. It could all end in an instant.

Re: band looking old.
Posted by: Send It To me ()
Date: September 14, 2017 00:46

They've looked a bit weathered since Voodoo Lounge-everybody ages, they seem to be taking care of themselves. Is this worth a thread?

Re: band looking old.
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: September 14, 2017 00:48

Of course the band is looking old, but Mick and Ronnie always have brand new hair.

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Re: band looking old.
Posted by: stone4ever ()
Date: September 14, 2017 01:02

Of course the band is looking old, but Mick and Ronnie always have brand new hair.

Seriously !! you are suggesting they have wigs. Absolutely no way on earth.
Show me a point in time through their life when they had less hair.
Mick is the most photographed man in the world, and i can't remember him ever showing hair loss. Ronnie even more so, he's got the water gypsy thick black hair, he said it himself. He's father and brothers were bald though.confused smiley Err wait a minute Hairball do you know something i don't winking smiley

Sure they dye their hair though.

Re: band looking old.
Posted by: From4tilLate ()
Date: September 14, 2017 01:04

Ya ever think THEY look out at the crowd and think:
OMG, these @#$%& are OLD. WTF.

A friend of mine spent time with Mick after a show in Nashville a few years ago and said Mick was very depressed. My friend asked him what was the matter and he said, "They're so old. The audience. They're so old."

Re: band looking old.
Posted by: gotdablouse ()
Date: September 14, 2017 01:09

I posted these recently in some other thread, a video time lapse each of Mick and Keith showing how they've evolved/changed year by year from 1962 to 2016.

They both seemed to be holding up relatively well up to 2012 or so, but since then the changes have really been showing for each of them.

It just proves that whether you work out and eat right, or drink and smoke to excess, after a certain age everything will start to show.

Mick, 1962 to 2016: []

Keith: 1962 to 2016: []

Pretty spooky to watch this, like watching your (Stones) life being played back in fast motion...

It's not that they look old, THEY ARE OLD with the show they're still able to put up they MAKE FEEL YOUNG, the age we were when we first got into them and that's priceless ;-) I remember reading an article (RS ?) after Mick sang the night his father died where it said that a man got a sense of his own mortality when his father died...I wonder if we'll feel some of that when the Stones hang it up ?

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Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2017-09-14 01:21 by gotdablouse.

Re: band looking old.
Posted by: Night Manager ()
Date: September 14, 2017 01:13

AC/DC at the end of the seventies sounded like a kindergarten choir someone here said- come on, I`ve experienced them there and then, with Bon Scott still. - I love what the Stones do today, but those Aussies were mean back in the day, powerful. Last year, even, with Axl.
I do love the Stones, now, not to upset anyone.

Re: band looking old.
Posted by: stone4ever ()
Date: September 14, 2017 01:13

George Melly met up with Mick back stage some time during the 90's and a witness to the conversation heard George say to Mick ''you have grown a few wrinkles since i last saw you''. Mick replied ''those aren't wrinkles they are laughter lines'', to which George replied, ''Nothing is that funny Mick''

Re: band looking old.
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: September 14, 2017 01:15

Of course the band is looking old, but Mick and Ronnie always have brand new hair.

Seriously !! you are suggesting they have wigs. Absolutely no way on earth.
Show me a point in time through their life when they had less hair.
Mick is the most photographed man in the world, and i can't remember him ever showing hair loss. Ronnie even more so, he's got the water gypsy thick black hair, he said it himself. He's father and brothers were bald though.confused smiley Err wait a minute Hairball do you know something i don't winking smiley

Sure they dye their hair though.

There was an insider who used to post on shidoobee back in the day who was adamant that Mick has hair transplants.
He ruffled feathers left and right amongst the Mick defenders with his statement, but stuck by his word until the end.
I don't know if it's absolutely true or not, but have no reason to doubt the source - he was a good guy who attended dozens (maybe hundreds?)of Stones shows.

As for Ronnie, I'm not saying he has a wig or hair transplants, but it seems clear he dyes his hair...a nice jet black and he wears it well.
From the new pics, seems he just recently had it done prior to the tour, as there are older pics of him with nice streaks of grey.

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2017-09-14 01:17 by Hairball.

Re: band looking old.
Posted by: stone4ever ()
Date: September 14, 2017 01:19

Best of all i like this, a guy came out of a small club gig in 02' and he was blown away with the show, an interviewer from a local station asked the man what he loves about the Stones. He excitedly said As long as those guys are still playing, i'm not old hot smiley

Re: band looking old.
Posted by: latcho ()
Date: September 14, 2017 01:27

We were in Hamburg and Munich pit. And yes they are old, and look old. They played the songs a bit slower, but that was nice. But they still act like naughty boys, who are having a very good time on stage, and there was a good interaction with the band. Also credits to Bernard and Sasha !!

Re: band looking old.
Posted by: Night Manager ()
Date: September 14, 2017 01:28 hairdresser says, Mick`s hair is real. Which doesn`t say who`s hair it is.
(Charlie`s horses, when they die, can`t you make some of it?)
-As for Ronnie, a couple of excellent hairpieces.
Why he looks so gaunt - clearly chemo, he`s got cancer no doubt, a wonder he`s playing so good, desperately tough guy he is, not giving in

Re: band looking old.
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: September 14, 2017 01:30

Of course the band is looking old, but Mick and Ronnie always have brand new hair.

Seriously !! you are suggesting they have wigs. Absolutely no way on earth.
Show me a point in time through their life when they had less hair.
Mick is the most photographed man in the world, and i can't remember him ever showing hair loss. Ronnie even more so, he's got the water gypsy thick black hair, he said it himself. He's father and brothers were bald though.confused smiley Err wait a minute Hairball do you know something i don't winking smiley

Sure they dye their hair though.

There was an insider who used to post on shidoobee back in the day who was adamant that Mick has hair transplants.
He ruffled feathers left and right amongst the Mick defenders with his statement, but stuck by his word until the end.

The end of what? I don't understand.

Mick doesn't wear a wig nor does he have plugs/transplants - when the wind hits him, it's obvious. AND - don't you think Keith would've made fun of him?

BOOM. It's obvious.

Re: band looking old.
Posted by: Cooltoplady ()
Date: September 14, 2017 01:30

and your breath smells......

Re: band looking old.
Posted by: Send It To me ()
Date: September 14, 2017 01:35

Ya ever think THEY look out at the crowd and think:
OMG, these @#$%& are OLD. WTF.

A friend of mine spent time with Mick after a show in Nashville a few years ago and said Mick was very depressed. My friend asked him what was the matter and he said, "They're so old. The audience. They're so old."

this varies from show to show. I remember during A Bigger Bang, I went to the Atlanta show and there were hot girls everywhere in revealing outfits, lots of young(er) people. A few months later in St. Louis, the crowd looked like there were there for a matinee Tony Bennett show.

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