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Since there still seems to be some confusion they only reversed the channels on the old booted track of course so as to match the version on FFSO and make them flow naturally, unlike yours which has that oddness (180 panning) where they merge.
Since there still seems to be some confusion they only reversed the channels on the old booted track of course so as to match the version on FFSO and make them flow naturally, unlike yours which has that oddness (180 panning) where they merge.
As I stated before, it´s a good idea to reverse altough it´s just a guitar tone BEFORE the start. It must be very important for you as you posted the same thing three times. Before that, you claimed that the beat would be off which is not. What comes next?
When comparing with the old known booted versions I remember noticing that many of the tracks on FFSO had their channels reversed. Did they mess things up by accident or was it done on purpose to help cover their source ? Strange, like the generally ridiculous recording dates they showed that could have been easily improved by looking at reference sites.
BTW, are there any other "improvements" you can hear on that boot over FFSO ?