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OT - A friends videoclip
Posted by: gwen ()
Date: June 5, 2013 22:15

A friend of mine just released this video. She'd be happy to hear from you.

Re: OT - A friends videoclip
Posted by: Bungo ()
Date: June 5, 2013 23:22

The song itself is pretty solid. It has a good classic structure. I'd tweak it a little to give it a bit more interest (i.e. a steel guitar solo, some backing vocals, some added simple instrumentation like a jews harp or harmonica) and I'd re-write the lyrics to some degree to make it more memorable or accessible. The lyrics as they are just aren't quite working for me. Good sound and production. the song itself reminds me of Steve Earle or early Eagles. If we electrified it , it would sound like The New Riders of The Purple Sage. Lyrically I'd add in some references to Weed, some current pop-culture personalities, Mexican drug cartels, seedy bars, maybe a murder or two etc. you know, just to make it interesting. Get back to me with the next take.

Re: OT - A friends videoclip
Posted by: gwen ()
Date: June 6, 2013 22:00

Thank you, your feedback was appreciated.

Re: OT - A friends videoclip
Posted by: rollmops ()
Date: June 6, 2013 22:14

I like it. It's country but good!It reminds of the Rolling Stones, the song they played only once in Austin as a tribute to Bob Wills.I like that her voice doesn't have the "twang" in it. She should be on stage with the stones instead of the pop artist chicks. Good luck too her.
Rock and roll,

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