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12 ***years ***ago
can anyone post some pictures of this phenomena?
Forum: Tell Me
12 ***years ***ago
QuoteChrisM So did anyone tune in today for Keith's Breakfast Legends segment? One hears he played the Rice Crispies jingle... that would be the rice crispies noodle...
Forum: Tell Me
12 ***years ***ago
a monotonic metronome always puts me in the zone.
Forum: Tell Me
12 ***years ***ago
Saw a runner from Iowa griping on the news about the run being canceled so late. Really? Fast forward to the Today show. A group of women runners from the netherlands cheerily said they would volunteer while they were here since they weren't able to run.
Forum: Tell Me
12 ***years ***ago
thought they sounded pretty good last night at the impromtu fundraiser that Matt Lauer cooked up for the east coast people.
Forum: Tell Me
12 ***years ***ago
Hey, and Mick prolly wouldn't sing backup for Jimmy Falon,right? lol
Forum: Tell Me
12 ***years ***ago
George C. Scott was not a winer, he preferred something a tad stronger.
Forum: Tell Me
12 ***years ***ago
take me to the station, and put me on a train, I have no grand delusions, you'll pay, when they play, again.
Forum: Tell Me
12 ***years ***ago
QuoteKoen Quotemgguy that live video from new jersey is ominous stuff-just went back for another look-those wires weren't jumping around the first time-its getting worse by the hour. Wow. The camera moved too, the flags were in the middle of the screen 30 min ago. And those waves in the background... yeah, thats some intense, churning surf right now.
Forum: Tell Me
12 ***years ***ago
that live video from new jersey is ominous stuff-just went back for another look-those wires weren't jumping around the first time-its getting worse by the hour. Wow.
Forum: Tell Me
12 ***years ***ago
I think alot of members here have a "magic mirror" they use every morning.. "mirror,mirror, on the wall. I haven't aged a bit at all!" tick,tock.
Forum: Tell Me
12 ***years ***ago
I'm with Tele, quite a funky JJF, fits the room with the groove, baby!
Forum: Tell Me
12 ***years ***ago
Correct, Doxa. That brings to mind worried about you on the licks documetary,when they shuffle out that night for a little practice run that gives you the little glimpse of how cool and effortless things once were.
Forum: Tell Me
12 ***years ***ago
QuoteGazza Quotemgguy I would venture to say that all of you who refuse to purchase tickets, can't get tickets, can't afford tickets, can't travel, etc. will ALL watch the PPV. You won't be able to kkep yourselves from not watching, even in protest. The PPV will only be shown in the US. So, try again. Easy, you travel to the US to watch the PPV. LOL
Forum: Tell Me
12 ***years ***ago
I would venture to say that all of you who refuse to purchase tickets, can't get tickets, can't afford tickets, can't travel, etc. will ALL watch the PPV. You won't be able to kkep yourselves from not watching, even in protest.
Forum: Tell Me
12 ***years ***ago
Quote71Tele Look, the Stones are a business, first and foremost. They are a "brand" these days more than a "band". Why is this a surprise to anyone? If music was their main interest they would have gotten together numerous times in the last five years for the sheer joy of playing, or to challenge themselves artistically. This simply isn't the case. They are a product like
Forum: Tell Me
12 ***years ***ago
I've learned that the real reason Keith's fingers look like that is from all those years of counting money!
Forum: Tell Me
12 ***years ***ago
Tapestry reminds me of my mom and those little clay-like bottles of Lancers wine.
Forum: Tell Me
12 ***years ***ago
Gold fingers on ya!
Forum: Tell Me
12 ***years ***ago
On the other hand, some girls are too quiet.
Forum: Tell Me
12 ***years ***ago
Some girls are too loud.
Forum: Tell Me
12 ***years ***ago
GREAT THREAD! by numbers is a gem, great to hear that alternate "no way out" never heard it before. Awesome.
Forum: Tell Me
12 ***years ***ago
thats quite an interesting stat, superglen.
Forum: Tell Me
12 ***years ***ago
They both seem to be elegantly coherent, remarkable,and still interesting. Timeless, really. No dissections required, you should all be happy.
Forum: Tell Me
12 ***years ***ago
wandering heavy or super spirit, offending the main in superfluous ways.
Forum: Tell Me
12 ***years ***ago
I find this thread quite interesting, a real jewel among so many superficial musings and tedious ramblings....The historical, musical importance discussion of Gram will continue, I guess, as long as music itself. I do find myself drawn to the tribute DVD, time after time, as I feel the interpretations of his songs were so richly portrayed and conveyed by all the artists invoved.
Forum: Tell Me
12 ***years ***ago
Though somewhat redundant and repetitive, an interestsing thread nonetheless. I do think if the handful of critical thinkers here were forced from their comfortable, cyber anonymity and actually had some real-face conversation, they may well find themselves far more like minded than supposed.
Forum: Tell Me
12 ***years ***ago
Well said Wry, a point of no return envelopes even the finest. And then theres Bowie, Willie and a host of other been there forever souls that continue to create and adapt and remain vital and current and still be considered awe-inspiring.
Forum: Tell Me
12 ***years ***ago
Man, I like Bruce, but for some reason that reminded me of being at Macy's in the mall at christmas, just unrelenting twinkle to the point of nausea in waves.
Forum: Tell Me
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