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OT: LSD 75 years ago
Posted by: Sjouke ()
Date: April 18, 2018 11:38

some history today...

From the Basler Zeitung:
Morgen ist Bicycle Day. So heisst der Tag vor 75 Jahren, an dem Albert Hofmann zu seinem ersten LSD-Trip aufbrach. Albert Hofmann, wer weiss es nicht, heisst der Chemiker, der seit den 1930er Jahren in den Labors der Sandoz den Getreidepilz Mutterkorn erforschte und dabei das Diethylamid LSD-25 synthetisierte. Am 19. April 1943 startet er seinen Selbstversuch und nimmt um 16.20 Uhr 250 Mikrogramm des Mittels ein, eine starke Dosis. Um 17 Uhr notiert er sich die Folgen: «Beginnender Schwindel, Angstgefühl, Sehstörungen, Lähmungen, Lachreiz».

Er fährt mit dem Velo nach Hause, wobei er das Gefühl hat, in die Pedalen zu treten und dennoch nicht voranzukommen. Seine Sekretärin, Susi Ramstein, die ihn vorsichtshalber begleitet, hält später fest, schnell sei man gefahren, und sie habe ihrem Chef kaum folgen können. Daheim dann: «von 18 Uhr bis 20 Uhr schwerste Krise». Am Abend noch weichen die Schreckensbilder und machen «einem Gefühl des Glücks und der Dankbarkeit» Platz. Hofmann beobachtet, mit geschlossenen Augen, schönste Farb- und Formenspiele und erlebt staunend, wie selbst das Geräusch einer Türklinke oder eines vorbeifahrenden Autos sich in lebendige Bilder verwandelt.
Empfindliche Sinne
Das Frühstück am nächsten Morgen schmeckt «herrlich», «ein Gefühl von Wohlbehagen und neuem Leben durchströmte mich», und «alle meine Sinne schwangen in einem Zustand höchster Empfindlichkeit, der noch den ganzen Tag anhielt.»

Seit diesem Bicycle Day hat das LSD eine umstrittene Karriere hingelegt – als Glücksdroge vergöttert, als potenzieller Horrortrip verteufelt. In Münchenstein findet morgen ein hochkarätig besetztes Symposium zum Thema «Wohin die Reise führt» statt; Forscher, Künstler, Ärzte berichten über die womöglich heilsbringende Wirkung des LSD bei der Behandlung von Depressionen und Angststörungen. Im Holzpark Klybeck steigt derweil von morgen bis Sonntag ein Fest mit 200 Künstlern rund ums LSD; die Psychedelic Society Switzerland kündigt ein Happening «ganz im Sinne der eleusinischen Riten» an.

Google translation:

Tomorrow is Bicycle Day. That's the name of the day 75 years ago when Albert Hofmann left for his first LSD trip. Albert Hofmann, who does not know, is the name of the chemist who has been researching the cereal fungus ergot since the 1930s in the Sandoz laboratories, synthesizing the diethylamide LSD-25. On April 19, 1943, he starts his self-experiment and takes at 16.20 clock 250 micrograms of the agent, a strong dose. At 17 o'clock he notes the consequences: "Dizziness, anxiety, blurred vision, paralysis, laughter".

He rides his bike home, feeling like he's pedaling and not getting any further. His secretary, Susi Ramstein, who accompanies him as a precaution, later states that he had driven quickly and that she was barely able to follow her boss. At home then: "from 18 o'clock to 20 o'clock most serious crisis". In the evening, the horror images give way and give way to "a feeling of happiness and gratitude". Hofmann observes, with his eyes closed, the most beautiful color and shape games and marvels in amazement how even the sound of a doorknob or a passing car turns into living pictures.
Sensitive senses
The breakfast the next morning tastes "glorious," "a sense of well-being and new life pervaded me," and "all my senses swung in a state of utmost sensitivity that lasted all day."

Since that Bicycle Day, the LSD has had a controversial career - idolized as a fortune drug, vilified as a potential horror trip. In Münchenstein tomorrow, a top-class symposium will take place on the topic "Where the journey leads"; Researchers, artists and physicians report on the potential beneficial effects of LSD in the treatment of depression and anxiety disorders. In the Holzpark Klybeck, meanwhile, a festival with 200 artists around the LSD is rising from morning to Sunday; the Psychedelic Society Switzerland announces a happening "in the spirit of the Eleusinian rites".


Re: OT: LSD 75 years ago
Posted by: dcba ()
Date: April 18, 2018 12:26

Without Abbie's discovery the world would be TSMRequest-free and therefore would be a better place! grinning smiley

No thx, Abbie!

Re: OT: LSD 75 years ago
Posted by: lippmann ()
Date: April 18, 2018 20:24

not in my world, dcba..

you can only say that, because you didnt hear that record under the influence of lsd. i am sure that eveybody who dunnit, would remember that and mostly in a beautiful mind opening way. i was 26 then, now i am short before 60 and i wouldnt do that again, not for money or whatever, but when your young and innocent and had something like a halfway good upgrowing in your back, our heads let the pictures come a good travelcompanion.
man, the big ben...

Re: OT: LSD 75 years ago
Posted by: DaveG ()
Date: April 18, 2018 21:26

Having lived through the '60's and having taken LSD, in my opinion, nothing good ever came from the stuff. Yes, it heightened the senses but it also produced hallucinations that were dangerous. What an absolutely awful drug. I'm thankful that no permanent damage was done to me (at least I think not!).

Re: OT: LSD 75 years ago
Posted by: Nate ()
Date: April 18, 2018 22:22

LSD was the most interesting substance I ever ingested and I had some extremely special experiences on it but I could never go back there now.
It was particularly useful in combating the boredom of compulsory religious education classes in school.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2018-04-18 22:27 by Nate.

Re: OT: LSD 75 years ago
Posted by: Gaetzi ()
Date: April 18, 2018 23:04

It's not for everyone but my life and the world at large is a better place thanks to Mr. Hoffman's curious discovery. Just my opinion, of course.

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