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Hurricane Sandy Benefit...Stones surprise appearance?
Posted by: chop ()
Date: December 3, 2012 16:34

Might as well throw it out there. But there is going to be a huge concert at MSG on 12/12/12 to raise funds for the victims of Hurricane Sandy. The Stones will most definitely be in town and in game shape...any chance that they perhaps make an appearance at MSG?

Re: Hurricane Sandy Benefit...Stones surprise appearance?
Posted by: bam ()
Date: December 3, 2012 16:39

I've been thinking about this. I have a suspicion this may be evaluated by the Stones organization, in part, by how it would affect their pay-per-view audience 3 days later. The concert is to be telecast live on many networks. Would giving away 2 songs for free be good advertising for the pay-per-view? Would it satisfy people who just want a peek at the Stones and cut down their numbers on Saturday?

I would guess the answer is some of each, but I would also guess that someone is doing some calculations on behalf of the Stones. (Maybe that's too cynical, but . . . .)

Re: Hurricane Sandy Benefit...Stones surprise appearance?
Posted by: paulywaul ()
Date: December 3, 2012 16:49

They HAVE to be at least considering it, wouldn't you think ? What do most people reckon ?

[ I want to shout, but I can hardly speak ]

Re: Hurricane Sandy Benefit...Stones surprise appearance?
Posted by: chop ()
Date: December 3, 2012 16:51

A bring down the house type performance (think The Who at the 9/11 Concert in 2001) would definitely give 'em another shot in the arm and I feel will boost ticket sales as well as PPV sales...just perusing ticketmaster I'm still getting seats for Brooklyn and NJ.

The only issue I gather would be that someone like Keith will likely be staying up in his Connecticut home while in the northeast and getting limo'd to the gigs...rather than staying in some posh NYC hotel closer to Madison Square Garden. So he perhaps wouldn't want to be bothered making an extra trip to nyc.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2012-12-03 16:52 by chop.

Re: Hurricane Sandy Benefit...Stones surprise appearance?
Posted by: LSTNT ()
Date: December 3, 2012 17:14

NO way it happens the night before the first Newark show. With the throat issues Mick has had over the years they would be crazy to perform at this gig and compromise the Newark shows.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2012-12-03 17:15 by LSTNT.

Re: Hurricane Sandy Benefit...Stones surprise appearance?
Posted by: FrankM ()
Date: December 3, 2012 19:57

NO way it happens the night before the first Newark show. With the throat issues Mick has had over the years they would be crazy to perform at this gig and compromise the Newark shows.

Yeah, but if they just did a couple songs would it ruin Mick's voice?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2012-12-03 19:59 by FrankM.

Re: Hurricane Sandy Benefit...Stones surprise appearance?
Posted by: arthritis ()
Date: December 3, 2012 20:02

I've been thinking about this. I have a suspicion this may be evaluated by the Stones organization, in part, by how it would affect their pay-per-view audience 3 days later. The concert is to be telecast live on many networks. Would giving away 2 songs for free be good advertising for the pay-per-view? Would it satisfy people who just want a peek at the Stones and cut down their numbers on Saturday?

I would guess the answer is some of each, but I would also guess that someone is doing some calculations on behalf of the Stones. (Maybe that's too cynical, but . . . .)

I agree with you. Regardless how much charity money is raised though, the fat slob governor of new jersey is going to raise citizen's property taxes that are already highest in the united states though. He's already promised it.

Re: Hurricane Sandy Benefit...Stones surprise appearance?
Posted by: StonesTod ()
Date: December 3, 2012 20:05

ron and keith come out and play the complete minute-plus of their epic "hurricane" song...

Re: Hurricane Sandy Benefit...Stones surprise appearance?
Posted by: steverogan ()
Date: December 3, 2012 21:30

It's a good thought but if the stones did a surprise gig it really wouldn't help the sales of the charity event.i think if they were to perform on 12/12 I think it should be announced to help maximize ticket sales.. perhaps the stones could do a gig like they did at RCMH for the Robin Hood Foundation at some point. I think they contributed a million dollars themselves. i vaguely recall a check presentation prio to the show ( by Michael Cohl) RCMH is not available until after the holidays but I am sure another venue could be found in or around the NYC area.

Re: Hurricane Sandy Benefit...Stones surprise appearance?
Posted by: stonesrule ()
Date: December 3, 2012 21:53

You can count on it.

Re: Hurricane Sandy Benefit...Stones surprise appearance?
Date: December 3, 2012 21:55

You can count on it.

It would of leaked out by now...

Re: Hurricane Sandy Benefit...Stones surprise appearance?
Posted by: bam ()
Date: December 3, 2012 22:11

The tickets to the event sold out in like, 3 minutes. Presumably, substantial funds will be raised during the broadcast.

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