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Stones 1969 bodyguard Tony Funches -- autobiography -- crowdfunding effort!
Posted by: swiss ()
Date: June 26, 2013 11:01


You may have heard, Tony Funches is writing his autobiography. Or if you haven't, Tony was
the Stones muscle/bodyguard in 1969, starting in LA guarding Stephen Stills' house through
to Altamont (where he broke his hand in 2 places punching out a Hell's Angel menacing the
band), you can see him throughout Gimme Shelter. At 6'5" 220lbs he would've been hard to miss.
After the Stones, he later Jim Morrison's bodyguard and confidante. And--has had an amazing life
generally otherwise.

Someone just launched a crowdfunding initiative to get the autobiography published to
help Tony finish his book!

So...I don't usually pass along fundraisers, but this one is near and dear to my heart. I've
had the honor to get to know Tony over the past year. He's an utterly fascinating man--brilliant,
and a fountain of delightful insightful stories and recollections.

In a few days, Sam Cutler will be out here in the Bay Area, visiting from Australia. Tony and Sam
are hoping to rendezvous out here -- the 2 of them haven't seen each other in 40 years!

I'm interviewing/filiming Sam on July 1st (for both my radio documentary "The Night Before Altamont,"
as well as my full-length documentary film Altamont 360°), and if Tony's with us in San Francisco,
I'll film them both! And certainly share a few photos here on iorr, if anyone's interested smiling smiley

The immediate funding for Tony's book will underwrite Tony's travel to California (San Francisco
and then on to Los Angeles) from Denver, for Tony to do research for his book, reconnecting with
friends and associates from "Back in the Day" while here.

Here's the link to the crowdfunding project -- if you can even give $5 or $10 it would help out.
If you could toss in $100 that will assure Tony's making it out here to hang and interview his
old croneys and make sure his BOOK gets written!


Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 2013-06-26 11:11 by swiss.

Re: Stones 1969 bodyguard Tony Funches -- autobiography -- crowdfunding effort!
Posted by: Redhotcarpet ()
Date: June 26, 2013 11:33

Interesting! Thanks for posting

Re: Stones 1969 bodyguard Tony Funches -- autobiography -- crowdfunding effort!
Posted by: CousinC ()
Date: June 26, 2013 16:55

Yeah, that sounds quite interesting.The big guy's always been part of my Stones' memories.
"Score us a joint, Tony . . !"

Re: Stones 1969 bodyguard Tony Funches -- autobiography -- crowdfunding effort!
Posted by: swiss ()
Date: June 26, 2013 19:09

Rehotcarpet, glad you find it interesting!

Cousin C - me too - that's why I tracked him down. He has fascinating things to say about the whole '69 tour (and time recording prior to touring), and especially Altamont!


Re: Stones 1969 bodyguard Tony Funches -- autobiography -- crowdfunding effort!
Date: June 27, 2013 00:26

I just gave my little $20.00 donation, and wish I could be in S.F. to perhaps(?)listen to both Sam Cutler & Tony Funches.
Swiss, your radio and film doc's sound like they will be great. Please, please keep me posted on your progress! It seems even to this day that there is still so much mis-information taken as fact regarding Altamont. At 49 years old here, I was obviously too young for that time, but the naive hopes of all the people involved doing their best to put it together has always fascinated me. I wonder how differently it might have gone if it had been allowed to go on at Golden Gate Park, or even Sears Point. Or simply delayed until Sun, Dec. 7th?

Re: Stones 1969 bodyguard Tony Funches -- autobiography -- crowdfunding effort!
Posted by: DGA35 ()
Date: June 27, 2013 01:27

So in the movie Gimme Shelter, he's the one who closes the camper door when the Stones arrive at Altamont?

Re: Stones 1969 bodyguard Tony Funches -- autobiography -- crowdfunding effort!
Posted by: rob51 ()
Date: June 27, 2013 05:26

I'm thinking given the foul temper of the bikers that day, had anyone punched out an Angel he would have paid dearl! Regardless of how big he might have been.

Re: Stones 1969 bodyguard Tony Funches -- autobiography -- crowdfunding effort!
Posted by: monkeypie ()
Date: June 27, 2013 06:40

Hey now! I am the one who put together the crowdfunder for Tony. So far, so good! At the rate we're going, we'll have TF here in plenty of time for the Sam Cutler BBQ and Nobody Died party this weekend.spinning smiley sticking its tongue out

Swiss, thank you SO MUCH for posting this. This is HISTORY!

monkeypie / Kaanii Powell Cleaver


Re: Stones 1969 bodyguard Tony Funches -- autobiography -- crowdfunding effort!
Posted by: Thrylan ()
Date: June 27, 2013 06:52

So in the movie Gimme Shelter, he's the one who closes the camper door when the Stones arrive at Altamont?


Re: Stones 1969 bodyguard Tony Funches -- autobiography -- crowdfunding effort!
Posted by: monkeypie ()
Date: June 27, 2013 08:01

Here is the link to the GoFundMe Tony Funches Research Roadtrip Fund: []

Re: Stones 1969 bodyguard Tony Funches -- autobiography -- crowdfunding effort!
Posted by: swiss ()
Date: June 27, 2013 11:36

I just gave my little $20.00 donation, and wish I could be in S.F. to perhaps(?)listen to both Sam Cutler & Tony Funches.
Swiss, your radio and film doc's sound like they will be great. Please, please keep me posted on your progress! It seems even to this day that there is still so much mis-information taken as fact regarding Altamont. At 49 years old here, I was obviously too young for that time, but the naive hopes of all the people involved doing their best to put it together has always fascinated me. I wonder how differently it might have gone if it had been allowed to go on at Golden Gate Park, or even Sears Point. Or simply delayed until Sun, Dec. 7th?

That's awesome of you to donate, FirstTimeSeattle81. Who knows...if you were in SF, maybe you could've listened in smiling smiley

Thanks for kind words - I will start posting more blatantly about the radio documentary "The Night Before Altamont"
as well as Altamont 360° full-length documentary film.

You're so right about the mythos and misinformation about Altamont - and it is proliferating via the web. I hope both
pieces will present a fresh and well-rounded perspective at the whole Altamont episode in popular culture and
late 20th Century social/musical history.

I also am not a contemporary of the people at Altamont; yetut has fascinated me since I was 14. I've been haunted by
those questions too. Living here in the Bay Area where are so many reminders of 1960s dreams lived, dreams deferred,
and a few dreams that morphed into nightmares, like Altamont. I lived 1 block from the "Panhandle" of Golden
Gate Park, where bands commonly jammed, including Hendrix,about 3 blocks from one of Janis Joplin's apartments. I have
walked in GG Park proper and wondered just what you've wondered: What if the permit had come through? What if the festival
took place in Golden Gate Park? In what small ways would life now be different? How would the Stones have been different?
Each one of them---and as a band? And even Sear's Point, as you say. I've been to Altamont, but I haven't been to Sear's Point,
which may be a better spot, tho perhaps not much better - and the conditions that were prevailing and coalescing at the
time simply may have continued to do so, and 44 years later we might utter the words "Sears Point" with a frisson of
chagrin, the way we do Altamont. Golden Gate Park? There would not have been a "massacre," to use Arlo's Guthrie's term.
But because word got out early about the "free concert" I can't help but think it would have been immensely difficult
for things to have turned out well there either, with hundreds of thousands of people showing up. It only could have
been an idyll (or even workable) if it truly had been a last-minute surprise situation. But...I've been looking at Altamont
for many years, like you, and one thing I can say for sure, is there were wheels within wheels. It's, as they say, complicated.

Tony Funches has some amazing things to say about the night before, and Altamont itself. "The Night Before Altamont"
will be relatively short--and Altamont 360° (the film) won't allow anyone to expound at too great length. But Tony's book
will be far more detailed. And serve as the consummate companion to the write-ups about Altamont in Sam Cutler's,
Stanlely Booth's, Ethan Russell's, Ronnie Schneider's [soon to come!!], Phil Lesh's, Rock Scully's, and Keith's books.

"The Night Before Altamont" will be aired this fall. I'll post a link when I have one. Altamont 360° is in early
pre-production, and will go into production in 2014.

thanks again

Re: Stones 1969 bodyguard Tony Funches -- autobiography -- crowdfunding effort!
Posted by: Torres ()
Date: June 27, 2013 13:20

For me, the interesting side of this forum is discussion. That's why I feel a bit sick with the "Let's be thankful for their music and the air we breed" kind of thread.

Having said that, I'd like to make a few comments on this project:

1st, I think it's really cool if this autobiography comes out. I'm sure this guy has great stories, and I love this kind of perspectives from common people who happened to witness such important moments of popular culture.

2nd, The crowdfunding is an honest way to achieve it, but I'm used to see some kind of rewards for the funding. If I give 10$, I get a postcard, for 20$ I get a copy of the book, 40$ a signed copy, etc.

3rd, I find a little odd that the funding goes to his research. OK, maybe there are some important places/people he has to see and meet again in order to bring back some memories. But first of all, how do I know that he can write in the 1st place? I'm sure there are great stories to tell, but you have to know how to tell (and write) them. Otherwise, there's the possibility to hire some biographer/ghost writer to do the job. That's fine, and to be honest, I would feel much more confortable to fund that than to pay some travels for "research".

4th, I think this is a good project for an eBook. Have the man write a 1st chapter and give it for free on the web. Then sell the book on amazon, and let people pay what they feel it's appropriated. If the book gets good traction, there's the possibility that a publisher might get interested.

5th, have you (Kaanii) considered the chance of the Stones sponsoring this? I suppose it's a long shot, but maybe they would be open to support an old time employee for a project like this one.

I hope you all manage to accomplish your goals, and I that you see my input as a constructive one. I really prefer to write all this than to write "Great!" or "thumbs up"

Re: Stones 1969 bodyguard Tony Funches -- autobiography -- crowdfunding effort!
Posted by: dcba ()
Date: June 27, 2013 14:42

Raised 290$ goal 3000$ thumbs up

TF interview here :

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-06-27 14:55 by dcba.

Re: Stones 1969 bodyguard Tony Funches -- autobiography -- crowdfunding effort!
Posted by: swiss ()
Date: June 27, 2013 19:01

Raised 290$ goal 3000$ thumbs up

TF interview here :

Thanks, dcba smiling smiley It's on the 2nd day - so we'll see what happens next!
- swiss

Re: Stones 1969 bodyguard Tony Funches -- autobiography -- crowdfunding effort!
Posted by: swiss ()
Date: June 27, 2013 19:08

For me, the interesting side of this forum is discussion. That's why I feel a bit sick with the "Let's be thankful for their music and the air we breed" kind of thread.

Having said that, I'd like to make a few comments on this project:

1st, I think it's really cool if this autobiography comes out. I'm sure this guy has great stories, and I love this kind of perspectives from common people who happened to witness such important moments of popular culture.

2nd, The crowdfunding is an honest way to achieve it, but I'm used to see some kind of rewards for the funding. If I give 10$, I get a postcard, for 20$ I get a copy of the book, 40$ a signed copy, etc.

3rd, I find a little odd that the funding goes to his research. OK, maybe there are some important places/people he has to see and meet again in order to bring back some memories. But first of all, how do I know that he can write in the 1st place? I'm sure there are great stories to tell, but you have to know how to tell (and write) them. Otherwise, there's the possibility to hire some biographer/ghost writer to do the job. That's fine, and to be honest, I would feel much more confortable to fund that than to pay some travels for "research".

4th, I think this is a good project for an eBook. Have the man write a 1st chapter and give it for free on the web. Then sell the book on amazon, and let people pay what they feel it's appropriated. If the book gets good traction, there's the possibility that a publisher might get interested.

5th, have you (Kaanii) considered the chance of the Stones sponsoring this? I suppose it's a long shot, but maybe they would be open to support an old time employee for a project like this one.

I hope you all manage to accomplish your goals, and I that you see my input as a constructive one. I really prefer to write all this than to write "Great!" or "thumbs up"

hi Torres!

I've become friendly w/Tony through our interviews/meeting and correspondence--and look forward to seeing him
when he hits the Bay Area--but didn't launch the crowdfunding effort. I am solely an enthusiastic messenger!
However, perhaps the super-nice lady who did launch it, Kaanii will speak to your awesome ideas!

I've shared some very similar thoughts, but at the end of the day it's not my project - and am only wholeheartedly
encouraging and supporting it. I can attest, from 8 hours of conversation about The Past, that Tony has a lot of,
not only stories but super interesting insights and reflections, and other worthwhile things to share. I have
no doubt that it will be a book worth reading.

As for the Stones financing it [dot dot dot] winking smiley

we'll see what ahppens next smiling smiley

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2013-07-10 09:55 by swiss.

Re: Stones 1969 bodyguard Tony Funches -- autobiography -- crowdfunding effort!
Posted by: Torres ()
Date: June 27, 2013 19:22

Hi swiss!

I got that you're the messenger smiling smiley It's very nice of you to support it. I think that Kaanii has a really nice project in hands, and if carefully thought and executed, can be great.

Good luck to you all!

Re: Stones 1969 bodyguard Tony Funches -- autobiography -- crowdfunding effort!
Posted by: MILKYWAY ()
Date: June 27, 2013 19:39

If you contribute, does your name get included in the acknowledgements?

If so, you should state that fact. I believe more people would contribute just to see their names in print.

And if not, it's just panhandling.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-06-27 19:51 by MILKYWAY.

Re: Stones 1969 bodyguard Tony Funches -- autobiography -- crowdfunding effort!
Posted by: JumpingKentFlash ()
Date: June 27, 2013 21:43

Would be interesting reading a book by him. Stones AND Morrison? What's not to like? Btw try indiegogo for a fundraiser. I know a guy who got a film funded from there.


Re: Stones 1969 bodyguard Tony Funches -- autobiography -- crowdfunding effort!
Posted by: Reagan ()
Date: June 28, 2013 17:57

I definitely want to read this book. Made my donation.

Speaking of Tony and Keith at the trailer in Gimme Shelter, I've always wondered what Keith said to Tony as Keith went inside.


Re: Stones 1969 bodyguard Tony Funches -- autobiography -- crowdfunding effort!
Posted by: slakka ()
Date: June 30, 2013 01:02

I hope you are planning to interview Patricia Bredenhof the Altamont girl in the white crochet dress.
If not i may be of help to you

Please inform me in any case!

best s

Re: Stones 1969 bodyguard Tony Funches -- autobiography -- crowdfunding effort!
Posted by: swiss ()
Date: June 30, 2013 01:17

I hope you are planning to interview Patricia Bredenhof the Altamont girl in the white crochet dress.
If not i may be of help to you

Please inform me in any case!

best s

Slakka - if you wouldn't mind, could you pls email me? I have indeed hoped to interview Patty B.
This is a tender topic, as you know, to say the least, for many involved. I want to be utmostly respectful
of everyone and their experiences -- Patty perhaps more than anyone. It's funny, because that
was one of the questions Albert Maysles asked me about Altamont 360° - whether I'd thought to reach
out to her. We can chat more via email or phone. I'm not ready to film her--or most people--yet. I'm filming
Sam Cutler on Monday because he is here in the Bay Area and I'd be seriously remiss to have my a pre-conceived
production schedule get in the way (meaning: I don't intend to start production until January 2014, but it
would be foolish not to film Sam while he is in America on holiday from Australia).

But back to your generosity -- I would indeed like to follow up with you.

thanks again

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 2013-07-10 09:57 by swiss.

Re: Stones 1969 bodyguard Tony Funches -- autobiography -- crowdfunding effort!
Posted by: swiss ()
Date: June 30, 2013 01:21

I definitely want to read this book. Made my donation.

Speaking of Tony and Keith at the trailer in Gimme Shelter, I've always wondered what Keith said to Tony as Keith went inside.


Reagan - you're awesome - I've heard that Tony has arrived in the Bay Area and I'll be seeing him within the
hour at a party. I hope to be seeing him again under quieter circs within the week, and if you can tell me
the approximate time stamp of the scene you're talking about I'll see about cueing it up for Tony,
and watching it with him to jog his memory. I would look it up myself but things are kinda whirlwindish right now.


Re: Stones 1969 bodyguard Tony Funches -- autobiography -- crowdfunding effort!
Posted by: slakka ()
Date: June 30, 2013 02:58

swiss pls email me

Re: Stones 1969 bodyguard Tony Funches -- autobiography -- crowdfunding effort!
Posted by: CousinC ()
Date: June 30, 2013 19:25


Speaking of Tony and Keith at the trailer in Gimme Shelter, I've always wondered what Keith said to Tony as Keith went inside.


Probably something like: look out/take good care.

Re: Stones 1969 bodyguard Tony Funches -- autobiography -- crowdfunding effort!
Posted by: bmuseed ()
Date: June 30, 2013 20:04

Tony is a great selfless man in his world of dealing with giant egos and aggressive fans.
He always has your's nice to see the fans have his.

Re: Stones 1969 bodyguard Tony Funches -- autobiography -- crowdfunding effort!
Posted by: MingSubu ()
Date: June 30, 2013 20:20

Very cool, I will check it out.

Good luck and I hope it does well.

Re: Stones 1969 bodyguard Tony Funches -- autobiography -- crowdfunding effort!
Posted by: Reagan ()
Date: July 1, 2013 20:48

I definitely want to read this book. Made my donation.

Speaking of Tony and Keith at the trailer in Gimme Shelter, I've always wondered what Keith said to Tony as Keith went inside.


Reagan - you're awesome - I've heard that Tony has arrived in the Bay Area and I'll be seeing him within the
hour at a party. I hope to be seeing him again under quieter circs within the week, and if you can tell me
the approximate time stamp of the scene you're talking about I'll see about cueing it up for Tony,
and watching it with him to jog his memory. I would look it up myself but things are kinda whirlwindish right now.


Hey swiss,

Sorry it took so long to respond.

Here's a youtube video of the entire Gimme Shelter documentary.

The scene I was referencing was at the 48:20 mark.

On a repeat viewing, there's not as much there as I remember. Looks like just two words.

To switch gears...
Here's an amazing thought. In addition to Keith and Mick Taylor, Tony would have met the following guitarists in November of 1969 through his work with the Stones:
Chuck Berry
Ike Turner
Taj Mahal
B.B. King
Jimi Hendrix

Not a bad month.

Re: Stones 1969 bodyguard Tony Funches -- autobiography -- crowdfunding effort!
Posted by: dcba ()
Date: July 3, 2013 16:50

$1,085 raised...

Re: Stones 1969 bodyguard Tony Funches -- autobiography -- crowdfunding effort!
Posted by: swiss ()
Date: July 9, 2013 09:30

I definitely want to read this book. Made my donation.

Speaking of Tony and Keith at the trailer in Gimme Shelter, I've always wondered what Keith said to Tony as Keith went inside.


Reagan - you're awesome - I've heard that Tony has arrived in the Bay Area and I'll be seeing him within the
hour at a party. I hope to be seeing him again under quieter circs within the week, and if you can tell me
the approximate time stamp of the scene you're talking about I'll see about cueing it up for Tony,
and watching it with him to jog his memory. I would look it up myself but things are kinda whirlwindish right now.


Hey swiss,

Sorry it took so long to respond.

Here's a youtube video of the entire Gimme Shelter documentary.

The scene I was referencing was at the 48:20 mark.

On a repeat viewing, there's not as much there as I remember. Looks like just two words.

To switch gears...
Here's an amazing thought. In addition to Keith and Mick Taylor, Tony would have met the following guitarists in November of 1969 through his work with the Stones:
Chuck Berry
Ike Turner
Taj Mahal
B.B. King
Jimi Hendrix

Not a bad month.

Thanks for the link - Gimme Shelter comes and goes on YouTube - glad it's there in its entirety now!
I didn't see your post til now, Reagan. To me, it looks like Keith is saying with his body language, "Hey,
Tony, I'm here and you don't have to let the guy behind me into the trailer." And then Tony artfully, subtly,
and unmistakably looks at the guy, and in the half-second the guy falls back, Tony shuts the door.

Tony's an elegant man who you get the sense doesn't use more force than necessary, while not
hesitating to make and follow through on the exact gesture that is necessary, preferring to allow
people the room to exercise their free will to choose do the right thing, on their own. But if they transgress
boundaries, especially when those boundaries are abundantly clear, they will be redressed as appropriate.
Tony is a finely tune high-quality human being, with a big brain, who abides by a code of honor. You can
see how he and Keith would have resonated on a similar frequency, tho Tony is a badass, and Keith mostly
models himself after badasses winking smiley

I can ask him about all those amazing people he may have come across, tho I'd imagine he was pretty
busy working most of his waking hours. And that most of his hours were awake, on Duty, as it were. He had
a pretty serious job, and was constantly scanning the horizon for threats - and intervening when there
might be any - which was why the Stones hired him to accompany them on the '69 Tour.

Just as Mick, Keith, Charlie, and Mick Taylor are artists with genius. Tony is their caliber. The first
time we spoke I asked Tony whether Keith (particularly Keith, because I would think he might recognize
it) realized that Tony's brilliant. He said something to the effect of "That's not what they hired me
for." But if I do get to interview Keith someday I'd love to hear what he remembers about Tony - what
he observed at the time.

- swiss

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2013-07-10 10:11 by swiss.

Re: Stones 1969 bodyguard Tony Funches -- autobiography -- crowdfunding effort!
Posted by: Reagan ()
Date: July 9, 2013 19:06

Swiss, I think we're on the same wavelength. When I first watched Gimme Shelter, the two people who stood out to me were Keith and Tony. And Mel Belli, but that's because Belli was such a clown. Keith and Tony had a presence.

Here's a few things I'd like to read about in Tony's book:

How did the get the initial job with the Stones?
How did he move from guarding the gate at the Hollywood hills house to the inner circle of the tour?
Was he asked to work on the 72 tour?
And, was he ever star struck?

I'm guessing that the answers to the last two questions are a simple 'no', but the first two might be interesting.


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