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OT: Amanda Knox
Posted by: MILKYWAY ()
Date: March 27, 2013 00:40

Poor Foxy Knoxy. Does Italy have the death penalty?

Re: OT: Amanda Knox
Posted by: Deltics ()
Date: March 27, 2013 00:46

No EU country has the death penalty.

"As we say in England, it can get a bit trainspottery"

Re: OT: Amanda Knox
Posted by: Chris Fountain ()
Date: March 27, 2013 00:47

There is no way Amanda Fox will be extradited to Italy. If so, this would be a case of double jeopardy, which is deemed illegal in the U.S. It is not going to happen.

Re: OT: Amanda Knox
Posted by: BluzDude ()
Date: March 27, 2013 00:48

Well, she should stay put and not go back for the trial.

Re: OT: Amanda Knox
Posted by: MILKYWAY ()
Date: March 27, 2013 00:59

Well, she should stay put and not go back for the trial.

Italian law allows her to be tried in abstentia.

Re: OT: Amanda Knox
Posted by: lettingitbleed ()
Date: March 27, 2013 01:49

I am not clear on the extradition laws but yes, if possible, stay in Seattle and never return to Italy. Hell, I would probably be too scarred to ever leave the US at all.

Let them try her in abstentia. As long as she stays home, it's all good. Really seems unfair to do the whole thing over. Guilty or not, you didn't get her the first time, someone is already doing hard time for the's over.

Re: OT: Amanda Knox
Posted by: Chris Fountain ()
Date: March 27, 2013 02:04

I am not clear on the extradition laws but yes, if possible, stay in Seattle and never return to Italy. Hell, I would probably be too scarred to ever leave the US at all.

Let them try her in abstentia. As long as she stays home, it's all good. Really seems unfair to do the whole thing over. Guilty or not, you didn't get her the first time, someone is already doing hard time for the's over.

I have no clue if she is guilty or not. The facts in that particular case are murky. However, interestingly enough - I think Jody Arias has no defense whatsoever. What the Arias case boils down to is this - does the U.S. believe in Capitol Punishment? It's a very dark place to consider or think about. However, when someone is shot in the face and stabbed 20ish times the perputrator must pay. I just hate seeing more death over and over again in what is suppose to be the land of peace and freedom.

Re: OT: Amanda Knox
Posted by: tatters ()
Date: March 27, 2013 02:04

Re: OT: Amanda Knox
Posted by: Title5Take1 ()
Date: March 27, 2013 03:42

And Italy just reelected that crook Berlusconi. Hey, love their food and clothes, though.

Re: OT: Amanda Knox
Posted by: tomcasagranda ()
Date: March 27, 2013 12:25

"The Ladder of law has no top and no bottom" Bob Dylan.

However, while I am British, I find this case highlights only one thing, and that is neither a proportion of blame towards Ms Knox and her former partner, but rather just how incompetent the Italian legal system is. What are they trying to do ? Redeem themselves for their incompetence, by making someone who has been proved innocent, an object for their legal inconsistencies.

With all due respect, the Italians found someone guilty of the crime: this just reeks of a petty vendetta, and of a foolish attempt to stop themselves being laughing stocks at the expense of someone who has got on with her life.

Re: OT: Amanda Knox
Posted by: Silver Dagger ()
Date: March 27, 2013 12:49

I am not clear on the extradition laws but yes, if possible, stay in Seattle and never return to Italy. Hell, I would probably be too scarred to ever leave the US at all.

Let them try her in abstentia. As long as she stays home, it's all good. Really seems unfair to do the whole thing over. Guilty or not, you didn't get her the first time, someone is already doing hard time for the's over.

Plus one thumbs up

Re: OT: Amanda Knox
Posted by: NoCode0680 ()
Date: March 27, 2013 13:31

I only know the surface details of the case, and I have no clue whether or not she's guilty. Since she got off I'd LIKE to think she's innocent, as I'm not cool with murderers walking the street. It happens though. Over here, over there, and everywhere. But as has been said, there's no way she'll be extradited. Can you imagine the political shit storm that would result from the government allowing another country to extradite an American citizen to be subject to double jeopardy, something she's protected from on American soil per the Fifth Amendment of the Constitution? Never going to happen, regardless of whether or not she's guilty. They'll just say the Italians should have taken care of business when they had her, she's back in the U.S. and protected by the Constitution, for better or worse.

Re: OT: Amanda Knox
Posted by: frankotero ()
Date: March 27, 2013 14:03

All good points. I think the Italians made a mistake by trying to re-open this case. Doesn't help their reputation of late, (sunken ship, Berlusconi). I have some good friends there. Hope they don't feel too hurt by all this.

Re: OT: Amanda Knox
Posted by: Wild Slivovitz ()
Date: March 27, 2013 14:15

Problem is that you relate to this issue as if it were a political one. But, on the contrary, it all revolves around strictly juridical matters, relating to the motivation of the sentence.

I'm quite surprised that you guys relate to this event just from a political point of view, when it really isn't the case.

Re: OT: Amanda Knox
Posted by: frankotero ()
Date: March 27, 2013 14:19

Are you're saying it's a good idea to have a trial when the defendant may not be there? I can't see the purpose of that. Sems to be a waste of money in time in my opinion.

Re: OT: Amanda Knox
Posted by: mickschix ()
Date: March 27, 2013 16:59

I think that Double Jeopardy is an American law and I do not think Italian law has to abide by it. Is she really protected by our Constitution and can she be found guilty in absentia?? If so, then what?
Why did the Italians feel the need, after this long a time, to reopen this case. Most folks have forgotten about it, for the most part. If they were worried about looking foolish to the world, they should have simply let it fade away.
I feel that we did not get to the real truth surrounding the murder of her roomate...I believe Amanda knows much more than she ever told...not to say she was the killer, but she knows more!

Re: OT: Amanda Knox
Posted by: Wild Slivovitz ()
Date: March 27, 2013 16:59

The defendant will be there represented by her lawyer, and of course if I were in her shoes I wouldn't come back to Italy to attend the trial, you know just in case... anyway this procedure is perfectly lawful here in Italy, and sure it has not been invented specifically for Ms. Knox's trial.

That being said, I'm definitely sure that the judgement of the Court will not be politically driven.

Re: OT: Amanda Knox
Posted by: LeonidP ()
Date: March 27, 2013 17:26

Chris Fountain
There is no way Amanda Fox will be extradited to Italy. If so, this would be a case of double jeopardy, which is deemed illegal in the U.S. It is not going to happen.

This didn't happen in the US, so the double jeopardy doesn't apply. As for not being extradited, it's not that easy for US to just refuse -- then the USA would have Italy refusing to send anyone back in future cases etc. It's a lot more complicated than simply saying 'no'.

Not to mention, it's always possible that she is guilty and deserves to go back & face the music -- of course I don't know that she's guilty but just saying, none of us can simply say that she is innocent with 100% certainty

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-03-27 17:28 by LeonidP.

Re: OT: Amanda Knox
Posted by: TheGreek ()
Date: March 27, 2013 17:31

she already had her day in court .enough already!!!!

Re: OT: Amanda Knox
Posted by: tomcasagranda ()
Date: March 27, 2013 17:43

Chris Fountain
There is no way Amanda Fox will be extradited to Italy. If so, this would be a case of double jeopardy, which is deemed illegal in the U.S. It is not going to happen.

This didn't happen in the US, so the double jeopardy doesn't apply. As for not being extradited, it's not that easy for US to just refuse -- then the USA would have Italy refusing to send anyone back in future cases etc. It's a lot more complicated than simply saying 'no'.

Not to mention, it's always possible that she is guilty and deserves to go back & face the music -- of course I don't know that she's guilty but just saying, none of us can simply say that she is innocent with 100% certainty

I do not think Ms Knox is guilty: she looks too slight to murder someone.

Re: OT: Amanda Knox
Posted by: Title5Take1 ()
Date: March 27, 2013 17:48

Re: OT: Amanda Knox
Posted by: sweetcharmedlife ()
Date: March 27, 2013 18:04

she already had her day in court .enough already!!!!
Exactly,enough already. They've screwed it up enough. Don't do it again.

Re: OT: Amanda Knox
Posted by: Title5Take1 ()
Date: March 27, 2013 19:01

Rolling Stone Magazine had a long interesting piece about the case:[]

Re: OT: Amanda Knox
Posted by: BluzDude ()
Date: March 27, 2013 19:26

Chris Fountain
There is no way Amanda Fox will be extradited to Italy. If so, this would be a case of double jeopardy, which is deemed illegal in the U.S. It is not going to happen.

This didn't happen in the US, so the double jeopardy doesn't apply. As for not being extradited, it's not that easy for US to just refuse -- then the USA would have Italy refusing to send anyone back in future cases etc. It's a lot more complicated than simply saying 'no'.

Not to mention, it's always possible that she is guilty and deserves to go back & face the music -- of course I don't know that she's guilty but just saying, none of us can simply say that she is innocent with 100% certainty

Not true, US has a treaty with Italy and many other countries that the US will not extradide an individual if certain laws are contradictory to US law,double jeopardy is included.

Re: OT: Amanda Knox
Posted by: dcba ()
Date: March 27, 2013 19:46

She's a really good actress... smoking smiley thumbs up

Re: OT: Amanda Knox
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: March 27, 2013 19:56

Chris Fountain
There is no way Amanda Fox will be extradited to Italy. If so, this would be a case of double jeopardy, which is deemed illegal in the U.S. It is not going to happen.

This didn't happen in the US, so the double jeopardy doesn't apply. As for not being extradited, it's not that easy for US to just refuse -- then the USA would have Italy refusing to send anyone back in future cases etc. It's a lot more complicated than simply saying 'no'.

Not to mention, it's always possible that she is guilty and deserves to go back & face the music -- of course I don't know that she's guilty but just saying, none of us can simply say that she is innocent with 100% certainty

Not true, US has a treaty with Italy and many other countries that the US will not extradide an individual if certain laws are contradictory to US law,double jeopardy is included.

I had heard on the news that her 'being returned' was a possibility.

Re: OT: Amanda Knox
Posted by: BluzDude ()
Date: March 27, 2013 20:02

I had heard on the news that her 'being returned' was a possibility.

If she is returned, it is because the State Department is worried more about their "image" than international agreements.
As it is, if she is not returned, she better not leave the US because Interpol could pick her up and send her to Italy.

Re: OT: Amanda Knox
Posted by: deadegad ()
Date: March 27, 2013 20:55

She should go into porn. . .. Femme Fatale Fetish stuff seems appropriate.

Re: OT: Amanda Knox
Posted by: andrea66 ()
Date: March 27, 2013 21:09

She won't ever go to jail in italy. u.s. governement will never send her back to italy. our system and american system are different, we have 3 steps of judgement and i don't think that in the u.s it is the same.
btw i admire u.s., but in these kind of issues they always try to protect their citizens even when they are 100% guilty, like american aviators who killed a lot of people in the Cermis accident, always here in italy.
everybody here think they are gulty, but now it is too late for her to go to jail. game over

Re: OT: Amanda Knox
Posted by: JJHMick ()
Date: March 27, 2013 21:56

No EU country has the death penalty.

NO DEATH PENALTY is one of the basic issues to become member of the EU.
This leaves Iran, China, North Corea and (fill in the gap) out of the EU. Actually, there is only one (!) nation on the whole continent that still has the death penalty: Belarus.

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