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Good question - WHY????Quotegimme_shelter
Is this MEGA link in flac? 450MB seems awful small for 4 discs' worth of flac files...Yes,FLAC.
So...somebody asks for the 4CD from Goldplate, and you give him the 1CD Idol Mind.
Why? Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
Is there any merciful soul who will be kind and able to transfer Early Steel Wheels - Outtakes 1989 (Voodoo Sounds), hm?
Thanks in advance,
Greg Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
Thanks for your efforts Rskinno but...
it would be very helpful if you made it clear
where (in which part) usually you're posting artwork
just to know from the first download what is the content
of the whole post, right?
Greg Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
The strangest thing is that Laughingsam's Brussels (not posted on iorr) which he sent me many years ago is almost identical as recently released official Brussel in Goat's Head Soup Deluxe. How come? Stones bought remaster from Laughingsam or he has an ear close to their taste? Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
Sounds MUCH better than old release. But... regrertfully some Jagger's remarks between the songs have been cut out. Silly.
Many thanks for it Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
Dearest Captain,
after compering Version 2 with UPGRADE 2020, I feel that HOMEOPATHY was your destination which sadly you've missed. Or... maybe luckely :-) Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
Goldplate 1968.00.00 Beggars Banquet Sessions CD+art Collector's edition - BORDOM: only one uniteresting CD (appeared MANY times) and one(!!!) cover. Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade