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Hanns Rainsch
Has anyone who attended the show noticed this guy? I can't imagine something like that in Europe...
Hanns Rainsch
<snip> Can't understand that people walk by without reactions. What a lunatic!
Waaaaaaay beyond me why anyone would waste their time yelling at people like this wacko. You see these nut jobs show up by the hundreds down in New Orleans for Mardi Gras. I wonder if they have ever altered one person having fun..... as if someone headed in to a Stones show, ticket in hand would suddenly stop and say "I will go to hell? OK, I wont go in".... and go back home. I bet not one person in history has stopped the fun based on these nutjobs screaming at them about hell.Quote
Hanns Rainsch
I don't think telling people they're gonna die and go to hell for their sins is protected by the freedom of speech. I'm sure that if he was a member of a muslim sect, the OPD would have shown up immediately.
Hanns Rainsch
I don't think telling people they're gonna die and go to hell for their sins is protected by the freedom of speech. I'm sure that if he was a member of a muslim sect, the OPD would have shown up immediately.
Well said.Quote
They protest many shows in the Bay Area for years. I couldn't believe they protested U2 and Peter Gabriel. So sad there is so much hatred and stupidity.
Hanns Rainsch
Has anyone who attended the show noticed this guy? I can't imagine something like that in Europe...
Those "you're going to hell" people will be at San Jose too. They are ALWAYS there for concerts. Complete nut bags.
No ExpectationsQuote
Those "you're going to hell" people will be at San Jose too. They are ALWAYS there for concerts. Complete nut bags.
These clowns have been around events in the Bay Area forever.
Thats it...Gravity Boy's message about Keith playing the wrong key has made me register and finally post...(been reading for on and off several years...really been reading everyday since last fall) I'm sick of all this bashing...You, Gravity Boy sir, are wrong! The song sounds like its somewhere in E and Keith's solo is in the neighborhood of E...Or at least thats where I'm finding it playing along...Chill out man, we get it, you were obviously disappointed in Keith's performance (its for sure not his best, but hell, I didn't think it was that bad...
Hanns Rainsch
Has anyone who attended the show noticed this guy? I can't imagine something like that in Europe...
My first video.
Hanns Rainsch
Has anyone who attended the show noticed this guy? I can't imagine something like that in Europe...
There are many like him over here....I think they're called republicans.