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Re: Dutch fans in for a Amsterdam Arena ban !
Posted by: lisalover ()
Date: August 19, 2005 12:47 mistake...sunday then!

Re: Dutch fans in for a Amsterdam Arena ban !
Posted by: shedooby ()
Date: August 19, 2005 21:22

Just an update on this topic >>
An official of the city of The Hague announced on the Dutch radio that he will contact the RS management and the concertpromoters and offer them to play on the malieveld in the Hague where they played in '98.
There's space for 80.000 people so when a special price will be offered by the city the chances could be pretty good!!

great action of a civil cervant...

it's great to be back in the Hague oh yeah >>

Re: Dutch fans in for a Amsterdam Arena ban !
Posted by: Reptile ()
Date: August 19, 2005 21:24

malieveld would kick ass. but let's stay realistic, and stick with stadiums, as somebody already said it was going to be a STADIUM show.

Re: Dutch fans in for a Amsterdam Arena ban !
Posted by: shedooby ()
Date: August 19, 2005 21:30

For the stage and organization there's no real difference between a stadium and a field...BtB tour was also stadium minded plus Groningen is (strongly) rumoured and that's a field too >>

would be great btw if all these actions and comments would be effective! let's see

Re: Dutch fans in for a Amsterdam Arena ban !
Posted by: Koen ()
Date: August 19, 2005 21:50

shedooby Wrote:
> would be great btw if all these actions and
> comments would be effective! let's see

And then we could put Ajax inside, close the doors and roof, and put a big lock on it grinning smiley

Re: Dutch fans in for a Amsterdam Arena ban !
Posted by: robdeckwitz ()
Date: August 20, 2005 04:03

The Amsterdam ArenA is just minutes away from the place I live, but still I support a ban too.
The last two gigs in the ArenA I had FOS-tickets, so the sound was very good for me, upfront.
But from 1998 I know it’s terrible on the tribunes, in fact it’s a shame tickets are sold for the second ring.
And please don’t think opening the roof would improve the sound very much.

Can we expect MOJO admitting in public that this place is not fit for rock-concerts?
I don’t think so.
There are interests involved here. And a lot of money.
The ArenA and the Gelredome have torn down the monopolistic position of the Feijenoord Stadium (De Kuip) that existed for years.
Now MOJO has become a monopolist itself, they won’t do anything to re-establish the Kuip-monopoly by putting those other two stadiums aside.
And some agreements were made between MOJO and the ArenA before building the place.
If MOJO would agree to ban the ArenA for Stones concerts, they wouldn’t be able to do another rock concert ever in this place. So they won’t do so, just to please some hard core Stones fans.

De Kuip is the best stadium for rock concerts I experienced in Europe so far (they only have to change that name, SPARTA-stadium would do; or Excelsior; in fact every name but Feijenoord) and even the best is not good enough for the Stones, I know.
Groningen and the Malieveld (The Hague) would do, but I would prefer half a dozen gigs in De Kuip plus some concerts in Ahoy, HMH, Paradiso or Vredenburg.

To whom should we address our objections against the ArenA?
Off course to MOJO, they can’t just walk out by saying they can’t influence the choice of the venues. Because they do!
But if there’s a lot of truth in MOJO’s story, we will have to address to the Stones management, to Cohl and his guys.

Holland probably is the country with the most dedicated fans of the entire world.
Let Stones managment know we expect a decent sound of our greatest rockband ever and that we in fact have the right to it! We don’t ask, but we demand!

Re: Dutch fans in for a Amsterdam Arena ban !
Posted by: Marnix ()
Date: August 20, 2005 10:34

Maybe it´s also an idea to send te boyot Arenaletter to the Stones headquarters Promopub & Promotours in A´dam

Re: Dutch fans in for a Amsterdam Arena ban !
Posted by: Maus ()
Date: August 21, 2005 02:12


The letter became an issue after many complaints on our board Many of the members had visited U2 a couple of weeks ago. Many complained about the sound. It became a new discussion on our site, which resulted in the letter.

We've asked our memebers to copy the letter and sent it to Mojo. Mojo is in fact the first one to speak to. They organize is. We are their customers.

Last thursday a couple of local radio/tv stations picked it up. It was an item on National TV Text. Last friday the world was too small. A lotof media-players contacted us, which resulted in a broadcast on two leading national cable company's.

The letter we send to Mojo became a huge succes. All the leading newspapers and radiostations had the story in many ways. One of the leading newspapers De Telegraaf opened on the frontpage.

Mojo reacted by saying The Stones (and other bands) decide by themselves where to play. Mojo said they can not do anything about this.

We (I was the one who wrote the letter and was interviewed on tv) spoke to managers of several potential locations and they convinced us Mojo was lying.

Next step to do is: we are going to have a talk with Mojo (they said they would, so we will see) and we are contacting with Promotone. After this step we will see how to hanle next.

Offcourse the ArenA is a huge project and will not be blown away as a location, too much economics concerned. But hopefully it will not be 3 (or more) times only the ArenA (as it was with U2 last time). Therefore we will have this battle.

If you don't shoot, you'll allways miss !


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