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9 ***years ***ago
Some of you folks have got to be kidding... How could you still be here having the same argument about MT Vs Woody more than 5 years on? Give it a bloody rest already, no one cares anyway...
Forum: Tell Me
9 ***years ***ago
I don't trust StubHub
Forum: Tell Me
9 ***years ***ago
I wouldn't trust StubHub, they're in bed with TM
Forum: Tell Me
9 ***years ***ago
I see some of the same old naysayers are still hanging on...
Forum: Tell Me
11 ***years ***ago
Seeing/Hearing them do JJ Flash (Sans MT) at Glastonbury was all anyone needed to realize I have been right for years about the Nattering Naybobs of Negativism (e.g. Tele71, Rockman, Max's KC, et al) not knowing anything about this band with all that crap about Woody is not good enuff, they need MT, Keef has "arthritis", Mick's coc is too small, blah, blah, blah, etc., etc....
Forum: Tell Me
11 ***years ***ago
He was going to make a living selling old American Blues records on eBay...
Forum: Tell Me
11 ***years ***ago
When I saw them at MSG a few years back, it was a January date I think, they did this song, and Jagger's dancing, and prancing, and twitching, and gyrating back and forth across the stage was both amazing, and mesmerizing to watch...One of those truly unforgettable moments...
Forum: Tell Me
11 ***years ***ago
I don't try to mix sports with my rock 'n roll...
Forum: Tell Me
11 ***years ***ago
Me Three
Forum: Tell Me
11 ***years ***ago
Me, of course... btw, Keef did do some beautiful harmonies as of a couple of days ago...
Forum: Tell Me
11 ***years ***ago
Just watched a gorgeous rendition of Wild Horses with Gwen Stefani in LA, and Mick and Keith were in fine form...Once again proving the nattering naybgbs of negativism like tele71, et al, to be no nothing wa#%*rs, but somehow I expect them to keep right on with their usual posts...
Forum: Tell Me
11 ***years ***ago
Not sure if I should go since so many "experts" on here have explained over and over again, ad nauseum, why they can't do anymore shows due to Ron's drinking, Keef's arthritis, etc....
Forum: Tell Me
11 ***years ***ago
"Don't be a greedy old man" Hahaha, a lil' late for that, innit??
Forum: Tell Me
11 ***years ***ago
"now that stuff is happening" Yeah, "stuff" happens...
Forum: Tell Me
11 ***years ***ago
One Born Every Minute!!!
Forum: Tell Me
11 ***years ***ago
Why not just get them from T/M?
Forum: Tell Me
11 ***years ***ago
Yes, people will waste their money there as well... ><
Forum: Tell Me
11 ***years ***ago
"Unprecedented. Gigantically risky. And gigantically courageous and exciting." WTF?! What's "Unprecedented"?? ...a rock 'n' roll band over-charging for one of their shows and people still stupid enuff to buy? What's "risky"?? ...with the tix sales alone they rake in at least $25 Mil !! What's "courageous"?? ...daring t
Forum: Tell Me
11 ***years ***ago
"I wouldn't exclude anyone, including band members" OK, Fantasy Hour is Over Now...
Forum: Tell Me
11 ***years ***ago
"they were not a band to really take all that seriously anymore" Yeah, but "seriously" enough to spend hours posting about...
Forum: Tell Me
11 ***years ***ago
"I want to meet an idiot that would really consider this so I could smack some sense into him." Oh My!! Jealousy can be such an ugly thing...
Forum: Tell Me
11 ***years ***ago
"Tickets should be sold to fans" Hahaha, yeah, I agree, and there should also be peace on earth before Christmas Day 2012...
Forum: Tell Me
11 ***years ***ago
"money will be worth nothing at all" Oh Really? Well then i guess you will have no problem sending me ALL of your CASH!!
Forum: Tell Me
11 ***years ***ago
You mean there are people so out of touch with reality that they are actually looking for a "refund"?!
Forum: Tell Me
11 ***years ***ago
"Greed has taken over Mick" You are some weird cats...Does anyone here think the prices last time around were reasonable??
Forum: Tell Me
11 ***years ***ago
You get to clean the dressing room toilets after...
Forum: Tell Me
11 ***years ***ago
BV suggest you ban all the broke whiners, especially the ones who were convinced the band wouldn't play any more shows because of the wacky theories about Keef's "arthritis", etc., and are now complaining it's too "expensive" to see them...
Forum: Tell Me
11 ***years ***ago
This is freakin' hilarious!!! And Another One: "'s all big business to them"
Forum: Tell Me
11 ***years ***ago
Hahaha...NEWSFLASH: "I feel that these rockers are disconected from reality"
Forum: Tell Me
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