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Re: What do you say to someone when they disrespect the Stones?
Date: March 4, 2014 00:07

Sometimes I sit and wait for the funny alternatives they bring out.Very funny.

Re: What do you say to someone when they disrespect the Stones?
Posted by: Rolling Hansie ()
Date: March 4, 2014 01:53

So long as you like them stonesfan, why should you care what someone else thinks?
Shawn makes a valid point when he says such direspectful statements are more representative of repsective musical tastes than of the Stones themselves....


Mmmm.... Very interesting comment on a post from 2005 from someone who registered 3 weeks ago

Keep On Rolling smoking smiley

Re: What do you say to someone when they disrespect the Stones?
Posted by: bryanoakville ()
Date: March 4, 2014 02:29

.... Never argue with a drunk ... Or an idiot.

Re: What do you say to someone when they disrespect the Stones?
Posted by: shattered ()
Date: March 4, 2014 06:02

Just curious since I had a situation at work the other day. The ignoramus who sits in the cubicle next to mine had to start by making fun of how old the Stones look these days (which is ridiculous in itself since he is just as old as they are). Then the moron who sits on the other side of me had to chime in with his ingenious comment that "the Stones suck."

Now my first reaction was to jam a pen through his throat but I settled for showing my disdain for the lame music he likes - punk, namely Green Day (excuse me while I retch).

Not that I'm losing any sleep over it, but it does get under my skin since every time somebody bashes the Stones, Mick, or Keith, it is always some dumbass with horrible musical taste or totally clueless about music in general.

Does anybody have any classic responses? I would like to know.


They both know you like em that is why.

Re: What do you say to someone when they disrespect the Stones?
Posted by: slew ()
Date: March 4, 2014 06:14

I don't mind it when people say the Stones or the Beatles or any other iconic band or artist is not their cup of tea but I do get a little aggravated when people don't show them the respect they are due. Michael Jackson is not taste of music but he certainly was talented and earned his status. My response is always when so and so has been around for fifty years and can still draw old, young and new fans come back and talk to me.

Re: What do you say to someone when they disrespect the Stones?
Posted by: SweetThing ()
Date: March 4, 2014 07:09

I find it very annoying, but its often the downside of the legacy viewed from afar where Keith a junkie, Mick is some queer fop, and the whole lot are somehow on the fringe of being some stupid satanic enthusiasts.

But this attitude is generally coming from someone that has not listened carefully or perhaps fairly, to even a small part of their catalog. If I sense a chink in the armor somewhere in the person's musical tastes I will try to exploit it by steering them to some Stones tunes they might like and not have known about. Often this works, (to an extent), and the person is a bit surprised.

Re: What do you say to someone when they disrespect the Stones?
Posted by: mandu ()
Date: March 4, 2014 08:20

Yes the The Rolling Stones are old

but so iggy pop,bob dylan,aerosmith,does anyone ever slag these guys off for being to old?

Feel The Fear
And Do It Anyway

Re: What do you say to someone when they disrespect the Stones?
Posted by: Stoneage ()
Date: March 4, 2014 17:10 em' the blade?

Re: What do you say to someone when they disrespect the Stones?
Posted by: Elmo Lewis ()
Date: March 4, 2014 19:28

Turn me on to something better musically. Oh, I didn't think so......

Re: What do you say to someone when they disrespect the Stones?
Posted by: Natlanta ()
Date: March 4, 2014 19:47

i fart in their general direction.

Re: What do you say to someone when they disrespect the Stones?
Posted by: rob51 ()
Date: March 4, 2014 23:18

I don't bother saying anything mainly because I know they don't suck (most of the time) and that the bands many of the nay-sayers like probably won't last a fraction of the time the Stones have. Besides? Usually the very ones bashing the band have no knowledge of the music except for the radio hits of course so how the hell can they even make a reasonable decission? Much of whats always been magical about the Stones are the tunes hidden deep down in the grooves and you have to dig a bit deeper than a best hits album to truely get the band at their best.

Re: What do you say to someone when they disrespect the Stones?
Posted by: buttons67 ()
Date: March 5, 2014 01:25

usually when someone slags off the stones age or music, i ask them what do they think the bands they like will be doing when they are over 70.

Re: What do you say to someone when they disrespect the Stones?
Posted by: Aquamarine ()
Date: March 5, 2014 01:55

I don't bother saying anything mainly because I know they don't suck (most of the time)

Same here. I like 'em, they don't--what's to argue about? You can't change people's tastes by telling them they OUGHT to like something.

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