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we need a decent bitrate or flac with some nice artwork - who can tell me what is the very best release of this recording quality wise?
Cheers! Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
Hiya Urban Steel - once again, thanks a million these posts are AMAZING!!!! thanks to you I now have a brilliant collection of boots from the lads!!
One thing though - Hot Stuf from Disc 2 has been deleted - any chance you could repost??
Sean Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
Would anyone out there be so kind as to point me in the right direction - I need a copy of this - can someone please please post it??
Also Im after the film soundtrack not the audience boot.
Your help would be much appreciated! Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
By the way Urban Steel - you are a f*#kin legend!!! Thanks soooooo much for all these great bootlegs and the way you have grouped all the soundboards together I am forever greatful indeed!!!! Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
Hi there
It says the Happy has been deleted can someone please repost - thanks for the show!!! But without Happy im certainly sad!! Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade