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Re: Chicago-2 May 31 Stones show live updates
Posted by: flacnvinyl ()
Date: June 1, 2013 08:17

The place was truly packed. People are very very happy. BV is right. Us hardcore fans would love to hear more deep tracks but the crowd at large loves the current set. However, by my observation of the crowd, they could easily replace Paint It Black, Tumbling Dice and One More Shot. Miss You, on the other hand, is ESSENTIAL! The place goes crazy on that one and Sympathy.

Re: Chicago-2 May 31 Stones show live updates
Posted by: alimente ()
Date: June 1, 2013 08:18


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-06-01 08:30 by alimente.

Re: Chicago-2 May 31 Stones show live updates
Posted by: J.J.Flash ()
Date: June 1, 2013 08:21

Wish I met ya Drake. Pumping up for the Monday show. My buddy is flying in from Louisville Sunday for it. You seem like a cool dude. Hope you liked your stay in Chicago. I love Louisville the first week of May! Go every year! Hope to see at least 2 surprises Monday.

Re: Chicago-2 May 31 Stones show live updates
Posted by: benstones ()
Date: June 1, 2013 08:51

Just arrive at the hotel.

Awesome show. From begining to last song.

Better than First Chicago (and First Chicago was amazing)
But tonight the level was really high!!!

CYHMK was unbelievable, the BEST version I have ever heard and seen. MT was fabulous. And Midnight? WOW. I couldn't believe How good was this version. Mick was on FIRE!

Keith was so happy and comfortable with the guitar.

The show was just amazing, I have no other word.


Re: Chicago-2 May 31 Stones show live updates
Posted by: StonesCat ()
Date: June 1, 2013 08:53

Got sec 308 for the 85 dollar seats. Super nosebleed, but a straight on view, great sound w/guitars up, and most of the upper level was up on their feet all the time(except new tunes, Silver, and Shine a Light). When Silver started I said Wow that is the first slow song all night!

When the first notes of Knocking started, it was a beautiful feeling! They seemed to really have nailed down the close this time, didnt sense any uncertainty from anyone. MT was on his knees during it. Rambler great. All three guitarists seemed on thruout. Keith was in a great mood, I thought. They said Ronnie and Charlie had bdays upcoming and played Happy Bday (MJ whispered to Chuck during intros to play it). Crowd sang. I could be wrong, but I think MT played a few licks near the end of Satisfaction. Regardless he was really playing the part all during the song, siding up to Ronnie, Daryl, and Keith. No sitting. Great show, with Knocking played, I can die happy.

Re: Chicago-2 May 31 Stones show live updates
Posted by: AJDuffer ()
Date: June 1, 2013 08:54

Yes, amazing it was! Looking forward for Monday's show on my 50th birthday: Thank You Stones!

Re: Chicago-2 May 31 Stones show live updates
Posted by: flacnvinyl ()
Date: June 1, 2013 09:44

@j.j.flash It was fantastic. I would love to meet all IORRers possible but we had a great time regardless. Chicago has a ton to offer and we had a great time enjoying good food and the sights and sounds of the city. Hope everyone has a great time Monday but this will be it for me on this tour. Glad to end on a high note!

Re: Chicago-2 May 31 Stones show live updates
Posted by: kowalski ()
Date: June 1, 2013 09:58

Tonight's set list from RS twitter

Re: Chicago-2 May 31 Stones show live updates
Posted by: Green Lady ()
Date: June 1, 2013 09:59

Re: Chicago-2 May 31 Stones show live updates
Posted by: toomuchforme ()
Date: June 1, 2013 10:00

It seems to be a must show
Hope for a nice video recording

"we know it's a bit late but we hope you don't mind if we stay"

Re: Chicago-2 May 31 Stones show live updates
Posted by: undertheradar ()
Date: June 1, 2013 10:15

Green Lady

Thanks for posting this video.

Re: Chicago-2 May 31 Stones show live updates
Posted by: drbryant ()
Date: June 1, 2013 10:17

Wow. Great set.

Re: Chicago-2 May 31 Stones show live updates
Posted by: rollingon ()
Date: June 1, 2013 10:22

Just arrive at the hotel.

Awesome show. From begining to last song.

Better than First Chicago (and First Chicago was amazing)
But tonight the level was really high!!!

CYHMK was unbelievable, the BEST version I have ever heard and seen. MT was fabulous. And Midnight? WOW. I couldn't believe How good was this version. Mick was on FIRE!

Keith was so happy and comfortable with the guitar.

The show was just amazing, I have no other word.

I hope Keith wasn't too comfortable, it can be a problem if Keith is too much in his comfort zone!

Re: Chicago-2 May 31 Stones show live updates
Posted by: andrewt ()
Date: June 1, 2013 10:58

Green Lady


Re: Chicago-2 May 31 Stones show live updates
Posted by: Green Lady ()
Date: June 1, 2013 11:04

Now that Mick has provided himself with some maracas to shake during the jam on CYHMK he seems to feel more part of it and more willing to let it continue to its natural end. Yes, that was a good one.

Re: Chicago-2 May 31 Stones show live updates
Posted by: rollingon ()
Date: June 1, 2013 11:10

Green Lady


Just listen to that applause!!!

The Rolling Stones are back in business!!!

Re: Chicago-2 May 31 Stones show live updates
Posted by: crawdaddy ()
Date: June 1, 2013 11:18

Mick Taylor on CYHMK turns a good show into a great show. winking smiley

Re: Chicago-2 May 31 Stones show live updates
Posted by: Erik_Snow ()
Date: June 1, 2013 11:21

Green Lady


Nevermind some bum notes from Taylor, I think this is brilliant, as well
At least for me, Taylor's appearance on this tour has brought new interest in the band - even though it's not musically perfect; I'm eager on every new second when listening to the "Taylor songs" ; and I bet Jagger is least, it looks that way.

Finally some excitement on stage again, and not just the same routine, over and over. Taylor deserves being paid twice as much as the others on this tour. And I'm not even a's just that the whole band is more focused when he's on stage. But I do think the 1st version of CYHMK (in CA) was better than this Chicago version......despite the "Satarini tapping" of Taylor at one certain point.
(edit: misspelled Satarini)
(edit2: or is it Satriani, after all? well I'm not going to check on google)

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2013-06-01 11:28 by Erik_Snow.

Re: Chicago-2 May 31 Stones show live updates
Posted by: JJackFl ()
Date: June 1, 2013 11:25

Green lady you made my day!

Re: Chicago-2 May 31 Stones show live updates
Posted by: rollingon ()
Date: June 1, 2013 11:25

Green Lady


Nevermind some bum notes from Taylor, I think this is brilliant, as well
At least for me, Taylor's appearance on this tour has brought new interest in the band - even though it's not musically perfect; I'm eager on every new second when listening to the "Taylor songs" ; and I bet Jagger is least, it looks that way.

Finally some excitement on stage again, and not just the same routine, over and over. Taylor deserves being paid twice as much as the others on this tour. And I'm not even a's just that the whole band is more focused when he's on stage. But I do think the 1st version of CYHMK (in CA) was better than this Chicago version......despite the "Satarani tapping" of Taylor at one certain point.

Look at the expression on Jagger's face when he is looking at Taylor's playing, it tells a lot!!!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-06-01 11:47 by rollingon.

Re: Chicago-2 May 31 Stones show live updates
Posted by: runrudolph ()
Date: June 1, 2013 11:33

great great great

Re: Chicago-2 May 31 Stones show live updates
Posted by: Rolling Hansie ()
Date: June 1, 2013 11:45

Thanks Thanks Thanks

Keep On Rolling smoking smiley

Re: Chicago-2 May 31 Stones show live updates
Posted by: mtaylor ()
Date: June 1, 2013 11:56

Green Lady


Nevermind some bum notes from Taylor, I think this is brilliant, as well
At least for me, Taylor's appearance on this tour has brought new interest in the band - even though it's not musically perfect; I'm eager on every new second when listening to the "Taylor songs" ; and I bet Jagger is least, it looks that way.

Finally some excitement on stage again, and not just the same routine, over and over. Taylor deserves being paid twice as much as the others on this tour. And I'm not even a's just that the whole band is more focused when he's on stage. But I do think the 1st version of CYHMK (in CA) was better than this Chicago version......despite the "Satarani tapping" of Taylor at one certain point.

Look at the expression on Jagger's face when he is looking at Taylor's playing, it tells a lot!!!
I guess I liked the LA version better, but then the quality of the video can mess it up. Anyway, great that they play both MR and CYHMK on the same night. On previous tour, it was either or.

Re: Chicago-2 May 31 Stones show live updates
Posted by: Max'sKansasCity ()
Date: June 1, 2013 12:01

I was just thinking the other night, if only Mick had some maracas, or something, to keep his mind off of pointing and counting T-shirts in audience... it seems to have been an issue ever since that one show when the shirt sales report came in suspiciously low.

Re: Chicago-2 May 31 Stones show live updates
Posted by: sonomastone ()
Date: June 1, 2013 12:02

I was just thinking the other night, if only Mick had some maracas, or something, to keep his mind off of pointing and counting T-shirts in audience... it seems to have been an issue ever since that one show when the shirt sales report came in suspiciously low.

that's funny. :-)

Re: Chicago-2 May 31 Stones show live updates
Posted by: Max'sKansasCity ()
Date: June 1, 2013 12:03

I was just thinking the other night, if only Mick had some maracas, or something, to keep his mind off of pointing and counting T-shirts in audience... it seems to have been an issue ever since that one show when the shirt sales report came in suspiciously low.

that's funny. :-)
grinning smiley

Re: Chicago-2 May 31 Stones show live updates
Posted by: RobertJohnson ()
Date: June 1, 2013 12:09

Without Mick Taylor we see a tour of nostalgia; a bunch of two old guitar-lads which try to elaborate 10 percent of what they did in the seventies. With Mick Taylor there is a vivid band with creative musical ideas each time he is on stage. And it is not a matter of age. Mick Taylor is in the same age as Ronnie and Keith. It is not a matter of health. Mick Taylor had tremendous health problems in the last years. It is rather a matter of respect for music and the audience and a matter of the willingness to to do something new. Instead of this we have two guitarist in the comfort zone who are content with marvelling at the great guitar skills of Mick Taylor. More than one time Mick Taylor tried to animate Ronnie and Keith to do something unusual on guitar, without any success but for some grining in the faces of Ronnie and Keith.

Re: Chicago-2 May 31 Stones show live updates
Posted by: rollingon ()
Date: June 1, 2013 12:26

Green Lady


Nevermind some bum notes from Taylor, I think this is brilliant, as well
At least for me, Taylor's appearance on this tour has brought new interest in the band - even though it's not musically perfect; I'm eager on every new second when listening to the "Taylor songs" ; and I bet Jagger is least, it looks that way.

Finally some excitement on stage again, and not just the same routine, over and over. Taylor deserves being paid twice as much as the others on this tour. And I'm not even a's just that the whole band is more focused when he's on stage. But I do think the 1st version of CYHMK (in CA) was better than this Chicago version......despite the "Satarini tapping" of Taylor at one certain point.
(edit: misspelled Satarini)
(edit2: or is it Satriani, after all? well I'm not going to check on google)

Mick Taylor's playing really makes the shows so different, they are more interesting ang heterogeneous as for playing. And dynamically there are more moments when only one instrument is in the focus so that the whole band is not in the focus all the time.

I wouldn't even like Mick Taylor's lead playing to be the main thing in 22 songs, but maybe 3-4 songs in every concert with some really great lead playing by Mick Taylor would be optimal.

Re: Chicago-2 May 31 Stones show live updates
Posted by: triceratops ()
Date: June 1, 2013 12:35

Green Lady
Now that Mick has provided himself with some maracas to shake during the jam on CYHMK he seems to feel more part of it and more willing to let it continue to its natural end. Yes, that was a good one.

I too was thinking that Mick hates to be just a listener on stage. Really he should walk off stage for the last 4 minutes of CYHMK (have half a beer) and let Mick Taylor and the band wrap it up

Thanks for the video!
The crowd knows who Mick Taylor is, they cheered him on as he got into his solo. Cheryl Crow told Jagger she would not come unless Mick Taylor got more face timesmileys with beer She's a StonesPhile and knows who their best guitarist ever was

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2013-06-01 12:54 by triceratops.

Re: Chicago-2 May 31 Stones show live updates
Posted by: RobertJohnson ()
Date: June 1, 2013 12:37

Green Lady


Nevermind some bum notes from Taylor, I think this is brilliant, as well
At least for me, Taylor's appearance on this tour has brought new interest in the band - even though it's not musically perfect; I'm eager on every new second when listening to the "Taylor songs" ; and I bet Jagger is least, it looks that way.

Finally some excitement on stage again, and not just the same routine, over and over. Taylor deserves being paid twice as much as the others on this tour. And I'm not even a's just that the whole band is more focused when he's on stage. But I do think the 1st version of CYHMK (in CA) was better than this Chicago version......despite the "Satarini tapping" of Taylor at one certain point.
(edit: misspelled Satarini)
(edit2: or is it Satriani, after all? well I'm not going to check on google)

Mick Taylor's playing really makes the shows so different, they are more interesting ang heterogeneous as for playing. And dynamically there are more moments when only one instrument is in the focus so that the whole band is not in the focus all the time.

I wouldn't even like Mick Taylor's lead playing to be the main thing in 22 songs, but maybe 3-4 songs in every concert with some really great lead playing by Mick Taylor would be optimal.

In fact, there is no need for soloing in 22 songs. But Taylor also contributes essential elements of what we called once the ancient art of weaving, but on a essentially higher level.

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