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OT - Ry Cooder Interview
Posted by: geoffc ()
Date: August 10, 2012 10:48

An interesting interview on politics and music:-


Re: OT - Ry Cooder Interview
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: August 10, 2012 11:11

... Ya know where this'll all head but better get this Ry bit in before the verbal shoot-out begins ....

............ MOJO 226 -- September 2012


Re: OT - Ry Cooder Interview
Posted by: slewan ()
Date: August 10, 2012 12:52

what else can a poor boy do…?

Re: OT - Ry Cooder Interview
Posted by: Spud ()
Date: August 10, 2012 14:02

He's just gone up in my estimation ;^)

Re: OT - Ry Cooder Interview
Posted by: latebloomer ()
Date: August 10, 2012 16:01

But what do I know? I'm just a guitar player from Santa Monica.

At least he admits it. In the guardian article, a few times he seems a bit more thoughtful, but I can't stand knee jerk politics on either side. It never gets anything done and it's stupid. As usual, everything wrong in American is the fault of Republicans, and poor Obama can't do anything about it. It's all because Bush destroyed the presidency. Give me a break, the Democrats are just as much to blame.

Re: OT - Ry Cooder Interview
Posted by: Send It To me ()
Date: August 10, 2012 17:43

he can't do what ten people tell him to do, so he guesses he'll remain the same

Re: OT - Ry Cooder Interview
Posted by: Title5Take1 ()
Date: August 10, 2012 18:06

Annie Leibovitz was asked who she least liked to photograph. She said (paraphrase from memory), "People who've been in the entertainment business for decades, because by that time they've lost touch with reality."

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2012-08-10 18:08 by Title5Take1.

Re: OT - Ry Cooder Interview
Posted by: dcba ()
Date: August 10, 2012 18:23

by that time they've lost touch with reality."

That means they had a hand on reality at one point of their lives. Whereas I bet some billionaire CIA son never ever had any touch with reality or the real life of real people.

Re: OT - Ry Cooder Interview
Posted by: 71Tele ()
Date: August 10, 2012 18:30

He's just gone up in my estimation ;^)

WAY up.

Re: OT - Ry Cooder Interview
Posted by: Wry Cooter ()
Date: August 10, 2012 19:23

I'm too old now, but it's time to storm the effin' palace....

Re: OT - Ry Cooder Interview
Posted by: TippyToe ()
Date: August 11, 2012 06:03

Re: OT - Ry Cooder Interview
Posted by: deeppurple ()
Date: August 11, 2012 16:50

Annie Leibovitz was asked who she least liked to photograph. She said (paraphrase from memory), "People who've been in the entertainment business for decades, because by that time they've lost touch with reality."[/
That is the best quote ever. Ry Cooder like the Sean Penns, Bruce Springsteens, the Academy Awards...they are sooo out of touch with reality.

Re: OT - Ry Cooder Interview
Posted by: Title5Take1 ()
Date: August 11, 2012 17:51

Annie Leibovitz was asked who she least liked to photograph. She said (paraphrase from memory), "People who've been in the entertainment business for decades, because by that time they've lost touch with reality."
That is the best quote ever. Ry Cooder like the Sean Penns, Bruce Springsteens, the Academy Awards...they are sooo out of touch with reality.

I love in UNDER THEIR THUMB (ch. 39) when Bill German is hanging in Woody's suite on the Voodoo Lounge Tour, and he walks by a room in which Sean Penn and Jo Wood are talking, and Penn is spouting all this knee-jerk crap. "Why is it that America always has to Hitlerize someone? I mean, like Saddam Hussein or Noriega or Castro?"

And then, from the book: "Jo yelled, `Sean! Stop it! Don't! You've got to stop it!' She tried to muzzle his mouth, but he pushed her hand away. `Let me talk, Jo! Let me talk!'"

Isn't Jo Wood great? Trying to muzzle Sean Penn?

For one thing, Sean, Google the name "Roberto Santiesteban Casanova." He was one of Castro's terrorists in New York in 1962 who, along with others, were far along in Castro's plan to blow up: 1) the Statue of Liberty; 2) Macy's; 3) Gimbel's; 4) Bloomingdale's; 5) Grand Central station; 6) other transportation stops; 8) oil refineries on the New Jersey shore.

To compare: For their March, 2004 Madrid subway blasts—all 10 of them—that killed and maimed almost 2,000 people, al-Qaida used 100 kilos of TNT. Castro's agents planned (in October, 1962) to set off five times that explosive power in the three biggest department stores on earth, all packed with crowds on the year’s biggest shopping day. Fortunately the FBI thwarted them.

For more detail read Humberto Fontova's book FIDEL: HOLLYWOOD'S FAVORITE TYRANT.

Sean Penn probably didn't know of this plan of Castro's to terrorize New York. After all, it's bizarrely underreported. But if Penn did know of it, would he still think Bush was worse than Castro? Undoubtedly. Knee-jerk, knee-jerk. Stress on the "jerk."

Re: OT - Ry Cooder Interview
Posted by: microvibe ()
Date: August 11, 2012 19:18

he's gone down in my estimation!imo

Re: OT - Ry Cooder Interview
Posted by: scottkeef ()
Date: August 11, 2012 20:37

Everything he said made sense...

Re: OT - Ry Cooder Interview
Posted by: bob r ()
Date: August 11, 2012 20:56

Ry Cooder ( like Sean Penn) ) is a flippin' idiot. Do what you're good at, play guitar. You and Springsteen and David Crosby keep your half-baked political rants at home where they belong....nobody gives a crap what you think...... it is not 1969 anymore. You're all millionaires who made a boat load of money off the system you claim to despise....
I always go back to John Lennon circa 1971-1972.....his "political phase"--I look back and read his interviews from that time, or listen to his political album "Sometime in NYC" and just..cringe.

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