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Posted by: camper88 ()
Date: November 17, 2014 22:46


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2015-03-28 15:59 by camper88.

Re: OT: Two Irishmen walk into a recording studio (Band Aid 2014)
Posted by: Naturalust ()
Date: November 17, 2014 23:10

Good for them if it's all going to charity. I've often wondered how Bob G. gets his $ these days. I guess his production companies are doing OK, can't imagine he still makes much money from his Boomtown Rats recordings or solo work.


Re: OT: Two Irishmen walk into a recording studio (Band Aid 2014)
Posted by: tomcasagranda ()
Date: November 17, 2014 23:16

I agree, Camper88, that while the effort is commendable, other issues come to play. I think it is wrong that Bob Geldof felt he could criticise Adele's no show, whereas she has a small child, and is busy attempting to balance motherhood with a recording career.

I know one shouldn't mention, or bring politics to the fore, on the IORR forums, as one person's opinions could be construed as offensive. However, I think that it's all very well fundraising for ebola, but consider this: many countries in Africa are high risk via Transparency International, which is an online barometer of corruption. Funds that, ostensibly, are supposed to go to charities to ameliorate the ebola suffering do not end up, in many instances, with the impoverished people that they, the funds, should be assisting.

Previously, concerning Live Aid, and Band Aid, 1984 / 1985, it was established that the funds raised lined the coffers of the vile dictator, Mengistu, and weren't sent to the Ethiopian populace.

The reasons as to why the famine occurred in Ethiopia were set out in an article in the Guardian newspaper in 2005. This stated:

"The second and more serious was the forced agricultural collectivisation policy ruthlessly pursued by Mengistu Haile Mariam and his colleagues in the Dergue (committee), who had overthrown Haile Selassie in 1974 (and officially adopted communism as their creed in 1984). This collectivisation was every bit the equal in its radicalism of the policies Stalin pursued in Ukraine in the 1930s, where, as in Ethiopia, the result was inevitable: famine".

I would understand if this posting were to be deleted, as it does involve political opinions and research; I won't take offence.

Re: OT: Two Irishmen walk into a recording studio (Band Aid 2014)
Posted by: Tonstone ()
Date: November 17, 2014 23:21

Good for Bob Geldof after the year he has had I believe Bob to be a sincere person without doubt and as always his heart is always in the right place. Bono ?
I had to ditch all my U2 music, just can't take to hs political correctness and this has been to the detrement of the evolutiomn of U2. In my opinion their career has been held back when they should have soared to artistical greatness. I speak to my friends avid music lovers who all share the same thoughts.

Re: OT: Two Irishmen walk into a recording studio (Band Aid 2014)
Posted by: stonehearted ()
Date: November 18, 2014 00:13

Allow me to finish the joke.

"Two Irishmen walk into a recording studio. One says 'Feck! This doesn't look loike the pub.' The other says, 'You're roight! How are we supposed to get any drinking done in a recording studio?'

Re: OT: Two Irishmen walk into a recording studio (Band Aid 2014)
Posted by: crawdaddy ()
Date: November 18, 2014 00:45

When criticised on Sky news or whatever, knowing what reply they are gonna get, and all he says is 'It's Bollocks'.
Every 10 years or so, Saint Bob comes out with a heart of gold to get people not so rich as himself ,to give money to his fave charity or good cause or something like that .

When he gets into swearing mode ,the interviewer gets all apologetic as if totally unexpected from Saint Bob. Ha ha Ha.

Do they really think it's Christmas................sorry,I meant 'For real', ten years later than the last time for the poor to give even more.

Come on Bob ,and yer mates like Bono, Sting and any others you may have.......give us yer money,come on,give us yer fu**in money now yer bas**rds.

You rich so called celebs have got plenty of spare dosh. eye rolling smiley

Re: OT: Two Irishmen walk into a recording studio (Band Aid 2014)
Posted by: CaptainCorella ()
Date: November 18, 2014 01:11

It may be "Sir" Bob, but (thank the Lord) it's not "Sir" Bono. "Sir" Bob is only "Sir" and not Sir Bob because he's not a Brit.

And, as always, "Mr" Bono has snuck in and tried to steal some glory.

The moving spirits behind Band Aid were actually Geldof and Midge Ure - a Scotsman.

Captain Corella

Re: OT: Two Irishmen walk into a recording studio (Band Aid 2014)
Posted by: camper88 ()
Date: November 18, 2014 01:28


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2015-03-28 15:59 by camper88.

Re: OT: Two Irishmen walk into a recording studio (Band Aid 2014)
Posted by: CaptainCorella ()
Date: November 18, 2014 01:35

It may be "Sir" Bob, but (thank the Lord) it's not "Sir" Bono.

Not quite sure about that Cap't. Bono got knighted in 2007, although like Bob he's not entitled to the title of Sir because of his foreign-born status.

And you're right about "Sir" Ure (that would be hard to say three times quickly). He wrote most of the music, as far as I remember being told.

Oh dear. I stand corrected. How standards have slipped when lowlife like Bono can get a K.

(And it wouldn't be Sir Ure, but Sir Midge - which is easier to say a few times).

Captain Corella

Re: OT: Two Irishmen walk into a recording studio (Band Aid 2014)
Posted by: Slim Harpo ()
Date: November 18, 2014 02:00

Geldof's delivery may not appeal to everyone but I don't think you can doubt his idealism. Plus, how does anyone cope with what he's been through in his personal life? Anyway, I thought he was good on Radio 2 this morning: clearly very excited about the huge sales generated by the exposure during the X Factor show last night (£4m raised in 5 minutes).

He spoke warmly about the recording session and the artists who contributed. This link probably only works in the UK but anyway:


The Adele story implied above is incorrect apparently:


Re: OT: Two Irishmen walk into a recording studio (Band Aid 2014)
Posted by: shadooby ()
Date: November 18, 2014 02:23

Good for Bob Geldof after the year he has had I believe Bob to be a sincere person without doubt and as always his heart is always in the right place. Bono ?
I had to ditch all my U2 music, just can't take to hs political correctness and this has been to the detrement of the evolutiomn of U2. In my opinion their career has been held back when they should have soared to artistical greatness. I speak to my friends avid music lovers who all share the same thoughts.

Being a conservative Christian, no matter what Bono does the entertainment industry and the like will criticize. All in all, I don't think he really cares, so good for him!

"their career has been held back when they should have soared to artistical greatness" Dude get a clue, are you drunk or what? If so, I'll excuse you!smileys with beer

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2014-11-18 02:30 by shadooby.

Re: OT: Two Irishmen walk into a recording studio (Band Aid 2014)
Posted by: Doxa ()
Date: November 18, 2014 03:03

A good cause and everything (I don't have nothing to critizise there), but c'mon guys, what about writing a new tune? This one starts to sound like a war horse...

- Doxa

Re: OT: Two Irishmen walk into a recording studio (Band Aid 2014)
Posted by: CaptainCorella ()
Date: November 18, 2014 08:00


Being a conservative Christian, no matter what Bono does the entertainment industry and the like will criticize. All in all, I don't think he really cares, so good for him!

It has nothing to do with his religion - which in fact I was unaware of.

The reason why I have nothing but utter contempt for Bono is broadly described in this article []

It's hypocritical in the extreme to stand up and criticise world governments for not spending enough to eliminate poverty, hunger, disease, inequality, and at the same time arrange your affairs so that you pay virtually no tax to any government.

Captain Corella

Re: OT: Two Irishmen walk into a recording studio (Band Aid 2014)
Posted by: DD ()
Date: November 18, 2014 19:38

And does anyone on here who criticizes Bono for U2's tax affairs actually know what he does with that money?

Thought not.

Re: OT: Two Irishmen walk into a recording studio (Band Aid 2014)
Posted by: alhavu1 ()
Date: November 18, 2014 21:30

He's the ultimate phony along with Springsteen

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