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Is THIS Keith on Bigger Bang artwork?
Posted by: StonesAustria ()
Date: July 31, 2005 01:51

I wonder if this is really KR on ABB artwork? I´m referring to the mirrored image, the one where he - if its Keith - holds a guitar. No, I´m not a follower of occult practices, but me thinks there are some "mystic" details woven into the picture, the "hand of fate" for instance to the left above Ron (not too obviously his own), the clock on the table between Mick and Charlie, which is - as I see it - mirrored as a child´s face etc. What do you think? Is there a Non-Stone in the picture?

Re: Bigger Bang cover art
Posted by: with sssoul ()
Date: July 31, 2005 11:50

the real hidden meaning in the cover art is its uncanny resemblance to a japanese comic book.
ahem - no offense meant; i'm crackin up. and yeah, it's Keith.

oh and that "mystery hand" ... try this: hold your arms out to the side. bend your elbows some, so that your hands are a bit above shoulder level. now bend your wrists so your fingers are aimed downward and see if you don't feel like a sorcerer, a vampire, an alchemist, a universe-creator. it's a really natural gesture among that ilk of being, and that's what it looks like Ronnie's doing here. i love the expression on his face!

"What do you want - what?!"
- Keith

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2005-07-31 12:12 by with sssoul.

Re: Is THIS Keith on Bigger Bang artwork?
Posted by: michrud ()
Date: July 31, 2005 12:10

It is Ian Stewart as a child!!

Re: Bigger Bang cover art
Posted by: with sssoul ()
Date: July 31, 2005 12:14

hold your horses - i thought Ian Stewart as a child is the Buddha wearing a sports jacket masquerading as part of the wall.

"What do you want - what?!"
- Keith

Re: Bigger Bang cover art
Posted by: StonesAustria ()
Date: August 1, 2005 06:28

Thats a good one, with sssoul,but wouldn´t Ian Stewart really deserve to appear on what maybe is the Stones´last studio record?

Re: yes that's Keith
Posted by: with sssoul ()
Date: August 1, 2005 19:04

did i imply that he wouldn't deserve it??
i don't see him (or anyone but the four Stones x 2) on the cover, that's all.

"What do you want - what?!"
- Keith

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