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Posted by: rolling1us ()
Date: August 10, 2022 17:31

Anyone in the possession of this release of Mayflower and willing to share ?


Thanks to Elmod we already could enjoy the other 2 releases. Thanks again for this.

Posted by: TravellinMan ()
Date: August 11, 2022 20:58

IMHO there is a reluctance here to buy bootlegs that has led to a lag or absence of newer releases for uploading. I understand that people who do the recording or remastering feel ripped off when a label releases their material. But maybe the general attitude has gone a little overboard against buying silvers. I bought the Philadelphia release from Japan and am happy with it. I would have uploaded it here but elmod was quicker. And I downloaded Fort Worth from here and enjoy cd2. Like you I am waiting for someone to step forward and buy EDWARD and I imagine so are 200 or so others. Bootleg labels do provide a service.

Posted by: rolling1us ()
Date: August 11, 2022 22:35

IMHO there is a reluctance here to buy bootlegs that has led to a lag or absence of newer releases for uploading. I understand that people who do the recording or remastering feel ripped off when a label releases their material. But maybe the general attitude has gone a little overboard against buying silvers. I bought the Philadelphia release from Japan and am happy with it. I would have uploaded it here but elmod was quicker. And I downloaded Fort Worth from here and enjoy cd2. Like you I am waiting for someone to step forward and buy EDWARD and I imagine so are 200 or so others. Bootleg labels do provide a service.
you are absolutely right. If i could affort these pricey releases i would buy them and share them also. But alas i can not pay this, especcially in these expensive times. So it is certainly not my intention to profit from other peoples good fortune. If i offended anyone i am deeply sorry, that was never my intention.

Posted by: cimaz ()
Date: August 11, 2022 23:03

This title and Philadelphia Special multiband remaster are both worth to buy. They area a real improvement soundwise if you compare them with the other titles from these shows.

You can buy them for 29 USD for Happy birthday and 37 USD for Philadelphia Special (2 CD).

If you compare with some of the official products sold on the Rolling Stones official website it's not that expensive.

Posted by: TravellinMan ()
Date: August 12, 2022 02:04

IMHO there is a reluctance here to buy bootlegs that has led to a lag or absence of newer releases for uploading. I understand that people who do the recording or remastering feel ripped off when a label releases their material. But maybe the general attitude has gone a little overboard against buying silvers. I bought the Philadelphia release from Japan and am happy with it. I would have uploaded it here but elmod was quicker. And I downloaded Fort Worth from here and enjoy cd2. Like you I am waiting for someone to step forward and buy EDWARD and I imagine so are 200 or so others. Bootleg labels do provide a service.
you are absolutely right. If i could affort these pricey releases i would buy them and share them also. But alas i can not pay this, especcially in these expensive times. So it is certainly not my intention to profit from other peoples good fortune. If i offended anyone i am deeply sorry, that was never my intention.

I don't think you offended anyone, at least not me. You gave me an opportunity to say something that has been on my mind. There is not as much "trading" or "sharing" of new releases as there used to be and why. Many people on this forum are aware that it is an international board and that some fans will be very happy to get things that otherwise would cause them a financial hardship and are happy to share.

Cimaz makes a good point I think and maybe he/she would agree - who in their right mind would spend a couple hundred bucks on Absolutely Totally Ultimately Completely Stripped when they could get all three of the 1972 multi band releases for half the price?

Don't overlook stones vault and if file factory does not work for you just ask for retransfer and most o the time someone will post it for you.

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