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Re: The people who brag about standing make my point
Posted by: john r ()
Date: August 7, 2005 10:34

"Which one are we addressing?" Took me to page 2 to get past the s.u.q., but take your pick.

Re: The people who brag about standing make my point
Posted by: Cafaro ()
Date: August 7, 2005 14:16 MickRichards is rich. I guess he/she can afford to buy us all tickets to a Stones show and all the beer we want to drink. Otherwise, why would we care to know about his income.

Either that he he wants to be robbed.

Or he is on welfare and suffers from delusions of granduer

Or he just has a small c$%k.

Please, let us know which is true.

Re: The people who brag about standing make my point
Posted by: jss ()
Date: August 7, 2005 14:41

ahh yes the 'burbs.... where the lawns must be green and to a height of one half and inch...where the driveways are loaded with hummers, beemers, and moms and sports wannabee dads...they listen to hot rocks and consider themselves to be hip and to top it off they may smoke a little weed behind closed curtains...those little rebels without a clue...

stand or sit????who cares as long as your at the show and everyone around you is having a good time and not being can tell the burbites by the lost look in their eye when the stones play a tune not on 40 lix...

Re: The people who brag about standing make my point
Posted by: Manhattan ()
Date: August 7, 2005 14:49

Big or small dicks?!!?
What we really ought to be interested in is the fact that:

It's Only Rock'n'Roll, But I Like It.

Re: The people who brag about standing make my point
Posted by: drbryant ()
Date: August 7, 2005 17:26

Hey, I'm rich too (after all, I'm a doctor). But, I think that mickrichards is a dick.

Re: The people who brag about standing make my point
Posted by: virgil ()
Date: August 7, 2005 17:58

I find it to be like going to a Catholic church, I follow the rows in front of me. If they stand, I stand, if they sit, I sit, and sometimes I just kneel and pray for a certian song to be played. These are some of my prays for Fenway.

Blinded by Rainbows

Almost hear you sigh ( Atlantic city 89 only time Ive seen it Done)

Jigsaw Puzzle

I go wild

Who's been sleeping here?

Some girls

Winning ugly

Of course being a selfish bastard I only pray when I am trying to benefit myself so the answer to my prays is always NO.

Re: The people who brag about standing make my point
Posted by: sarahunwin ()
Date: August 7, 2005 18:00

Anyone who sits down at a Stones concert must be a very very strange person. However I hope that arrogant rich poser who started this is in front of me and stays sitting for all the concert and I get an even better view!

Re: The people who brag about standing make my point
Posted by: sdstonesguy ()
Date: August 7, 2005 23:22

If some folks want to sit...fine...I'll deal with it. If they want to lip off that they can't see b/c I'm not sitting...I instantly hate them.

Re: The people who brag about standing make my point
Posted by: J.J.Flash ()
Date: August 8, 2005 04:49

if u sit at a Stones show u need your head examined or are 95 years old!
this is a ridiculous post from a former gay porno queen!!!!

Re: The people who brag about standing make my point
Posted by: sdstonesguy ()
Date: August 8, 2005 05:13

The last part isn't true...he is just a b-rated gay porno queen.

Re: The people who brag about standing make my point
Posted by: J.J.Flash ()
Date: August 8, 2005 05:28

sorry sdstonesguy. i exagerrated his talents.

Re: The people who brag about standing make my point
Posted by: Shawn20 ()
Date: August 8, 2005 06:09

I'm still mad about the end of festival seating. When I saw the Stones in 95 at Wembley it was great. We entered the stadium the minute the doors were open....we proceeded to the stands on the Keith side. We were most comfortable and we watched the massive throng below on the field. It really is the best of both worlds.........the ones who want to sit, get to sit and the ones who wish to battle the mob can do so. I battled that mob in 78 and 81, but the years have taken their toll.

Re: The people who brag about standing make my point
Posted by: monkey man ()
Date: August 8, 2005 08:05

I love this thread.

I wish I was rich. Hell I wish I had an IQ.
And I really have no idea why anyone would give a rats arse as to whether someone chooses to stand or sit at anything.

kyle m

Have you ever lent somebody $20 and never seen them again? It was probably worth it.

Re: The people who brag about standing make my point
Posted by: riffhard72 ()
Date: August 8, 2005 15:05

mickrichards = a$$hole. FACT!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2005-08-08 15:06 by riffhard72.

Re: The people who brag about standing make my point
Posted by: SonicDreamer ()
Date: August 8, 2005 15:39

It my considered opinion, I think anyone who wants to sit down at a rock concert, needs to be escorted to their nearest psychoanalyist (probably the one "mickrichards" goes to to deal with his obvious screaming insecurities) or be taken around the back and given a right good kicking by the road crew!

1. They have a physical impairment/disability or medical condition
that would make standing for any length of time impossible or
2. They are simply too old to have the stamina to stand for a whole show.
3. They are too short to see the stage, unless everyone sits down.

If one is ill-disposed to standing at rock gigs, why go at all?
How can one groove if one is jammed into a invariably uncomfortable plastic seat (I have done it when no choice was available, i.e. Cream at the Royal Albert Hall - security would not allow standing until the encores, but....)?

If you wanna sit down, go and see some mediocre, bland band/artist, where most of the audience would resent not being able to watch the concert like they under the illusion that they were on an armchair at home.


P.S. Some of what I have said in this post is not entirely serious!!!!!

Re: The people who brag about standing make my point
Posted by: beartie ()
Date: August 8, 2005 16:45

The seats are there to save my energy until they hit the stage, maybe take a breather during Keith or a rael slowy, otherwise I expect to stand .

It is a personal choice if the person behind me does likewise but if he/she doesn't then they may compromise their view.

Re: The people who brag about standing make my point
Posted by: T&A ()
Date: August 8, 2005 19:26

In the ol' "festival seating" days, this was never an issue. You stood or your were trampled. Riverfront/Who ruined this for everyone....

Re: The people who brag about standing make my point
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: August 8, 2005 20:55

SonicDreamer Wrote:
> > It my considered opinion, I think anyone who
> wants to sit down at a rock concert, needs to be
> escorted to their nearest psychoanalyist (probably
> the one "mickrichards" goes to to deal with his
> obvious screaming insecurities) or be taken around
> the back and given a right good kicking by the
> road crew!
> 1. They have a physical impairment/disability or
> medical condition
> that would make standing for any length of time
> impossible or
> uncomfortable.
> 2. They are simply too old to have the stamina to
> stand for a whole show.
> 3. They are too short to see the stage, unless
> everyone sits down.

I suggested something similar on Rocks Off a couple of weeks ago for Stones fans who feel the need to sit despite being in perfect health

I was a bit more extreme than you however. I suggested they be frogmarched to the b-stage and shot through the back of the head, a la the scene in the "Undercover" video.

Unlike you, I was serious winking smiley

Re: The people who brag about standing make my point
Posted by: SonicDreamer ()
Date: August 9, 2005 14:35



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