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Re: Two questions about MT leaving the band
Posted by: Deidre ()
Date: January 11, 2005 18:13

We should write a song called "Imagine"!

They can call us dreamers - but we're not the only ones.

Perhaps he'll rejoin them in heaven - then the World will live as One.

Buy that white Grand Piano, Mr Jagger. You know it makes no sense.

Re: Two questions about MT leaving the band
Posted by: OpenG ()
Date: January 11, 2005 18:49


Re: Two questions about MT leaving the band
Posted by: Deidre ()
Date: January 11, 2005 21:32

COLD TURKEY.....has got Wood on the Run.......

Re: Two questions about MT leaving the band
Posted by: OpenG ()
Date: January 11, 2005 21:48

yeah but Grimaces and faces help him bend those strings

Re: Two questions about MT leaving the band
Posted by: Deidre ()
Date: January 11, 2005 21:59

No. The grimaces are because even he can't quite believe how badly he's playing!

(I'm only joking Ronnie - leave that syringe alone, darling).

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2005-01-11 22:01 by Deidre.

Re: Two questions about MT leaving the band
Posted by: MCDDTLC ()
Date: January 11, 2005 22:27

Deidre - It's nice to hear from anothet Taylor fan out there who see's the currect Stones for what they are.... MLC

Re: Two questions about MT leaving the band
Posted by: bigfrankie ()
Date: January 22, 2006 04:43

> I think Keith is terrible to work with at least if
> you are in the band. Simple as that. And he
> couldnt stand Mick Ts greatness. Ron Wood was a
> fan of Keiths while Mick Taylor co-wrote brilliant
> songs with Mick. Jeaolusy, brotherhood, male egos
> etc. Keith treated Brian like shit and still does
> and dont tell me Brian was treating Keith in some
> bad way cause he wasnt. Keith is the real @#$%& in
> this band. Jimmy Page says that and so does Mick
> Jagger though in slitghtly different ways. Hes not
> very mature I think and while he was really cool
> and great in the 70s he is a parody today. As I
> said before from cool to clown. A real gangster.
> and Ay ay baby it hurts

Keef ran MT off. It's that simple. He is impossible to get along with. Ronnie is like his little brother and basiscally doesn't care. MT had to leave or crack-up.

Re: Two questions about MT leaving the band
Posted by: Messhead ()
Date: January 22, 2006 05:28

Mick Taylor: Leaving the Rolling Stones
It was inevitable. I was becoming so depressed and frustrated that it was rubbing off on the group. I had a lot of personal problems which had nothing to do with the group. I was bored. Not bored with the Rolling Stones but bored with myself. I knew I had a lot more inside me, and it needed to get out.

I was actually getting very bored with the inactivity and the lack of direction. You know, for a whole year we just really didn't do anything. We didn't see each other and nothing was happening. And there were all sorts of things going on that had absolutely nothing to do with the band and being on the road and making records, which, I think, interfered with relationships within the band.

I think if I'd have been a little older, I don't think I would have left actually. You know, I don't REGRET that I left, but because I hadn't been involved with them right from the beginning, there was much more of a sense of urgency about needing to do something else, inside me, you know. Whereas with the rest of them, they always knew inside themselves that no matter how difficult things were or how crazy things were, they'd sort of always be together, they'd get through it.

Bill Wyman: Thoughts of leaving the Rolling Stones
Around the time Mick Taylor quit I just wanted to leave. I couldn't see myself standing it any longer. But I didn't want to be the person who caused the breakup of the band.

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