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Oh f...!
Can somebody post it with "normal" extentions like .rar or .zip, PLEASE?
I don't want to install new program to open fancy and rarely used .7z.001 - or something like that crazyness.
Thanks in advance.
.7z.001 extension I see for the first time in my life. Thanks God it's minor minority among usually used exhtensions here and everywhere. How many times in last 3 months it was usued on this blog? Hm? Never!
I have no problem with .7z extension which I simply change name to .zip and open without problem.
But music file was .7z.001 and changing the name did not work
This might help
For everyone who has problems or doesn't know how to unpack z01, z02, files, follow this simple procedure: open only the zip files (ignore z01, z02 etc...), select the content and extract somewhere. That's all.
This might help
For everyone who has problems or doesn't know how to unpack z01, z02, files, follow this simple procedure: open only the zip files (ignore z01, z02 etc...), select the content and extract somewhere. That's all.
But ALL music files have added .001 or .002 or .003 or .004. If only one of them was left with .7z then it wouldn't be problem - I think. However in this configuration your method won't work.