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18 ***years ***ago
i am very sorry for you but you have to pay them.... some fanclub of other band organize a kind of offer a show to the first 2^pers who aswer privatly and promise to do the don't exist here .... anyway you can join very good job serious a bit long (but come from argentina..)
Forum: Tell Me
18 ***years ***ago
nasty music : "brown sugar" and the best "GIMME SHELTER" i never heard...
Forum: Tell Me
18 ***years ***ago
what about the 2 french shows....NICE is not full...still 7000 seats /50000.... qu'en penses tu ?
Forum: Tell Me
18 ***years ***ago
in 5.1...i dream
Forum: Tell Me
18 ***years ***ago
FRANCE NICE!!!!!08/08/06 they come.......
Forum: Tell Me
18 ***years ***ago
cat 1 best seat place with number... cat 2 up the cat 1 seats with numbers cat 3 down the cat 1 and left and right seats with numbers cat 4 seat without numbers bad place i think.. cat 5 FOS north (ron side) south ( keith side) cat 6 stand up around the cat 5 best are 1 or 2 or 3 if you want to be seated and 5 if you want to be close...
Forum: Ticket Trader
18 ***years ***ago
cat 6 is noy FOS cat 5 (75€) IS FOS !!!! cat 6 is all around the cat 5...
Forum: Tell Me
18 ***years ***ago
IS THERE ANYBODY WHO GET 2 SEATS CAT1 OR 2 OR 3 TO SELL.....? i got 3 places in FOS formy 2 big sons and i .....thoses 2 ,i search, are for my wife and my little one(9 years) ..... IF SOMEONE.......
Forum: Tell Me
18 ***years ***ago
i have seen U2 in that place very nice no problems to get tickets i have bought a cat 1 (115€ stones seem to needmuch money146.50€) without troubles 3 h after there was no places but if you wanted you could have it.... there is almost 10.000 seats with cat1 + 2 + 3 the all place have 52.000places THIS TIME IT IS THE SHIT .....
Forum: Tell Me
18 ***years ***ago
same shit at NICE !!!!! french production of the BBT is good to go to bog.... et ça m'enerrrrve çaaaa! (à dire comme jp BACRI)...
Forum: Tell Me
18 ***years ***ago
i got it too...(FRANCE) no bad...
Forum: Tell Me
18 ***years ***ago
they say that the organisers (managers of the NICE show) kept all thoses seat cat 1 + 2 + 3..... i don't know more about it..... maybe GEORGES BUSH and all the CIA members are guests !!!! sorry for this french organisation i'd like to meet foreign's fans in good conditions...
Forum: Tell Me
18 ***years ***ago
no places "production " keep them!!!! WHY ?????? only cat 4 5 6....!! ENFOIRES §§§
Forum: Tell Me
18 ***years ***ago
mac cartney
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18 ***years ***ago
pay once moer and GIVE ANOTHER E-MAIL......
Forum: Tell Me
18 ***years ***ago
like some others.....except he was the trunck of the stones in that moment ... and now i see the branch, the leaves,....but when i hear between 5 and 7 song with errors of chords......the trunk miss me.....
Forum: Tell Me
18 ***years ***ago
exile was at the beggining not a such great album !!!after sticky fingers everething was difficult....a few years ago it was an icon of a rock and roll/country album...... some girls always was a very good album of the "rock'n roll stones"but without the delicacy of the music we heard in exile or sticky ....
Forum: Tell Me
18 ***years ***ago
robert plant :nice (france) u2: nice porcupine tree : bataclan paris....
Forum: Tell Me
18 ***years ***ago
il ne restait que des places pelouses d'or mais bon 100$ pour un fan club qui ne met que qq places reservables .... je suis un peu deçu d'autant qu'il fait froid à 8 h devant le nikaia...
Forum: Tell Me
18 ***years ***ago
quel bordel pour avoir le code et apres de place en cat 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ..resta depuis vendredi 800place à 64€..... avez vous vos^places?????
Forum: Tell Me
18 ***years ***ago
yes if you don't want to be FOS (75€) or will be harder to get except the 8/08/06....there always ticket to sell and under the price ... same for the U2 SHOW....
Forum: Ticket Trader
18 ***years ***ago
FRANCE nice 08/08/05 64€ stand up and far 75€ stand up and near 101€ seats far non reserved 110€ seats less far and reserved 125€ seats reserved and nearer 146€ seats reserved best places for multi millionnair lol !!!
Forum: Ticket Trader
18 ***years ***ago
phd seems to have more money as the others 2platinums members (my wife and i) 100x2 = 200€ 5 places x 75 = 375€ i am happy to live at 20 mn of the show !!!! btw : i forget 5 mn after the opening presales (start 10h15 nice when you work !) there was no more good place ....
Forum: Tell Me
18 ***years ***ago
same problem to get good tickets I AM ANGRY §§§ place 64€ placement libre is stand up all around the place 75€ wich are in front of the scene to the beginning of the little scene (that one will be in the 64€ seat).. place 86€ seats in tribune to the left and the right of the honor tribune place 102.5€ seats in tribune with number under the honor tribune place 124.50€same but upper place 146.
Forum: Tell Me
18 ***years ***ago
it will be very nice and rock'n roll....
Forum: Tell Me
18 ***years ***ago
you're right,man... they should take some ricks .....maybe too old to rock'n roll and too young to.....die !!!still fantastic for the young fans and a good souvenir !!!!! i regret also only 4 new songs...pretty good the new album....
Forum: Tell Me
18 ***years ***ago
love is not blind.... we love them (i am not 60 years old, @#$%&) WE CAN CRITICIZE THEM if the forum is to say they are fantastic they play very well etc....tell us mean intelligent no yes-man...
Forum: Tell Me
18 ***years ***ago
fun still keap us alive...
Forum: Tell Me
18 ***years ***ago
i understand you i am a very fan but.....i must realyse.....
Forum: Tell Me
18 ***years ***ago
if you want it, i send the 2 DVDs of the first show for free except the price to send and for the material...5 euros....just one to make this show turn if you are the first you must do the same to someone else!!!!(maybe i'm fool)send me a message with your adress if your are the first i'll tell you you send 5 euros i send those 2DVDs....
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