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Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: bye bye johnny ()
Date: July 25, 2022 00:54

Ticketmaster Says Most Bruce Springsteen Tickets Go for Under $200, and Only 11% are Part of Controversial ‘Dynamic Pricing’ Program

By Chris Willman
July 24, 2022


Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: Topi ()
Date: July 25, 2022 00:54

Hooray! He's our hero again!

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: NashvilleBlues ()
Date: July 25, 2022 01:19

bye bye johnny
Ticketmaster Says Most Bruce Springsteen Tickets Go for Under $200, and Only 11% are Part of Controversial ‘Dynamic Pricing’ Program

By Chris Willman
July 24, 2022


Oh, wow! Barely 1/2 of tickets sold were $199.99 or less. Still waiting on some half-assed, non-answer from blue collar Bruce. He doesn’t care, if he did, he could sell all tickets for $99 like Rage Against The Machine, Pearl Jam and Garth Brooks. It can be done, if it’s a priority.

Maybe he can have The Ghost Hounds open. I heard they pay to play. $$$

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: July 25, 2022 02:49

Still waiting on some half-assed, non-answer from blue collar Bruce. He doesn’t care, if he did, he could sell all tickets for $99 like Rage Against The Machine, Pearl Jam and Garth Brooks. It can be done, if it’s a priority.

Yep - "the boss" is a complete phony.

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: TheGreek ()
Date: July 25, 2022 13:20

The fact that you'd go anywhere near $500 face is the problem right there by the way.
I know and you are dead 1000% right , but this was and is a personal journey that I must complete from the last time in 2016 which I attended the Bruce and the E Street Band show (same venue ) and now this will come full circle . This is a cathartic and healing process for me . The best way to describe this without divulging personal details would be to say I fell down and now I will get up and resume the journey .

Good on ya smileys with beer

I didn't get the verified option.. saved some $$ perhaps as I know I would have picked up a couple tix.. now not likely to.

What venue?
MVP Arena

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2022-07-25 13:34 by TheGreek.

Dynamic Ticket Pricing
Posted by: exilestones ()
Date: July 25, 2022 17:07

Ticketmaster's so called "dynamic pricing" is leaving some fans out in the street!

There have been numerous occasions in which Ticketmaster has faced legal action for its methods, musicians accusing the company of employing underhand tactics to tighten its grip on the market in a way that can only be described as corporate greed. However, many were only alerted to what is perhaps their most unscrupulous tactic last week when the issue of their “dynamic pricing” was brought to the fore yet again by social media.


Re: Dynamic Ticket Pricing
Posted by: crholmstrom ()
Date: July 25, 2022 18:02

Ticketmaster's so called "dynamic pricing" is leaving some fans out in the street!

There have been numerous occasions in which Ticketmaster has faced legal action for its methods, musicians accusing the company of employing underhand tactics to tighten its grip on the market in a way that can only be described as corporate greed. However, many were only alerted to what is perhaps their most unscrupulous tactic last week when the issue of their “dynamic pricing” was brought to the fore yet again by social media.


These people calling out Live Nation/Ticketmaster best be careful or they'll wind up sleeping with the fishes.

Re: Dynamic Ticket Pricing
Posted by: calipachangero ()
Date: July 25, 2022 18:59

Yes, Ticketmaster et al are greedy scum, but in the end, the consumer who is ready to hand out hundreds, sometimes thousands of dollars for a ticket, even foe front of stage, does complete also a very important part. Without this " I don't care" attitude, the whole thing would not fly.

Re: Dynamic Ticket Pricing
Posted by: More Hot Rocks ()
Date: July 25, 2022 19:36

So who gets the extra money? Ticketmaster? That’s so wrong. They make tons of money on handling fees.
I miss the days of waiting in line at the only location that the tickets were sold.

Re: Dynamic Ticket Pricing
Posted by: TheGreek ()
Date: July 25, 2022 19:57

It's a partnership between the Artist and the Venue/ promoter . They are all in bed together to squeeze the scalper as Ticketmaster along with the Artist scalp there own tickets in real time as they are released and put on sale . None of this is done without the CONSENT of the Artist , who gets the highest percentage of the funds .

Re: Dynamic Ticket Pricing
Posted by: More Hot Rocks ()
Date: July 25, 2022 20:19

It's a partnership between the Artist and the Venue/ promoter . They are all in bed together to squeeze the scalper as Ticketmaster along with the Artist scalp there own tickets in real time as they are released and put on sale . None of this is done without the CONSENT of the Artist , who gets the highest percentage of the funds .


Re: Dynamic Ticket Pricing
Posted by: TheGreek ()
Date: July 25, 2022 20:51

More Hot Rocks
It's a partnership between the Artist and the Venue/ promoter . They are all in bed together to squeeze the scalper as Ticketmaster along with the Artist scalp there own tickets in real time as they are released and put on sale . None of this is done without the CONSENT of the Artist , who gets the highest percentage of the funds .

Please explain ?

Re: Dynamic Ticket Pricing
Posted by: MKjan ()
Date: July 25, 2022 20:58

Bruce has been selling his fake image for decades.

Re: Dynamic Ticket Pricing
Posted by: NashvilleBlues ()
Date: July 25, 2022 21:21

More Hot Rocks
It's a partnership between the Artist and the Venue/ promoter . They are all in bed together to squeeze the scalper as Ticketmaster along with the Artist scalp there own tickets in real time as they are released and put on sale . None of this is done without the CONSENT of the Artist , who gets the highest percentage of the funds .

Please explain ?

Ty means thank you.

OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: bye bye johnny ()
Date: July 25, 2022 21:21

Post above with the image, text and video is somewhat misleading.

The image and text are from a much longer opinion piece published by Far Out Magazine in May, so "last week" is not in reference to the recent Springsteen issue.


The ABC News video was not part of that piece.

Re: Dynamic Ticket Pricing
Posted by: TheGreek ()
Date: July 25, 2022 21:38

More Hot Rocks
It's a partnership between the Artist and the Venue/ promoter . They are all in bed together to squeeze the scalper as Ticketmaster along with the Artist scalp there own tickets in real time as they are released and put on sale . None of this is done without the CONSENT of the Artist , who gets the highest percentage of the funds .

Please explain ?

Ty means thank you.
Thank You for your help !

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: shattered ()
Date: July 26, 2022 12:01

Still waiting on some half-assed, non-answer from blue collar Bruce. He doesn’t care, if he did, he could sell all tickets for $99 like Rage Against The Machine, Pearl Jam and Garth Brooks. It can be done, if it’s a priority.

Yep - "the boss" is a complete phony.

I took the bait and signed up for the early TicketMaster only decided after reading stories from all of you here to just wait. I love this site!

Re: Dynamic Ticket Pricing
Posted by: tupelo68 ()
Date: July 26, 2022 12:20

So, take your guitar, write a song, play for 50 years around the world to millions of people and let's talk about phony

Re: Dynamic Ticket Pricing
Posted by: NashvilleBlues ()
Date: July 26, 2022 15:00

So, take your guitar, write a song, play for 50 years around the world to millions of people and let's talk about phony

No one said he wasn’t talented, but when you portray yourself as one with the common man and you allow the ticket prices to get that high (yes, if he doesn’t prevent it, he is allowing it), then, yes, he is phony. No way around it.

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: TheGreek ()
Date: July 26, 2022 17:20

A common man ? A long time ago in a distant far away galaxy . Today he is friends with President Obama , has had a long running show on Broadway (those tickets were not cheap either ) I certainly am not defending him in any way at all .

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: July 26, 2022 17:26

A common man ? A long time ago in a distant far away galaxy . Today he is friends with President Obama , has had a long running show on Broadway (those tickets were not cheap either ) I certainly am not defending him in any way at all .

Years ago, he was a "common man".
Last year he was a cowboy.
What will he be this year?

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: Topi ()
Date: July 26, 2022 17:31

Broadway is exactly where he found out he can charge way more for tickets than he used to. The most expensive Broadway tickets were, what, $850?

In fact, if anything, you could say that Bruce's tickets were a bit underpriced for a long time.

Well, not anymore!

Still, the difference between USA arena prices and Europe stadium prices is noticeable. GA Pit (almost $500 fees included) is more than 3 times as expensive in the US, and that's the face value/base price/Standard Admission, before any "dynamic" Platinum pricing kicks in. For most shows in Europe, front of stage/pit tickets were about 140-150 €.

I remember GA going for about $170 on The River tour in the US. Back then they still did the lottery to determine who got into the pit, the whole floor was GA. Now the floor behind the pit is seated - the only reason for that is you can charge more for those best seats.

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: crholmstrom ()
Date: July 26, 2022 17:34

I got verified for Seattle tomorrow. If I can get in for $100 or under I'll do it. If not, I'm going to take a hard pass.

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: Topi ()
Date: July 26, 2022 18:09

...or wait it out and see if the prices (including resale prices) drop closer to show day. Playing the long game might not be a bad idea if you get shut out on day one.

Day one of ticket sales is sometimes amateur night. winking smiley

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2022-07-26 18:21 by Topi.

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: TheGreek ()
Date: July 26, 2022 18:13

A common man ? A long time ago in a distant far away galaxy . Today he is friends with President Obama , has had a long running show on Broadway (those tickets were not cheap either ) I certainly am not defending him in any way at all .

Years ago, he was a "common man".
Last year he was a cowboy.
What will he be this year?

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: crholmstrom ()
Date: July 26, 2022 18:25

...or wait it out and see if the prices (including resale prices) drop closer to show day. Playing the long game might not be a bad idea if you get shut out on day one.

Day one of ticket sales is sometimes amateur night. winking smiley

I'm a pro. winking smiley

OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: bye bye johnny ()
Date: July 26, 2022 18:38

Philadelphia on sale today, not through Ticketmaster.


Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: Topi ()
Date: July 26, 2022 19:12

Even for Philly, the fine print said that ticket prices were "subject to change without notice".

So non-TM venues are going "dynamic" with their pricing as well.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2022-07-26 19:14 by Topi.

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: rbk ()
Date: July 26, 2022 19:14

Ticketmaster DID NOT create "dynamic pricing" out of whole cloth and simply decide to foist it on an unsuspecting world. Artists and promoters have long been in search of a method to defeat scalpers and ultimately, unable to beat them they decided to join them. The logic is irrefutable: if people are going to pay scalpers big money why shouldn't the artists and promoters i.e. THE RIGHTFUL RECIPIENTS OF THAT MONEY get it instead, as they should? Ticketmaster merely implements the wishes of the artist, promoters and, to some degree, the venues. They don't decide what the act is going to charge - the act (i.e Bruce) does that.

It's easier, I realize, to hate on "eeeveeeel, greeedy Tickemaster" rather than simply acknowledge that your longtime rock and roll heroes are instigating ticket pricing that is freezing you, "their number one, forever fan" out of the market but that is what is happening.

"Dynamic" pricing was just being introduced into American on-sales when covid hit so its effect wasn't really realized until this tour where the algorithms (which are apparently adjustable) were set so out of whack.

It works the other way too. How many 2021 Stones fans immediately shelled out $450 (or thereabouts) for a good lower bowl seat only to find out on show night that the folks sitting right behind them paid half of that or less two weeks before? It happened a lot.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2022-07-26 19:26 by rbk.

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: Topi ()
Date: July 26, 2022 19:20

Yes, Bruce Inc. totally signed off on it. No question.

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