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Re: Chuck Levell's diary for the Bigger Bang Tour
Posted by: kahoosier ()
Date: August 3, 2005 03:32

Open G I have played with others, and I agree with you that it is all about working togther. However, as I said, it only at times unnerves me, most of the time it passes right over me. When I do let it bother me, it is because it reminds me at times of how different Keith is, the man who used to be the undisputable musical direction of the group on stage. I certainly do not mean it in any way against Chuck. It is at most a fleeting second of mourning the passing of the way things used to be...which if you are the infamous Open G of vibrato fame, surely you of all people can apprecaite the nostalgia for the way things were. That said, I am basically happy with the way things are.

Re: Chuck Levell's diary for the Bigger Bang Tour
Posted by: john r ()
Date: August 3, 2005 03:38

However nice a guy he may be, and however competent, I find his playing uninspiring; he overplays when given the spotlight, & his role seems to encourage RW & KR to sometimes coast - and he is frequently too high in the mix, especially in relation to the guitars. The reasons for this have been discussed in these pages for the past 3 years - Ron's unreliability due to addiction & his general marginalization, KR's seeming abdication of certain aspects of leadership, and his deteriorated rapport w/ Wood, the need to have stadium shows tied in w/ visuals etc. I'll still take Mac anyday.

Re: Chuck Levell's diary for the Bigger Bang Tour
Posted by: open-g ()
Date: August 3, 2005 04:36

I feel a little sorry for adressing my first post to you - after rereading, it should have gone to The Worst, who started the dislike of the 1-2-3-4 counting in.
You even said: "They are only doing what they are told" and thats quite what i said.
some Bandmember whished it that way. could have been keith.
Its a big band nowadays, they need to synchronized only on a few songs by Chuck.

btw, I am NOT the infamous Open G of vibrato fame,
I'm the small letterd open-g from Berlin winking smiley

Re: Chuck Levell's diary for the Bigger Bang Tour
Posted by: stonesfool ()
Date: August 3, 2005 06:35

arizojp Wrote:
> > - Chuck is working hard on the choice of the songs
> to be choosen and performed during the Bigger Bang
> Tour.

of course, this is only natural since he is the keeper of the Stones back catalog. he carries around those big binders of songs as evidenced in 4flicks. lol

Re: Chuck Levell's diary for the Bigger Bang Tour
Posted by: Big Al ()
Date: August 3, 2005 12:33

I'm sure Chuck is a nice guy and I have never doubted that. I don't mind his playing either. All I wish for is for him to be turned down in the mix. Not slightly, A LOT!

I think john r hit the nail on the head in regards to his playing alowing Keith and Ronnie to coast. If Chuck's volume were to be turned down, then Keith and Ronnie would be forced to play more.

Re: Chuck Levell's diary for the Bigger Bang Tour
Posted by: Wuudy ()
Date: August 3, 2005 12:48

"SOL will bomb in a stadium" ?????

Am i the only one who thinks this song will never work live? Although i hope it's a lot better live then on the cd because i really don't like the song!


Re: Chuck Levell's diary for the Bigger Bang Tour
Posted by: OpenG ()
Date: August 3, 2005 12:50

chuck continues to be the band leader and high in the MIX to drown out the two
fading guitars

Re: Chuck Levell's diary for the Bigger Bang Tour
Posted by: Steven ()
Date: August 3, 2005 13:27

Why not focus the criticism on the real problem, the guys at the soundboard and the coasting & posing guitar players? If the guitars were rocking as they should be the keyboards and horns would be in the background.

There have been 100 posts on Chuck in the past several years. How about something about the idiot sound engineers? Will they be using a different system this time and hiring someone that knows how to use it? I don't think that's too much to ask for $450 a ticket, particularly in stadiums.

Re: Chuck Levell's diary for the Bigger Bang Tour
Posted by: nashville ()
Date: August 3, 2005 13:32

So Chuck is "nice" - great reason to have him in the band. So was my grandmother and come to think of it she could play a decent piano too


Re: Chuck Levell's diary for the Bigger Bang Tour
Posted by: Baboon Bro ()
Date: August 3, 2005 13:32

Another silent & humble wish to ask for here, is that we dont critize
the boys for posing, fook-up-mixing or Leavellize things before they´ve
done it. Focus on the 2003 tour doesnt feel so constructive...

Re: Chuck Levell's diary for the Bigger Bang Tour
Posted by: Doxa ()
Date: August 3, 2005 13:42

Steven is 100% right about the real problem.

Chuck is the biggest spacegoat in the whole history of The Rolling Stones. Poor guy, get's all the hatred and frustration directed to the current decline of the Stones as the most exciting live act in the world. And at the same time he is the man who does all the dirty work for keeping this band alive and in some sort decent condition to perform. But I suppose he gets a nice check for his efforts...

- Doxa

Re: Chuck Levell's diary for the Bigger Bang Tour
Posted by: OpenG ()
Date: August 3, 2005 14:03

It sure would of HELPED if they had some GUITAR VIBRATO over these long and
trying years.

Re: Chuck Levell's diary for the Bigger Bang Tour
Posted by: Doxa ()
Date: August 3, 2005 14:08

I am sure it would, OpenG, I am sure it would!! smiling smiley

- Doxa

Re: Chuck Levell's diary for the Bigger Bang Tour
Posted by: johang ()
Date: August 3, 2005 17:07

It would not hurt the Stones to get a complete face lift on the back up band. And for Chuck he is great with Mick solo, with the Stones it is a boring over kill.

Re: Chuck Levell's diary for the Bigger Bang Tour
Posted by: Milo Yammbag ()
Date: August 4, 2005 09:00

I think Chuck makes song SUGGESTIONS to Mick. On Four Flicks Keith pretty much admitted that he does not know the setlist (aside from the obvious songs) until he hits the stage, he said he asks whats first? (At least on the LICKS Tour) to Mick or Charlie moments before going on so that the song comes off fresh, as I think he said. Who knows. I still feel that Chuck gets his cues from the producer of the concert thru an earpiece. Remember each show is like filming a movie now, with computer grapics that are timed and all the other gadgets. It is IMPOSSIBLE for one man to run the show from the stage anymore for any big band. It was a lot simpler in 1969.....a couple lights, a stack of Amps and Keith calling the shots. No gigantic screen where the show producers prod the musicians to pose and run around for the cameras. Anyway, Chuck should play a real piano like Stu did and not plink on EVERY damn song. Seems like a nice guy though, aside from the excessive plinks.

Milo, NYC
It's the singer, not the plink

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