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Re: Rarities from No Security Tour
Date: April 19, 2006 01:02
yann Wrote:
> Midnight in Paris,just time to hear this song
> before going to bed,THANKS A LOT,Virgil.
6pm in Boston My Bleeping wife is giving the Bleeping look , How come your not out doing yard work.
Re: Rarities from No Security Tour
Date: April 19, 2006 03:35
yann Wrote:
> What are you talking about? I don't understand a
> word! What is "stall for rain trick"?
I have a big yard which requires a lot of back breaking work and I HATE IT.
It was cloudy today and it looked like it might rain. So I pretend I am busy on the computer, then if it rains, I say oops, looks like I can't do any yard work