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Jade Jagger website
Posted by: Carnaby ()
Date: July 21, 2010 01:39

Re: Jade Jagger website
Posted by: Carnaby ()
Date: July 21, 2010 01:43

Ace Frehley of KISS lives in the fifth floor unit.

Re: Jade Jagger website
Date: July 21, 2010 02:35

So, what has the b!tch done since '06. & dying her hair is so evolutionary... it's not conversant w/her skin tone at all. In any case, what is her website? Is she a real estate agent now? I thought she lived in Ibiza, smoked lots of pot & made rude references to Mick & Jerry's kids? & really, Jade used to be so hot, like the 2001 March cover of Tatler. Now she looks quite ordinary. I mean, after hair & makeup, to look like that? I could look just as good! Shee.. Bianca looks better than Jade!

"The wonder of Jimi Hendrix was that he could stand up at all he was so pumped full of drugs." Patsy, Patsy Stone

Re: Jade Jagger website
Posted by: Max'sKansasCity ()
Date: July 21, 2010 04:22


Cool, thanks for taking the time to share this, that is
a pretty cool looking website, I didnt get too deep into it,
maybe later..... but definitely IORR post worthy ...

Re: Jade Jagger website
Posted by: oldkr ()
Date: July 21, 2010 04:30

Jade has had her interior design/lifestyle brand almost as long as she's been designing jewelry! keep up!


Re: Jade Jagger website
Posted by: Bliss ()
Date: July 21, 2010 14:18

This project, along with Jade's other enterprises, has been reported as having lost a great deal of money.

Re: Jade Jagger website
Date: July 22, 2010 03:11

This project, along with Jade's other enterprises, has been reported as having lost a great deal of money.

Trading on daddy's name can get expensive.

"The wonder of Jimi Hendrix was that he could stand up at all he was so pumped full of drugs." Patsy, Patsy Stone

Re: Jade Jagger website
Posted by: jjflash73 ()
Date: July 22, 2010 05:05

Quite the critic. I guess you are perfect. Why dump on Jade? Has she harmed you?

Re: Jade Jagger website
Posted by: Addicted ()
Date: July 22, 2010 08:45

Actually, that was the web site of the ny based realtor that she did interior decoration for.
Here's her web site.
She's designed some pretty nice stuff for Swedish chain of stores, Indiska. (so far you can find them in Sweden, Suomi Finland and Norway) Beautiful clothes that I'm sure her dad - but definitely not her mum - would have worn back in the days.

Re: Jade Jagger website
Posted by: jamesfdouglas ()
Date: July 22, 2010 10:10

Quite the critic. I guess you are perfect. Why dump on Jade? Has she harmed you?

I agree. At least she's trying to get something going.


Re: Jade Jagger website
Posted by: Max'sKansasCity ()
Date: July 22, 2010 10:23

I only have nice things to say about Mick and his family.
I know very little about his daughter, and it would take
her doing some serious bad things for me to blather on
and call her names like the person above, that is lame.

If a person has solid reasons to post that drivel, Ok...
but to post it just to be rude, but there seems to be some of that going on at IORR.

With that said. I would not have come back to
this thread if it had not come back up to the top again
but I must say that Jade's website design work is as bad as they come.

I am talking about her websites...NOT HER.

I think morons who OVERdevelop websites using
all the newest flashy BS with eye candy crap while
not delivering solid information are stupid as fk.

I looked further into her websites and I find them obnoxious,
uninforming, hard to read, hard to navigate and no fun.
They mainly make me want to close her web pages as fast as possible.

Websites can be created very simply and still contain a lot
of information which could lead to sales and increases in business,
or as is the case with Jade's websites they can be obnoxious.

Another pet peeve of mine regards fkdupBS websites where these aholes
decide what kind of fking music I want to hear blaring from their
gdamned fking NOISY website. Web developers and site owners need to get a grip
on reality. maybe 3% of the people might agree with your shty chioce of noises
emitting from your site.. PLEASE DO NOT FORCE THOSE CRAPPY SOUNDS ON ME ...and
this is not to mention the folks surfing at work or somewhere else where they
do not need to be embarrassed by sudden blaring crappy music...
Have ALL web site sounds set to default OFF ..... then, maybe, have a switch
and if
someone wants to hear it OK, BUT PLEASE DO NOT BLARE ANY SOUNDS AT ME AS

I am posting this to inform any web developers who might be out there.
Web developers can sometimes lose track of the forest because they are too close to the trees.


As I first posted above... I thought the website looked
pretty cool.... at first .... but when I went back to look further
THEY TELL ME NOTHING. There are no floor layouts or pricing or anything.
The info may have been there..but it was hard to find..and I moved on.

It is possible to design a site so poorly that people miss links etc etc...
But from what I could see....there is nothing there ...HER WEBSITE IS ALL SHOW AND NO GO.

Jade, fire you website designer, and hire someone
who can create a website that is informative, easy
to navigate easy to use and can maybe lead to a sale.

Lastly....all websites should have an "alt" option.
This means if potential customers do not ( want to )
use flash or java then they can have the option of
using a good old fashioned html based information page.

I took my time to post this not to blather on on and insult,
my intent is to maybe inform someone about something..and maybe they can make it all better.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 2010-07-22 10:38 by Max'sKansasCity.

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