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Re: OT: The Who stuff
Posted by: More Hot Rocks ()
Date: October 26, 2024 02:56

More Hot Rocks
It would be great to hear Pete really give his 100% on a slightly modern day Who album. I don't really need it, but it'd be cool to hear he and Roger do some magic once again. I always thought Endless Wire was lacking.

The did all that on the last album "Who".
I'll have to listen! My first thought is "how good could it have been if I never even heard of it!" but I'll chalk that up to there just being so much out there that I guess its easy to pass one by these days. What were some good songs on it?

Roger said it was the best album they ever did. I think its the best album of the post Moon era. Even better than Who Are You.
Roger also made a comment to the face of "what's the point of making one of our best albums when no one listens to it. Give a couple listens to it RollingFreak. I think you will like it. Much much better than Endless Wire.

Re: OT: The Who stuff
Posted by: RollingFreak ()
Date: October 26, 2024 04:06

More Hot Rocks
More Hot Rocks
It would be great to hear Pete really give his 100% on a slightly modern day Who album. I don't really need it, but it'd be cool to hear he and Roger do some magic once again. I always thought Endless Wire was lacking.

The did all that on the last album "Who".
I'll have to listen! My first thought is "how good could it have been if I never even heard of it!" but I'll chalk that up to there just being so much out there that I guess its easy to pass one by these days. What were some good songs on it?

Roger said it was the best album they ever did. I think its the best album of the post Moon era. Even better than Who Are You.
Roger also made a comment to the face of "what's the point of making one of our best albums when no one listens to it. Give a couple listens to it RollingFreak. I think you will like it. Much much better than Endless Wire.
I'll take a listen! I actually now do think I remember it cause I remember that "best" quote and was like "@#$%& off" lol. Good that he likes it, but thats almost more of a turn off to me. I'm glad and hope its good, but you said "best album we ever did" and its like "it just ISN'T gonna be better than Who's Next, so at least do that caveat." But I digress, I'll take a listen. I totally understand his quote, its the same as what Stevie Nicks says, these artists put their hard work into these albums, obviously trying to be as good as a Rumours, and if no one's gonna listen thats gotta be hard. Like its their fault they have previous hits. I'm still the guy that liked A Bigger Bang and would love to hear Let Me Down Slow live lol.

Re: OT: The Who stuff
Posted by: Dan ()
Date: November 20, 2024 03:27

Eminence Front and Hey Joe, pro shot, Arrowhead Stadium, Kansas City, MO 1989-08-05


Re: OT: The Who stuff
Posted by: BeastyBurdeny ()
Date: November 20, 2024 03:29

More Hot Rocks
More Hot Rocks
It would be great to hear Pete really give his 100% on a slightly modern day Who album. I don't really need it, but it'd be cool to hear he and Roger do some magic once again. I always thought Endless Wire was lacking.

The did all that on the last album "Who".
I'll have to listen! My first thought is "how good could it have been if I never even heard of it!" but I'll chalk that up to there just being so much out there that I guess its easy to pass one by these days. What were some good songs on it?

Roger said it was the best album they ever did. I think its the best album of the post Moon era. Even better than Who Are You.
Roger also made a comment to the face of "what's the point of making one of our best albums when no one listens to it. Give a couple listens to it RollingFreak. I think you will like it. Much much better than Endless Wire.

I was listening to it again recently. It's a really solid album. It's disappointing more of it wasn't played live on the tour to support the album.

Re: OT: The Who stuff
Posted by: Beast ()
Date: December 5, 2024 18:33

Recently released on YouTube - Pete's conversation at the launch of the Townshend Studio. It was a great evening and am glad for the chance to see it again. Watch it if you can.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2024-12-05 18:34 by Beast.

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