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Re: What is Camp X-Ray?
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: June 12, 2014 23:33

Backstage stuff is history. Almost impossible. In the days of Freddie and JC it was much easier. Was back there many times. chance

How does Freddie Mercury and Jesus Christ fit in to all this?

I think he means Freddie Mercury and John Cougar. Sheesh!

Re: What is Camp X-Ray?
Posted by: michaelsavage ()
Date: June 12, 2014 23:35

close. Freddie Sessler and Jim Callaghan

Re: What is Camp X-Ray?
Posted by: Dreamer ()
Date: June 12, 2014 23:39

Good old days for those who were around and had access, only memory of JC is when he was picking people he was letting in at the Olympia in 1995, needless to say I didn't make the cut!

So Dreamer, I take it you'll be at the SDF tomorrow night? That's going to be something...

Good old days yes indeed...we all have our special memories with our personal RS facts and things.
I won't be there tomorrow: to busy with work stuff. And of course I have very serious doubts about the setlists and their level of play but...I do enjoy and share the enthusiasm of all you damned good reporters who keep us folks at home so excellently posted with very nice pics from inside and with those remarkable youtube clips. It gives me a very good feeling that the excitement is still shared by lots of people on iorr even if they think different about quality and song choices: when it's showtime we know something special is happening with this special band...oh yeah!
I hope you have a lot of fun gotdablouse!

Re: What is Camp X-Ray?
Posted by: duke richardson ()
Date: June 12, 2014 23:48

dreamer, michaelsavage-

so back in the day yall got to go backstage..?

would love to hear more if you care to share some stories..

cool smiley

Re: What is Camp X-Ray?
Posted by: gotdablouse ()
Date: June 12, 2014 23:53

Thanks Dreamer and sorry to hear you can't make it. I'll try to upload pics/clips as things happen but the network will probably be quickly saturated...

IORR Links : Essential Studio Outtakes CDs : Audio - History of Rarest Outtakes : Audio

Re: What is Camp X-Ray?
Posted by: michaelsavage ()
Date: June 12, 2014 23:53

Oakland. 1997. Go out on train with Freddie from Ritz Carlton (San Fran) and we get there REAL early. So Freddie brings us into the VIP area where the snooker table was .. And the only other people in there were Keith and Ronnie! I was kinda frozen. Ronnie comes over to my wife and I and asks for a light!

1989 - Freddie introduced us backstage to Keith

and on and on. Good times til JC got in trouble and Freddie went to God

Re: What is Camp X-Ray?
Posted by: BluzDude ()
Date: June 12, 2014 23:57

Never came close to a Stones Back Stage experience, but I once worked a Traffic concert backstage where my job was to sit behind Jim Gordon and hand him his Vodka bottle between songs. He told me to feel free to take a swigg every now and then. I was 17 at the time.

Re: What is Camp X-Ray?
Posted by: duke richardson ()
Date: June 12, 2014 23:58

Oakland. 1997. Go out on train with Freddie from Ritz Carlton (San Fran) and we get there REAL early. So Freddie brings us into the VIP area where the snooker table was .. And the only other people in there were Keith and Ronnie! I was kinda frozen. Ronnie comes over to my wife and I and asks for a light!

1989 - Freddie introduced us backstage to Keith

and on and on. Good times til JC got in trouble and Freddie went to God

hey that's awesome and so much more than most fans can say..were you working the show in some capacity? whats the back story/

Re: What is Camp X-Ray?
Posted by: michaelsavage ()
Date: June 13, 2014 00:01

Met Freddie on the return Amtrak train from opening Steel Wheels Philly show

Re: What is Camp X-Ray?
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: June 13, 2014 00:38

close. Freddie Sessler and Jim Callaghan

Frank Sinatra and John Candy?

Re: What is Camp X-Ray?
Posted by: Dreamer ()
Date: June 13, 2014 00:54

close. Freddie Sessler and Jim Callaghan

Frank Sinatra and John Candy?

Frank Stallone and Johnny Carson!

Re: What is Camp X-Ray?
Posted by: gotdablouse ()
Date: June 13, 2014 00:56

So Freddie had an "Can Accompany, Anytime, Anywhere" laminate ? ;-) I must say he came through as a pretty "colorful" character in Bill German's book, hehe...

IORR Links : Essential Studio Outtakes CDs : Audio - History of Rarest Outtakes : Audio

Re: What is Camp X-Ray?
Posted by: Dreamer ()
Date: June 13, 2014 01:27

duke richardson
dreamer, michaelsavage-

so back in the day yall got to go backstage..?

would love to hear more if you care to share some stories..

cool smiley

It was interesting smoking smiley
I think michaelsavage was there as a fan and had great times being there with FS. I had a job to do and was a fan as well. I experienced a very nice atmosphere being there. Not especially the backstage area with the lounge and bar and stuff but just eating spaghetti with the crew or having a chat with a truck driver or a merchandise guy. And yes exchange some words with Johnny Depp or Pamela Anderson is kinda fun sometimes. But what made it so special to me was that it was so relaxed and ...normal. Every day I felt at home and it all made sense. These guys are very relaxed and down to earth and the way they organise it is really very nice.

Re: What is Camp X-Ray?
Posted by: Dreamer ()
Date: June 13, 2014 01:33

So Freddie had an "Can Accompany, Anytime, Anywhere" laminate ? ;-) I must say he came through as a pretty "colorful" character in Bill German's book, hehe...

Yes Freddy had a pink coloured strip on his laminate: family.
He was colorful...
But not as cool as people think imo: in his last years he still liked to tell stories about how close he was with KR or that he was invited for a wedding or a birthday...he liked to make himself special.
Yawn..ok Freddy you're important...ok I believe you...pff.

Re: What is Camp X-Ray?
Posted by: michaelsavage ()
Date: June 13, 2014 16:50

He was. He could go anywhere he wanted backstage and take with him whom he wished. Although JC tended to get pissed at him when after bringing people back they did not have an official badge/pass on

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