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Documentaries missing in action
Posted by:
Date: December 21, 2019 22:22
I'm consolidating 3 "recent" documentaries into a single thread to try to keep a better track of any developments:
Brian Jones - The Final Truth : The Murder Of A Rolling Stone
- according to a trailer, this one was to be released in July 2019, but no further mentions have been found.
Rolling Stone - Life And Death Of Brian Jones
- this one is already starting to look like it's going the same way as "The Final Truth".
Ronnie Wood - Somebody Up There Likes Me
- I was hoping this would be a popular one and would come up one way or another. So far, no sources have appeared.
Can anybody point to any links for any of these or post any of them on Stones Vault?
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2019-12-21 22:25 by stonesman87.