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By 5:15pm it started to rain, and luckily they opened up the gates 25 minutes early, at 5:35pm, so that we didn't have to suffer that much in the quite cold and not so pleasant rain. In 10 minutes I was inside the Ronnie pit having a light green armband, and 10 minutes later the pit was closed. Compared to the previous nights the pit felt really full tonight - more people than usual.
We got Memory Motel for the fourth night in a row - too much to ask for really. I didn't like the idea of Dave Matthews on the side vocals, but tonight I thought it worked really well. Every time Keith show up for his part by Mick's microphone I get this wet eye feel. Wonder how many times it takes with Memory Motel until I get used to it... Great!
You Got Me Rocking rocked as it should do. Ronnie on slide guitar. Tonight's version of Saint Of Me was by far the best one as a crowd pleaser. The crowd itself was really good. By the finish of the song, Mick aimed at the same finish we had on show number two here, with lots of extra singing among the crowd, like a jam session. He tried it again on the last show (number three), but it didn't really work the same. Tonight it felt like the previws night. The crowd was slow in adopting it. But Mick never gave up. He just kept boosting us, and suddenly the entire ARENA woke up. It was amazing. Charlie backed us up, and they also jammed a bit on the guitars, while Saint Of Me just went on and on and on...
Out Of Control was another highlight of the show, and today we got Respectable, not as a web choice, but as a Stones choice. They did show the web page on the monitor, but they never showed the score. So I guess they just wanted to play Respectable. Surely another great version.
Keith did Thief In The Night. After the song he brought Leah, Ronnie's daughter, up front, to present her, saying "She's not mine, she's one of Ronnie's", laughing. Then Ronnie kissed her too, as saying thanks. Wanna Hold You rocked great as usual.
We got The Last Time on the small stage, wrapped in with the usual Little Queenie and Like A Rolling Stone. Ronnie played it great. For the rest of the show, Ronnie had a rather low profile tonight, as Keith was doing most of the guitar playing.
On Honky Tonk Women two blow-up women showed up in the front of the crowd. On the left (Ronnie) side I saw my friend Tatsuo Ono and his wife waved their babe with the Angie name written on it. They had brough her up for Little Queenie as well... On the other side there was another plastic babe with Honky Tonk Woman written on her. The cameras could not resist picking up these, as well as real girls in the crowd. Taking away all this show stuff, the song was great still!
After Jumping Jack Flash it was a short break before they came on to do the encore. Rather than showing the map and where we were, they showed football scenes from last night's game, with Holland's two goals. The crowd just loved it! Another great night, like show number two, one of the few. Great crowds in Amsterdam!
Start time: 21:40 End time : 00:00
The set list:
Next song was You got me rocking which they also performed at the first Amsterdam show on the center stage. After Saint of me and Out of control the 'web choice' was Respectable. Ronnie Wood's daughter, Leah Wood, was on backing vocals again during Thief in the night. I just saw her two days before at the Bourbon Street cafe in Amsterdam where she also did a song with the Rolling Stones Crew band.
On the center stage they performed Little queenie, The last time (the only 'new' Amsterdam song) and Like a rolling stone. The rest of the set list is well known but I still love the Start me up version with the long breaks. Total songs played in Amsterdam is now 29; I expect more tomorrow....
It's Only Rock'n Roll 1998 -
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